kHz | | Miles (km) |
531 | ALGERIA R.Algérienne, F'kirina Wilaya d'Oum El Bouaghi 12Jan2013 2220 - Good; techno pop parallel 549 kHz. 03Jul2015 0400 - Fair; time signal, ID and jingle parallel 549 kHz. 12Oct2017 2259 - Fair; a quick Jil FM ID into a techno music bed, then canned time marker and Jil FM ID followed by show intro with 20th Century Fox movie sounder, parallel 549 kHz. 20Jun2021 0200 - Fair; Radio Algerie International. Listen to mp3 audio clip. 05Oct2023 2359 - Good; woman in French, quick ID in English, "This is Radio Algeria International," then woman continued. Listen to mp3 audio clip. | 4102 (6600) |
531 | FAROE ISLANDS Kringvarp Føroya Utvarpid, Akraberg 07Feb2010 0155 - Good, over Spain; continuous pop/folk music without announcements through the hour. Reported inactive, June 2017. | 2892 (4654) |
531 | IRAN IRIB R.Iran, Hamadan 27Sep2013 0235 - Over Jil FM during transmitter site dawn enhancement; alternating between speaker and Koran, parallel 936 kHz. | 5895 (9488) |
531 | SPAIN RNE5 synchros 16Sep2013 0300 - Fair in 530 CIAO splatter; time marker and fanfare into news. 13Oct2013 0200 - Under Algeria; time marker and servicios informativos parallel 585 kHz. | |
549 | ALGERIA Jil FM, Sidi Hamadouche 07Feb2013 0559 - Good; marching band national anthem, then woman in French. 06Dec2013 0100 - Good; time marker, Jil FM ID and jingle into an urban contemporary Mideast vocal, parallel a weak 531 signal. 29Sep2014 0400 - Good; techno Jil FM jingle, African-influenced techno pop music. Listen to mp3 audio clip. 03Jul2015 0400 - Good; time signal with Jil FM ID followed by Jil FM jingle into contemporary Arabic vocal. Listen to mp3 audio clip. 14Oct2017 0100 - Good; canned time marker and ID, Jil FM jingle, and "King of Pain" by The Police, parallel 531 kHz. | 3741 (6021) |
576 | ALGERIA R.Algérienne, Béchar 12Jan2020 0300 - Fair; Koranic vocal parallel 891 and 1422 kHz.26Sep2020 2345 - Fair; Koran parallel 1422 kHz. | |
585 | IRAN IRIB R.Farhang, Tehran 24Oct2020 0000 - Fair, surprised to find this instead of Spain; announcements with flute interludes. At 0100 over Spain; more announcements interspersed with flute music. | |
585 | SPAIN RNE1 Madrid 03Oct2017 0300 - Fair; usual marker and time checks into "Radio Nacional de España, servicios informativos." | |
594 | SAUDI ARABIA SBC R.Riyadh, Duba 04Apr2020 0300 - Fair; news with signature emphasis music between items. Narrow 2.2 kHz bandwidth engaged to eliminate loud het from 595.9 Morocco. | |
596 | MOROCCO SNRT Oujda 16Oct2010 2330 - Measured 594.998 kHz, s3 signal strength not enough for audio, producing a het against 594 kHz. WRTH and the latest mwoffsets data indicate Morocco on 595 kHz. 17Mar2014 0300 - Loud het against unID 594 kHz. 24Oct2020 0200 - Solid s7 signal, easily 10 dB stronger than adjacent 594 Saudi Arabia but as usual under modulated. 30Oct2020 0400 - Good signal but poorly modulated as usual; measured at 595.897 kHz. | |
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603 | FRANCE France Info, Tramoyes 12Jan2013 2200 - Good; France Info mentioned into fanfare and news. France Info MW radio stations all closed 31 Dec 2015. | 3648 (5870) |
603 | SPAIN RNE5 Palencia//Sevilla 25Sep2015 0549 – Poor; news/talk parallel 585 and 855 kHz. 13Jan2018 0600 - Fair; time marker and checks, "Radio Nacional de España, servicios informativos." | |
611 | MOROCCO SNRT Sebaa-Aioun 27Oct2013 2250 - Noted after reading CapeDX/mwoffsets report from Mark Connelly. Measured 610.999 kHz. Presumed Spain 612 also observed on spectrum analyzer. 612 Spain noted dominant with loud 611 het on Netherlands WebSDR. 611 presumed Morocco based on various reports. | 3354 (5719) |
639 | CZECH REPUBLIC Ceský rozhlas, Liblice//Svinov 19Jan2018 2259 - Poor; orchestral national anthem. | |
639 | SPAIN RNE1 La Coruña et al. 12Jan2013 2225 - Good; sports commentary parallel 585 kHz. | 3117 (5015) |
648 | UNITED KINGDOM BBC World Service, Orfordness 27Feb2010 0130 - Good; web promo and BBC news in English. Very rare! Off the air. | 3340 (5375) |
657 | ITALY Rai Radiouno, Pisa 26Jan2018 2300 - Poor through Spain; sign-off test tones. 21Nov2020 0600 - Surprised to find this breaking through 660 WFAN interference at this hour; familiar top of the hour data burst (sounds like fast Morse code) and time marker. | |
666 | PORTUGAL RDP Antena 1 synchros 09Dec2012 0300 - Poor; distinct RDP time signal. | |
675 | LIBYA Libyan Jamahiriya/R.Libya, Benghazi 07Mar2010 2335 - Excellent! Koranic recitations parallel 828 kHz. 27Aug2016 0100 - Fair, solid signal; speaker in Arabic through the hour without a break. October 2016 - Drifted high, offset frequency 677.5 kHz. 03Oct2017 0300 - Het against local 680 WRKO Boston; measured 677.496 kHz. | 4808 (7737) |
675 | NETHERLANDS R.Maria, Lopik 13Jan2013 0124 - Good; church music. Off the air, radio station closed. | 3480 (5599) |
684 | SPAIN RNE1 Sevilla 23Oct2013 0400 - Good; time marker and Spain/Canaries time checks, then electronic fanfare into news, "Las mañanas de Radio Nacional de España, Alfredo Menéndez." | 3416 (5497) |
693 | SPAIN RNE1 synchros 28Oct2011 2307 - Fair; woman in Spanish parallel 855 kHz. 13OCT2013 0100 - Good; marker and time check, "Son las tres, las dos en Canarias," into news, "Radio Nacional de España, servicios informativos," parallel 585, 639, 729, 738, 855, 1107 kHz. This frequency noted in particular because co-channel BBC Five Live is typically dominant. | |
693 | AZORES RDP Açores Antena 1, Terceira 12Sep2010 0259 - Under BBC5; flute instrumental and time marker parallel RDP 666 and 720 kHz. | |
693 | UNITED KINGDOM BBC Radio 5, Droitwich et al. 12Jan2013 0330 - Good; discussion ending with announcement of phone number 8-500-909-693. 13Mar2013 0100 - Fair; "...BBC Radio Five Live" and 1 o'clock time check into Five Live News. 24Sep2017 0001 - Fair; promo by presenter, "...on the Five Live website right now," and ID, "This is BBC Five Live," time check into news. 11Feb2018 0500 - Good; canned ID, "The best live sport, this is BBC Five Live," and 5 o'clock time check into news. 19Sep2020 0100 - Fair; "You're listening to BBC local radio together with BBC Radio Five Live" into BBC news at 2 o'clock. | 3187 (5128) |
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702 | ALGERIA R.Laghouat/R.Algérienne, Laghouat 27Nov2020 0100 - Fair; announcement and Koran parallel 1422 kHz. Iran had been dominant lately, but not tonight due to geomagnetic disturbance. 12Dec2020 2258 - Good; announcements in French with string instrumental interludes. 13Dec2020 0101 - Fair; Koran parallel 1422 kHz. | |
702 | IRAN VOIRI/IRIB World Service Rasht-Kiashahr 27Feb2010 0145 - Fair to good; talk and Koranic recitations. Went into a deep fade on the hour of course. 0235 Koranic recitations. 0310 Russian program, unequivocally parallel 9510 kHz. 22Sep2013 0000 - Briefly good before fading to barely audible; woman in unID language and Mideast or African flute instrumental. 27Sep2013 0000 - Koranic recitation through the hour. 0058 guitar instrumental, then Koranic recitation, unequivocally parallel "Studio 110 worldservice" Aztabriz stream of VOIRI at 0220 transmitter site dawn, signal still going strong, a solid s9 with Koranic choral vocal. 18Mar2014 0040 - Fair; speaker parallel Aztabriz stream. 11Feb2018 0000 - Fair; music with poetic speaker or storyteller in non-Arabic (Farsi?) language, parallel 1512 kHz. "Could also be Talysh or other Ardabil province language, but according to my respective clips definitely parallel 1512 kHz Ardabil," said Mauno Ritola in RealDX, "Seems, that Kiashahr has expanded their hours and starts before 0000 with this Ardabil relay and then at 0100 goes to VOIRI Azeri parallel 1323 kHz." Later heard heated discussion, sounded like a radio drama, still parallel 1512 kHz. 11Oct2020 0000 - Fair; choral national anthem. 18Oct2020 0158 - Good; announcement with Iran or Tehran and Islam mentions, Persian guitar music. 24Oct2020 0100 - Fair; choral national anthem, then Koran. 15Nov2020 0100 - Fair; choral national anthem. | 5800 (9335) |
711 | FRANCE France Info, Rennes 23Nov2011 2038 - 40 minutes before receiver sunset. Poor to fair, but easily separated from nulled 710 WOR; man and woman in French. 26Oct2013 2300 - Good over hum of 711.11 Western Sahara het; "...France Info" into fanfare and "Le journal" news. France Info MW radio stations all closed 31 Dec 2015. | |
711 | WESTERN SAHARA SNRT Laayoune 09Dec2012 0206 - Loud het against 711 France Info. Measured 711.111 kHz. Calibration checked against 710.000 WOR and 711.000 France Info. 06Nov2015 0500 - Fair; choral Morocco national anthem. Measured on-frequency at 711.0 kHz with no het. | |
738 | SPAIN RNE1 Barcelona 25Sep2014 0400 - Good, the strongest signal from Spain at this moment; time marker, "Son las seis, las cinco en Canarias... las mañanas de Radio Nacional de España" into news, parallel fair 585 and 855 kHz. | |
747 | CANARY ISLANDS//SPAIN RNE5 synchros 28Oct2011 2318 - Fading up to excellent level; discussion in Spanish. 27Nov2011 2200 - Good, over unID; time marker, fanfare, "Radio Nacional de España, Informativos," parallel 1098 and 1152 RNE5, not parallel 774 or 855 RNE1 which had sports coverage. | |
747 | NETHERLANDS Radio 5 Nostalgia, Zeewolde 12Jan13 2226 - Excellent; pipe organ instrumental, 2230 woman in Dutch, then more organ music. 13Mar2013 0200 - Fair; canned ID with "Radio Vijf, Nostalgia" jingle, then time marker and news. Off the air, radio station closed. | 3485 (5607) |
756 | GERMANY Deutschlandfunk, Braunschweig//Ravensburg 11Jan2013 2256 - Good; woman in German. 2300 usual "Deutschlandfunk" backed by electronic fanfare, then time signal and news. 31Dec2015 - Off the air, radio station closed. | |
756 | SPAIN R.Euskadi, Ganguren 17Apr2010 0038 - Good with talk, no sign of Germany although 6190 Deutschlandfunk was strong. Off the air, radio station closed. | |
765 | SWITZERLAND RSR Option Musique, Sottens 12Feb2010 0100 - Fair, over unID Koranic vocals; Option Musique jingle and RSR ID into news in French. 06Sep2010 0045 - Good; Option Musique jingle, adult contemporary vocals. 10Dec2010 2125 - Good; repeating message by a woman in French with piano instrumental. This message had been running all week with the transmitter to be retired permanently. Option Musique held its on-air farewell party and signed off MW on December 5. 26Dec2010 2200 - Fair; still broadcasting a repeating message with piano background music. Off the air, radio station closed. | 3701 (5956) |
774 | EGYPT ERTU Abis 20Feb2017 2300 - Drifting high, measured at 774.170 kHz. Reports in the mwoffsets group varied from 774.165 to 774.169 kHz. Previously measured as high as 774.38 kHz. Iran at 773.968 kHz also observed. 22Mar2020 0100 - Over/under Spain; delayed time marker (30 seconds after Spain), then Middle East Radio fanfare. | |
783 | GERMANY MDR Info, Leipzig-Wiederau 26Mar2010 0000 - Fair, over unID time pips; time marker and MDR Info with fanfare into news. Off the air, radio station closed. | |
783 | MAURITANIA R.Mauritanie Chaine 1, Nouakchott 06Sep2010 0030 - Good; speaker parallel 4845 kHz. 07Jan2013 0035 - Good; speaker parallel a weak 7245 kHz. 1Jan16 2240 - Fair; discussion between a man and woman parallel R.Mauritanie 93.3 FM streaming audio. | |
783 | SYRIA Radio of Syrian Arab Republic, Tartus 27Feb2010 0215 - Good; Koranic vocals and string music. 0300 over unID; several cycles of interval signal. 28Nov2011 0055 - Under R.Mauritanie talk program; wailing vocal accompanied by drumming and strings parallel 828 kHz. 21Mar2014 0501 - Fair; guitar interval signal of R.Damascus and national anthem. Listen to mp3 audio clip of interval signal and anthem opening. 24Oct2015 0200 - Fair; Middle Eastern vocal, brief announcement, and several reps of guitar interval signal. | 5400 (8691) |
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810 | SCOTLAND BBC R.Scotland synchros 27Nov2011 2300 - Synchro echo, over WGY; "BBC Radio Scotland," then ID with fanfare, "...and on digital, BBC Radio Scotland," and news. | |
819 | EGYPT ERTU Batrah 28Nov2011 0140 - Good; speaker with flute and string interludes, then a female Arabic vocal, parallel R.Cairo and ERTU News Talk streams on Delicast. | 5393 (8680) |
828 | LIBYA Libyan Jamahiriya/R.Libya, Sabha 07Mar2010 2335 - Good; Koranic recitations parallel 675 kHz. | 4791 (7710) |
828 | SYRIA Radio of Syrian Arab Republic, Deir-el-Zawr 28Nov2011 0040 - Good; vocal accompanied by drumming and strings, parallel 783 kHz. | 5550 (8932) |
837 | FRANCE France Info, Nancy 13Mar2013 0240 - Good; jazz scat vocal, then man and woman in French, parallel 945 and 1206 kHz. 31Dec2015 - Off the air, radio station closed. | |
837.1 | IRAN IRIB R.Isfahan, Isfahan 18Sep2013 0000 - Poor; co-channel France Info intro music to news, then the choral national anthem popped up, identical to an Iran anthem on the interval signals website. 03Jan2020 2030 - Fair; three gongs of IRIB interval signal, announcement, and acapella military marching song intro to national program. 19Sep2020 0058 - Fair; Koranic recitations and vocals. 16Jan2021 2200 - Constant subaudible het against 837 COPE; speaker continued through the hour. Measured 837.118 kHz. | 6117 (9844) |
837 | SPAIN COPE Sevilla 09Feb2018 2259 - Poor in 840 WRYM splatter; woman with promo/ID ending "...Cope Sevilla." 10Feb2018 2300 - Over unID Koran (likely Iran); ad string to time marker, "Cope, estar informado." | |
855 | ROMANIA România Actualitati, Tancabesti 17Oct2010 0213 - Fair; choral music parallel 1152 and 1179 kHz. 18Sep2013 0156 - Over Spain; long version of choral national anthem. 16Jan2021 2200 - Good, over Spain; "Aici Bucurest, Radio România Actualitati, ora exacta," ID and time marker into news. | |
855 | SPAIN RNE1 Murcia et al. 24Jan2012 0200 - Good with synchro echo; time marker, fanfare, "Radio Nacional de España, Informativos." 24Oct2015 0500 - Fair; bumper music, time marker, "Radio Nacional de España, servicios informativos," 6:00 a.m. Saturday in Spain. "Las Mañanas de Radio Nacional, España a las seis" heard weekday mornings at this time. 04Jan2020 2200 - Good with synchro echo; "24 horas, Radio Nacional de España, Ana Marta Ersoch," parallel almost as strong 747 kHz. | |
864 | ARMENIA R.Free Europe/R.Liberty, Gavar 28Nov2011 0159 - Through France Info; "This is Radio Free Europe, Radio Liberty... (Gavar?)," beep... repeated several times up to the hour. Listen to mp3 audio clip. | 5482 (8822) |
864 | EGYPT Holy Koran Program, Santah 18Sep2013 0300 - Fair; Koranic recitation through the hour. 23Dec2020 2200 - Good; ID, "Quran... min al-qahira" and Koran. | 5398 (8688) |
864 | FRANCE France Bleu, Villebon-sur-Yvette 27Dec2013 1000 - Weak signal noted at 864.006 kHz, phased antennas aimed north. Most likely this as the mwoffsets database lists France Bleu on the high side. 31Dec15 - Off the air, radio station closed. | |
873 | SPAIN SER synchros 02Jan2012 0400 - Fair; time marker, "Cadena Ser, servicios informativos," parallel 1116 kHz. | |
882 | UNITED KINGDOM BBC R.Wales, Washford et al. 23Nov2011 2058 - Fair with synchro echo, music leading up to the hour but ID lost in a burst of domestic splatter. 28Nov2011 0158 - Good; classical music, R.Wales promo and BBC World Service promo into news. 04Jan2014 0020 - Fair; mix of instrumentals and pop oldies, telephone talk between selections. Audio sounded hollow due to slight synchro delay. 11Feb2018 0200 - Good; promo, "...on the BBC World Service, the world's radio station," and time marker into news. 15Mar2020 0300 - Fair; "The BBC World Service, the world's radio station," to time pips and news. | |
891 | ALGERIA R.Algerienne, Ouled Fayet 18Feb2017 0400 - Fair; continuous 1 kHz tone. | |
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909 | UNITED KINGDOM BBC Radio 5 synchros 23Nov2011 2042 - Talk parallel 693 kHz; barely readable audio squeezed between local 900 WGHM modulation and 910 domestics with 1.8 kHz filter engaged. 27Nov2011 2300 - Good, solid s9; "...taking your calls live here 'til one o'clock," then hourly ID, "On digital and online, this is BBC Radio, Five Live" into more phone calls, "...about the life and career of Gary Speed, he's died at the age of 42." | |
917 | NIGERIA R.Gotel, Yola 31Dec2015 2300 - Het against a weak unID 918 kHz. 12Aug2017 0400 - Solid s5 signal, enough to observe over the noise floor on the SDR spectrum analyzer but not enough for audio. | 5491 (8837) |
927 | BELGIUM RVInfo, Wolvertem 28Feb2010 0512 - Fair; pop music parallel RVInfo (RVi) streaming audio. | |
936 | IRAN IRIB R.Iran/R.Urmia, Miandoab//Urumiyeh 08Dec2012 2355 - Fair; instrumental music and talk parallel R.Iran stream. 17Sep2013 2330 - Good to excellent; vocal with setar, brief announcement in Farsi, mentioned "Radyoe Iran" and "Sedaye Jomhuriye Islamiye Iran," then back to setar music. 17Mar2014 0100 - Fading in/out all evening; apparent regional program not parallel R.Iran web stream. 18Mar2014 0000 - Fair; string instrumental, parallel web stream. 03Jan2020 2030 - Poor; three gong IRIB interval signal. | |
936 | ITALY Rai Radiouno synchros 23Dec2011 0050 - Over presumed Iran; test tones parallel 1062 and 1116 kHz. | |
936 | SAUDI ARABIA BSKSA Riyadh 06Sep2015 2340 – Observed off-frequency signal at 935.978 kHz along with cluster at 936 kHz. Mauno Ritola checked this via the Qatar Perseus, "Looks like it is Saudi Radio, most probably Riyadh, because there was another signal with same program but with delay and much weaker on 936.000 kHz." | |
936 | SPAIN RNE5 synchros 28Nov2011 0000 - Through strong open carrier; time marker and fanfare into news. 04Dec2011 0120 - Good; talk parallel 1107 kHz. | |
945 | ANGOLA R.N'gola Yetu, Mulenvos 31Dec2015 2200 - Huge signal but very weak modulation; African-sounding music and talk. By 2300 the signal faded to the noise floor. Suspect Angola if still active. | |
945 | FRANCE France Info, Toulouse 12Jan2013 0050 - Good; in-studio discussion in French with piano interludes. 31Dec2015 - Off the air, radio station closed. | 3564 (5734) |
954 | CZECH REPUBLIC Ceský rozhlas synchros 09Dec2012 2258 - Fair; news/talk in Czech, orchestral national anthem. | |
954 | TURKEY TRT Trabzon 20Sep2020 0258 - Fair; interval signal and choral national anthem. 15Nov2020 0258 - Fair; interval signal and choral national anthem. | |
963 | FINLAND Radio 86, Pori 27Feb2010 0358 - Good; CRI contact info, time marker, and the now familiar "Mezhdunarodnoye Radio Kitaya" ID. 12Jan2013 0500 - Good; R.Kitaya ID with Chinese music, then pop music. Off the air, radio station closed. | 3793 (6103) |
963 | TUNISIA R.Tunisienne Cultural, Tunis 09Dec2012 0340 - 1 kHz test tone popped up while listening for a R.Kitaya ID from Finland. Test tone continued until 0500 UTC. "I can hear the test tone under CRI and then start of a national anthem, which I believe is from Tunisia," reported Mauno Ritola on RealDX. | 4201 (6761) |
972 | GERMANY NDR Info, Hamburg 10Dec2012 0200 - Good; musical time marker, "ARD Info" and woman in German with news. 16Sep2013 0300 - Fair; "ARD Info, Nachtricten" into news in German. Off the air, radio station closed. | |
972 | LIBYA Libyan Jamahiriya/R.Libya, Sirte 19Sep2010 0020 - Good; female speaker over "Chariots of Fire" music bed, then rustic vocals. Later in the hour heard what sounded like a radio drama with James Bond style music interludes. | 4725 (7604) |
999 | MOLDOVA VOR Maiac 12Jan2012 2140 - Fair; man in Russian. 27Oct2013 2200 - Fair; "Golos Rossii" with what sounded like mention of the frequency, distinctive time marker into news. | 4587 (7380) |
999 | SAUDI ARABIA SBC R.Quran, Tabuk 08Oct2011 2250 - Presumed; briefly strong with Koranic recitations, unable to establish parallel with streaming audio before sinking under COPE Spain. 27Nov2011 2258 - Fair; Koranic recitation through the hour. | 5750 (9254) |
999 | SPAIN COPE Madrid 10Feb2018 2200 - Good; time marker and checks, "Ultima hora en Cope, estar informado." | |
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1017 | GERMANY SWR Cont.Ra, Wolfsheim 02Mar2010 2310 - Fair; man and woman with MDR Info news/talk in German. Off the air, radio station closed. | |
1017 | SPAIN RNE5 synchros 30Jan2014 2159 - Fair; new age instrumental bumper, marker and Spain/Canaries time check, "24 Horas, Radio Nacional de España, Miguel Angel Domínguez." | |
1035 | PORTUGAL Star FM, Belmonte 12Nov2011 0213 - Through 1030 WBZ analog splatter; Santana "Black Magic Woman" parallel streaming audio and online playlist. Off the air, radio station closed. | |
1044 | SPAIN SER R.San Sebastián, San Sebastián 13Oct2017 0059 - Fair; promo for Radio San Sebastián punto com, fanfare into "Cadena Ser, servicios informativos." | |
1053.1 | LIBYA Libyan Jamahiriya/R.Libya, Tripoli 09Dec2012 0109 - Loud het against 1052.998 TalkSport. Measured 1053.101 kHz. Calibration checked against 1049.998 WEPN which matches mwoffsets data. | |
1053 | ROMANIA R.Iasi, Iasi 19Sep2010 0250-0255 - Loud 1 kHz test tone, obliterating TalkSport. 0255 choral national anthem. 08Feb2020 0358 - Over/under TalkSport in 1050 WEPN interference; choral national anthem sign-on. 18Apr2020 0258 - Poor; choral national anthem. | 4523 (7279) |
1053 | UNITED KINGDOM TalkSport synchros 29Jan2014 0257 - Fair; telephone talk, "Good morning mate..." and talk about Merseyside, then promo for next hour about World Cup into news headlines. | |
1062 | DENMARK Danmarks Radio, Kalundborg 26Feb2010 0438 - Excellent; pre sign-on open carrier first noted at this time. 0440 began alternating between two cycles of interval signal and ID. Listen to mp3 audio clip. 27Jun2011 - Off the air, radio station closed. | 3613 (5815) |
1062 | IRAN IRIB R.Iran, Kerman 09Dec2012 0040 - Brief good fade ins; Middle Eastern music parallel 936 and 1503 kHz. | |
1062 | ITALY Rai Radiouno synchros 25Jan2012 2300 - Signing off as usual with test tones, carrier off at 2301 UTC. 03Jan2014 2300 - Het against 1060 WQOM, off by 2301 UTC. | |
1071 | EGYPT ERTU Abu Za'bal-Cairo 04Apr2020 0300 - Poor; brief announcement, then typical dramatic Mideast orchestra flourish into news. Frequency offset high, measured 1071.018 kHz. | |
1071 | IRAN IRIB R.Maaref, Qom 03Jan2020 2031 - Barely over unID (not Saudi Arabia); acapella military marching intro to national program. | 5981 (9625) |
1089 | RUSSIA Vesti FM, Tbilisskaya 13Mar2014 0300 - Fair, over TalkSport; time marker, canned ID, "Radio, Vesti FM," into news. Listen to mp3 audio clip. Dawn enhancement; Tbilisskaya sunrise 0336 UTC. | 5059 (8141) |
1089 | UNITED KINGDOM TalkSport synchros 11Jan2013 2348 - Good; "...on TalkSport" into ad string. 01Feb2013 2145 - Good; Jackson 5 "Rockin' Robin" bumper music and Manchester United football game summary. 12Mar2013 2359 - Fair; presenter with what's coming up in the last hour of The Sports Bar program, "Good morning" into news. 24Sep2017 0500 - Fair; presenter, " on TalkSport extra time." | |
1098 | CHINA CNR Golmud, Qinghai 11Feb2018 2300 - Weak but alone in domestic splatter with no sign of Spain; orchestral fanfare and announcement by woman. "This is certainly the Chinese superpower station located in Qinghai," said Mika Makelainen in RealDX. Listen to noisy audio clip. | 6919(11135) |
1098 | SPAIN RNE5 synchros 28Feb2013 2300 - Fair with synchro echo; time signal and fanfare, "Radio Nacional de España, informativos." | |
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1107 | SPAIN RNE5 synchros 13Mar2013 0000 - Fair with synchro echo; "Radio Nacional de España, informativos." | |
1116 | IRAN IRIB R.Iran, Bandar Lengeh 09Dec2012 0005 - Over/under Spain; Middle Eastern music and talk parallel 936 kHz. | |
1116 | SPAIN SER R.Pontevedra, Pontevedra 28Dec2010 0157 - Fair, over unID; telephone talk, quick "Radio Pontevedra" ID into break, 0200 time marker, fanfare, "Cadena Ser, servicios informativos." | |
1125 | IRAN IRIB R.Qazvin, Qazvin 20Sep2020 0100 - In pile up with Spain; identified by offset measured at 1124.944/5 kHz. Offset unID's also observed at 1124.954/5 and 1124.974 kHz, with RNE Spain at 1125.000 kHz. | |
1134 | CROATIA Hrvatske Radio, Zadar 12Jan2013 2142 - Good; pop/rock vocals. 26Oct2013 2200 - Good; 'slow' time marker, fanfare, "Hrvatski Radio, Prvi programa," and news. 01Jan2014 - Off the air, radio station closed. | 4143 (6666) |
1134 | KUWAIT R.Kuwait, Kabd 11Apr2020 0100 - In 1130 WBBR interference; flute up to time marker and news. | |
1152 | ROMANIA R.România Actualitati, Cluj 09Dec2012 0300 - Fair; solemn vocal interrupted for time marker and brief announcement, then vocal continued, parallel 1179 kHz. 12Jan2013 0425 - Fair; man and woman with news/feature piece, then pop music, parallel 1332 kHz. 14Oct2017 0158 - Good; choral national anthem, "Ora exacta" and time marker into news. Parallels logged at 1179, 1332, 1422, and 1458 kHz. 22Mar2020 0258 - Over Spain; choral national anthem. 29Mar2020 0400 - Good; ora exacta without usual preceding R.Romania Actualitati ID, time marker into Radio Jurnal. Actualitati website program schedule lists Radio Jurnal 0700-0715 (0400-0415 UTC). | 4387 (7059) |
1152 | SPAIN RNE5 synchros 25Jan2012 2300 - Fair with synchro echo; time marker and fanfare into news. | |
1179 | ROMANIA R.România Actualitati, Galbeni-Bacau et al. 01Jan2012 2248 - Good; Romanian or more likely the Russian version of Mary Hopkin's "Those Were the Days." 12Jan2013 0426 - Fair but with deep fade outs; pop music parallel 1152 kHz. 15Jan2021 2200 - Fair; ora exacta ID and time marker into news. | 4521 (7274) |
1179 | SWEDEN R.Sweden International, Sölvesborg 09Jan2010 2225 - Excellent; Swedish program, 2230 interval signal, "You're listening to Radio Sweden, broadcasting to Europe on medium wave 1179 kilohertz. Stay tuned for half hour programs in English." 13Feb2010 2240 - Good; English program, feature story about national identity. 2300 into foreign language, Romany program per WRTH. Suddenly disappeared at 2359, leaving Romania with a fair signal in 1180 WHAM slop. 31Oct2010 - Off the air, radio station closed. | 3732 (6007) |
1188 | HUNGARY Nemzetiségi Adások, Marcali//Szolnok 06Jan2024 0700 - Het against 1190 WLIB and WTSD. Transmitter site dawn enhancement, Marcali sunrise 0637 UTC. Too late for co-channel Iran. | |
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1206 | FRANCE France Info, Bordeaux 30Mar2012 0510 - Good; news/talk parallel 1557 kHz. 09Dec2012 2145 - Good; break during football coverage, France Info music and ID. 31Dec2015 - Off the air, radio station closed. | 3449 (5551) |
1215 | ALBANIA CRI Fllakë 06Oct2013 2159 - Offset het against 1215 Absolute Radio, measured 1215.107 kHz. Signed off at 2200 UTC. 26Oct2013 2135 - Loud het against 1215 Absolute Radio. Measured 1215.132 kHz. 28Jan2014 2300 - Loud het against 1215 Absolute Radio, measured 1215.182 kHz; off promptly a few seconds past the hour. Off the air, radio station closed. | |
1215 | KALININGRAD VOR/Vesti FM Bolshakovo 04Sep2010 0500 - Under Absolute Radio; signature "Bells of Kiev." 20Feb2012 2300 - Fair but alone on the frequency; classical instrumental with announcement for Voice of Russia World Service in English, then gone. 18Mar2014 0100 - Good, over Absolute Radio; time marker and check, canned ID, "Radio, Vesti FM," parallel 1089 kHz. Off the air. | 3976 (6399) |
1215 | UNITED KINGDOM Absolute Radio synchros 12Jan2013 2135 - Good; Van Halen "Jump," woman presenter, and Thin Lizzy "Cowboy Song." 28Feb2013 2252 - Fair; canned Absolute Radio promo/ID, Harry Chapin "Cat's in the Cradle," then a promo for the morning show and festival ticket giveaway into ad string, promo. 18Dec2013 2005 - Bits of rock music heard; among a number of transatlantic signals at 3:00 p.m. EST including 693, 882, 936, 1098, 1134, 1143, 1206, 1413, 1521, and 1557 kHz. Absolute Radio the only signal with readable audio this early. 24Sep2017 0301 - Good; canned ID, "Online, on mobile, and on digital radio, where real music matters, this is Absolute Radio," and news, "The main stories this hour..." 12Dec2020 2259 - Good; "Give the gift of digital radio," then "Through the Decades" promo/ID into "All Along the Watchtower" by Jimi Hendrix. 19Dec2020 1000 - Poor, but still somewhat readable at this hour; ad string including McDonald's whistling sounder, then news. | |
1242 | FRANCE France Info, Marseille 12Jan2013 0501 - Good; fanfare into "le journal" news. 31Dec2015 - Off the air, radio station closed. | 3745 (6026) |
1251 | LIBYA Tripoli 04Nov2011 2300 - Presumed with huge signal, no audio, either an open carrier or extremely weak modulation. | 4483 (7215) |
1269 | GERMANY Deutschlandfunk, Neumunster 07Dec2012 0100 - Fair; "Deutschlandfunk" with electronic fanfare, time marker and news parallel 756 and 1422 kHz. 31Dec2015 - Off the air, radio station closed. | 3612 (5813) |
1287 | SPAIN SER Burgos//Lleida//Lugo 23Apr2016 0458 - Poor to good; talk, bumper music, time marker on the hour and SER music into news in Spanish. | |
1296 | SPAIN COPE Valencia 25Mar2012 0030 - Fair; talk in Spanish, time marker on the bottom of the hour with Cadena Cope mention, then back to talk. | |
1296 | SUDAN SNBC Reiba 06Sep2010 0240 - Fair, over 1296.31 Spain; Koranic recitations, parallel 7200 kHz. 09Oct2011 0100 - Good; Koranic vocals through the hour. 0109 now loud with talk in Arabic, 0125 distinctive Koranic vocals with drumming. SNBC 91.0 FM streaming audio via parallel but delayed by a couple minutes. | |
1296 | UNITED KINGDOM Radio XL, Birmingham 05Oct2017 0300 - Poor; "...this is Radio XL" into news. | |
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1305 | IRAN IRIB Bushehr 17Oct2010 0238 - Noted offset measured at 1305.087 kHz, listed in mwoffset data as Iran, producing a weak het against 1305 Spain. | |
1305 | SPAIN RNE5 synchros 24Feb2012 2228 - Good; talk parallel 1413 kHz. | |
1314 | UNITED ARAB EMIRITES R.Farda, Al Dhabbaya 09Oct2011 2240 - Good; Kansas "Dust in the Wind" parallel streaming audio. 24Feb2012 2220 - Good; music and talk parallel good 7520 kHz. | |
1314 | ROMANIA Antena Satelor, Constanta 17Feb2020 0358 - Pre sign-on test tone up to the hour; listed 0350 sign-on while the other two co-channel Romania radio stations are listed as 24 hour operations. | |
1323 | GERMANY VOR Wachenbrunn 27Mar2011 0500 - Poor in 1320 WDER splatter; time marker and fanfare into news. 17Dec2011 0520 - Fair; English program. Off the air, radio station closed. | |
1323 | ROMANIA R.România Tîrgu-Mures, Tîrgu-Mures 12Jan2013 0440 - Poor to fair, over/under unID; nostalgic vocals parallel stream. | 4430 (7129) |
1332 | IRAN R.Tehran, Tehran 02Oct2010 2335 - Fair to good; Koranic vocals and contemporary Middle Eastern music parallel streaming audio. | 5951 (9577) |
1332 | ROMANIA R.România Actualitati, Galati 12Jan2013 0420 - Fair; pop music parallel stream. 14Oct2017 0158 - Good; choral national anthem, "Ora exacta" and time marker into news, parallel 1152 kHz. | 4612 (7421) |
1341 | NORTHERN IRELAND BBC R.Ulster, Lisnagarvey 27Mar2011 0400 - Fair in 1340 splatter; "On digital and online, this is BBC Radio, Five Live" into news. 09Oct2011 2248 - Fair; Irish folk music parallel streaming audio. 18Nov2011 2325 - Fair; Irish folk music. 26Nov2011 2100 - Fair; fanfare, "...this is BBC Radio Ulster" into news. | |
1359 | ETHIOPIA Voice of the Tigray Revolution, Mekele 08Aug2021 0300 - Fair to good; traditional washint flute music through the hour. | |
1377 | FRANCE France Info, Lille 14Mar2013 0500 - Fair; fanfare, "Le journal sur France Info... bonjour." 31Dec2015 - Off the air, radio station closed. | |
1386 | LITHUANIA R.Baltic Waves, Viesintos 13Aug2017 0158 - Briefly good signal at tune-in, then faded out; woman in Russian. 20Sep2020 0400 - Fair; "Radio Poland" ID. 17Oct2020 0359 - Poor to fair; NHK program in English, "And that wraps up this edition of... until then, sayonara." Listed as NHK World in Russian at this time. 0400 time marker and start of Radio Poland broadcast. 18Oct2020 0400 - Fading up to good level; "Radio Poland, external service." | |
1386 | SPAIN Euskadi Irratia, Bilbao 30Mar2012 0524 - Fair; woman with news/talk parallel 1476 kHz. May 2013 - Off the air, radio station closed. | |
1394.85 | ALBANIA TWR Fllakë 11Nov2011 2125 - Fair; slow deliberate speaker, then announcement by a woman, 2130 one cycle of TWR interval signal and off. Measured 1394.850 kHz. 23Nov2011 2123 - Weak audio, and weak het against unID 1395 kHz, measured 1394.853 kHz. 2130 one cycle of TWR interval signal and off. 26Nov2011 2050 - Good; preacher in Slavic language and acoustic vocal. One cycle of TWR interval signal on the hour. 2130 one cycle of interval signal and off. Measured 1394.856 kHz with a weak het against unID 1394.998 kHz likely Armenia per mwoffsets list. 08Dec2012 2110 - Poor; Croatian program, measured 1394.858 kHz with a weak rumbling het against 1395 unID. Signed off promptly at 2130 UTC. 31Mar2017 - Off the air, radio station closed. | |
1395 | ARMENIA Public Radio, Gavar 25Jan2020 0400 - Presumed; signal observed, no readable audio, measured 1394.999 kHz which matches offset frequency listing. If so, transmitter site dawn enhancement, sunrise 0415 UTC. 26Jan2020 0400 - Signal observed. Not visible in 0500 UTC spectrum capture well after Gavar sunrise. | |
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1413 | MOLDOVA Vesti FM, Grigoriopol 27Nov2015 0500 - Fair to poor; time marker, sounder and woman with news in Russian. Also heard at 0600 but much weaker. 28Nov2015 0300 - Fair to poor; "Radiokanal Vesti FM" ID, time marker, and choral Russian national anthem. 14Oct2017 0200 - Fair; Vesti FM ID's, time marker and touchtone sound effects into news in Russian. | 4586 (7380) |
1413 | SPAIN RNE5 synchros 08Dec2012 1930 - Presumed; weak signal observed on spectrum analyzer. Receiver sunset 2112 UTC. | |
1422 | ALGERIA R.Algérienne, Algiers 09Mar2010 0305 - Good, no sign of Germany; man and woman in French, parallel 252 kHz. 18Dec2011 2250 - Good; discussion in French. No sign of anything on 252 kHz for a parallel. 18Apr2020 0500 - Fair; canned ID by a woman, "Radio Koran Algeria, Koran Radio Algeria," and brief announcement into Koranic recitations. 12Mar2021 2300 - Fair; choral marching band national anthem. | |
1422 | GERMANY Deutschlandfunk, Heusweiler 12Jan2013 0310 - Good; choral music parallel 756 kHz. 31Dec2015 - Off the air, radio station closed. | 3628 (5837) |
1422 | ROMANIA R.România Actualitati, Olanesti 14Oct2017 0158 - Poor; choral national anthem, time pips and news intro, parallel 1152 kHz. | |
1431 | DJIBOUTI R.Sawa, Arta 01Aug2010 0050 - Good s8, equal to nulled 1430 WKOX but with deep fades; contemporary vocals, 0059 R.Sawa ID. | |
1431 | GERMANY VOR Wilsdruff 11Feb2011 2258 - Marginally fair; presumed this with choral music, fading out or off at 2300 leaving a very weak Djibouti signal. Station closed, off the air. | |
1431 | UKRAINE Radio 3/R.Kultura, Kopani 23Jan2010 2158 - Fair; choral music, off at 2200. Receiver sunset approaching 2200 UTC. | |
1440 | LUXEMBOURG RTL Marnach 10Nov2011 2300 - Fair, over unID domestics; announcements in English for, fanfare, "CRI, from Beijing." 31Dec2015 - Off the air, radio station closed. | 3574 (5752) |
1457.64 | ALBANIA CRI Fllakë 08Dec2012 1930 - Weak signal observed on spectrum analyzer, identified by offset at 1457.636 kHz. 21Feb2013 2240 - Het vs. 1458, measured 1457.636 kHz, off at 2330 UTC. 31Mar2017 - Off the air, radio station closed. | 4457 (7172) |
1458 | ROMANIA R.România Actualitati, Constanta 14Oct2017 0258 - Poor; choral national anthem, time pips into news, parallel 1152 kHz. | |
1458 | UNITED KINGDOM Lyca Radio, Brookmans Park 13Oct2017 2240 - Fair to poor during receiver dusk enhancement; contemporary subcontinental Indian music. Receiver sunset 2206 UTC. | |
1467 | FRANCE TWR Roumoules 15Jan2012 2340 - Good; English program. 2345 one cycle of TWR interval signal, open carrier until off at 2347 UTC. 24Feb2012 2300 - Poor to good with antenna pattern switch; Rendezvous program in English. 28Jan2014 2242 - Fair; conclusion of English program with a gospel vocal. 2245 one cycle of TWR interval signal and off. 19Feb2017 2243 - Good, weak het from 1467.363 Iran; end of Arabic program with contact info, 2245 one cycle of interval signal and off as listed for Sunday per online program schedule, leaving a weak unID 1467 along with offset Iran. 28Nov2020 2300 - Fair, weak het from 1467.376 Iran; one cycle of TWR interval signal and off. 05Dec2020 2300 - Poor; one cycle of interval signal and off. | 3766 (6061) |
1467 | FRANCE R.Maria, Le Col de la Madonne 27Mar2011 0500 - Good; church music, woman in French. 23Apr2016 0400 - Poor; woman in French and religious music. | |
1467 | IRAN IRIB R.Iran, Isfahan 16Jan2012 0020 - Poor; occasional bits of audio with Koranic vocal parallel 1503 kHz. Measured offset at 1466.9965 kHz with an unID signal observed at 1467.000 kHz. TWR France was off. 25Mar2012 0050 - Poor on brief fade ins; music and talk parallel 1503 kHz. Measured 1466.986/7 kHz as listed in mwoffsets data. unID 1467.000 kHz also observed on spectrum analyzer without readable audio. | |
1467.355 | IRAN IRIB R.Qom, Qom 20Nov2015 2305 - Noted signal at offset frequency after TWR France signed-off; offset confirmed by Franck Baste F4LKC via mwoffsets group. 27Nov2015 2240 - Weak het against TWR France. | |
1476 | SPAIN Euskadi Irratia, Biribilondo 02Apr2011 0213 - Fair; talk parallel 1386 kHz. 27Mar2012 0341 - Fair; music parallel 1386 kHz. May 2013 - Off the air, radio station closed. | |
1485 | SPAIN SER synchros 02Apr2011 0227 - Fair with synchro echo; nostalgic vocal and talk parallel 1116 kHz. | |
1494 | CORSICA France Bleu, Bastia 27Mar2012 0338 - Fair; talk in French not parallel 1557 France Info. 31Dec2015 - Off the air, radio station closed. | 3943 (6346) |
1494 | FRANCE France Info synchros 12Jan2013 0501 - Fair; fanfare into "le journal" news parallel 1557 kHz. 31Dec2015 - Off the air, radio station closed. | |
1494 | MOLDOVA R.Moldova Actualitati, Cahul//Edinet 08Feb2020 0359 - Poor; canned announcement by woman over soft music bed, mentioned AM and Radio Moldova. | |
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1503 | EGYPT ERTU El Arish 20Mar2020 0100 - Fair; Koran parallel 864 kHz. | |
1503 | IRAN IRIB R.Iran, Bushehr 16Jan2012 0010 - Fair but dominant; Middle Eastern/Koranic vocals. Measured 1502.999 kHz, with another signal observed at 1502.993 kHz which is RNE5 La Línea according to the mwoffsets list, and a weak third signal at about 1502.996 kHz likely the other Spain synchro. 18Mar2014 0132 - Fair; distinctive Koranic recitations parallel R.Iran 'sarasari' stream. Moved to 558 synchro. | 6293(10128) |
1503 | SPAIN RNE5 La Línea de Concepción & Piñeira 28Mar2012 0508 - Fair; man and woman in Spanish. | |
1512 | GREECE ERA Khania 13Oct2017 0058 - Fair; flute jazz instrumental through the hour. | |
1512 | IRAN IRIB Ardabil 11Feb2018 0020 - Fair; heated discussion, sounded like a radio drama, parallel 702 kHz. | |
1512 | SAUDI ARABIA SBC R.Quran, Jeddah 24Jan2014 0225 - Good signal with weak modulation; measured 1511.991/2 kHz as listed in online mwoffsets data. Also observed 1511.930 Greece, confirmed by Wolfgang Bueschel and Mauno Ritola as drifting lower than listed 1511.935 offset. 28Nov2015 2150 - Good; Koranic recitations, continued through the hour. 17Apr2016 0258 - Good; Koranic recitations, then brief open carrier until off at 0301 UTC. | |
1521 | SAUDI ARABIA SBC R.Riyadh, Duba 16Jan2012 2015 - Loud het against 1520 WIZZ. At 2035 fading up with talk parallel 9555 and 9870 kHz. 24Jan2014 0215 - Excellent, s9+20; Koranic recitations. | |
1530 | SAO TOME E PRINCIPE VOA Pinheira 27Nov2015 0259 - Under WCKY; Yankee Doodle interval signal. 12Jul2020 0258 - Under WCKY and WVBF; Yankee Doodle interval signal. 08May2021 0459 - Over/under WCKY; "This is the Voice of America, Washington DC, signing on," and Yankee Doodle before start of Hausa program. Listen to mp3 audio clip | 5612 (9032) |
1530 | VATICAN R.Vaticana, Santa Maria di Galeria 27Mar2011 0500 - One cycle of interval signal under WCKY. 01Jul2012 - Off the air, radio station closed. | 4097 (6593) |
1539 | GERMANY Evangeliums Rundfunk, Mainflingen 27Mar2011 0458 - Good; light instrumental music, contact info with Deutschland mention, and "ERF Radio" ID. 17Apr2011 0420 - Fair; woman in German, choral music. Station closed end of 2011. | |
1539 | GREECE Voreios Ihos (North Sound), Thessaloniki 05Oct2019 2220 - Greek music, including "Evga Sto Katofli" by Dimitris Mitropanos (Listen to mp3 audio clip), continued through the hour bottom without announcements before fading out. | |
1548 | KUWAIT R.Sawa, Kuwait City 12Jan2013 0314 - Good; contemporary Mideast vocal, 0315 R.Sawa ID into news. | 6162 (9915) |
1548 | MOLDOVA VOR/TWR Grigoriopol 12Jan2013 0354 - Good over Kuwait; pre sign-on test tones at 5-second intervals, 0400 Golos Rossii ID into news. 27Nov2020 2130 - Good; jazz instrumental up to one cycle of TWR interval signal, then gone. | 4586 (7379) |
1548 | SOUTH AFRICA R.Islam International, Lenasia 09Nov2024 0259 - Fading in/out, transmitter site dawn enhancement; Middle Eastern vocal. Initially presumed Kuwait dawn enhancement with Kuwait City sunrise 0307 UTC. Matched QSL'ed South Africa clip posted by Tim Tromp in NRC MWDX Facebook group. Measured 1547.989 kHz offset as listed. Investigating further, only three transatlantic countries remain on 1548 kHz; Kuwait, Iran, and South Africa. Kuwait off the air at this time, and past Iran sunrise. | 7881 |
1548 | UNITED KINGDOM BBC R.Bristol, Mangotsfield 27Mar2012 0400 - Poor; talk in British-accented English, heard BBC Radio 5 theme music on the hour. 29Jan2014 0245 - Bits of talk, otherwise just a het against 1548, measured 1547.854 kHz. | |
1548 | UNITED KINGDOM Gold, London 19Sep2020 0100 - Fair to good, over Kuwait; canned ID, "On digital radio... playing the greatest hits of all time," jingle, "This is Gold," and "News." 07May2021 0300 - Fair; news in brief by woman, jingle, "This is Gold." | |
1557 | FRANCE France Info, Fontbonne 12Jan2013 0400 - Fair; fanfare and France Info mention. 0501 excellent; fanfare into "le journal" news. 31Dec2015 - Off the air, radio station closed. | 3822 (6150) |
1566 | BENIN TWR Parakou 28May2016 0400 - Poor; hints of African highlife-style music. | |
1566 | UNITED KINGDOM BBC R.Bristol & Somerset Sound, Taunton 27Mar2012 0320 - Poor in CJLV slop with WQEW nulled; talk by woman seemed parallel BBC Radio 5 but only caught bits of audio. | |
1575 | ITALY Rai Radiouno, Genova 12Jan2013 0500 - Good; time signal, "Rai, Radiouno" with classical harp flourish into news. 20Apr2016 0358 - Fair; pre sign-on clock tones. 20Jan2018 0700 - Fair; time marker, Rai sounder, announcement and another sounder into news by woman in Italian. 04Apr2020 0359 - Poor; pre sign-on tones, woman with news. | |
1575 | UNITED ARAB EMIRATES R.Farda, Al Dhabiya 24Feb2012 2223 - Good; U2 "I Still Haven't Found What I'm Looking For" parallel 1314 and 7520 kHz. | 6682(10754) |
1602 | SPAIN SER synchros 24Sep2017 0500 - Fair with synchro echo; marker and time check, then heard weak local insert over the news intro music, possibly "Radio Ontinyent, Cadena Ser." | |
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1712 | INTERNATIONAL WATER 4ONW unID location 03Dec2012 1100 - Fading in while listening to 1710 kHz; a couple cycles of repeating "4ONW" Morse code with an extended tone between each. Apparently a Class 4b CW beacon for a fishing driftnet somewhere in the Atlantic Ocean. | |
kHz | | Miles (km) |
530 | CUBA R.Enciclopedia, Villa María 06Dec2013 0100 - Good; canned ID with theme music, "Transmite CMBQ Radio Enciclopedia, desde la Habana, Cuba," time check, and "Radio Enciclopedia presenta..." 28Dec2014 0500 - Over/under CIAO and R.Rebelde; canned ID, "Transmite CMBQ Radio Enciclopedia, desde la Habana, Cuba," and music program intro, "Interlude, un programa de Radio Enciclopedia..." 21Mar2015 0500 - Over R.Rebelde; "Radio Enciclopedia presento Interludio..." | |
530 | CUBA R.Rebelde, Guantánamo 14Feb2013 0500 - Over R.Enciclopedia; "...en Rebelde" and choral national anthem, while the anthem on R.Enciclopedia was already in progress. | 1572 (2529) |
539.85 | NICARAGUA R.Corporación, Managua 09Oct2012 1000 - Loud het against 540, no audio. Nicaragua listed on the high side in mwoffsets data, but later confirmed moved to the low side of 540 kHz. 18Oct2013 0500 - Loud het against WLIE R.Adonai. Off at 0501 UTC. Measured 539.864 kHz. 13Feb2014 0500 - 539.85 kHz, loud het against 540 WFLF; choral national anthem, then off. Listen to mp3 audio clip of anthem closing. 19Mar2015 0458 - Good on low side to avoid 540 WFLF het; sign-off with choral national anthem, then open carrier through the hour, measured 539.864 kHz. 26Aug2017 0200 - Good; excited sports commentary. Other unID offsets noted at 539.980 and 539.992 kHz. Also observed a steady signal at 539.739 kHz; not sure if it was a real carrier or noise. At 0400, jingle with time check, "Diez en punto." At 0501 sign off with choral national anthem. Sample audio clip (end of anthem). | 2284 (3675) |
540 | CUBA R.Rebelde, Maisí//Sancti Spíritus 04Jan2012 0100 - Fair; organ theme music, "Rebelde la Habana, emisora de la revolución," and news "Ahora, a las ocho de la noche..." parallel fair 550, fair 560, loud 600, weak 620, 670 WWFE mix, 710 over WOR, and 770 WABC mix. 23Feb2014 0500 - Receiving both stations with a couple seconds of delay between them, creating double splash attention signals during news, then an echoed national anthem. | |
540 | DOMINICAN REPUBLIC HICM Radio ABC, Santo Domingo 20Mar2015 1001 - Over/under WLIE R.Adonai and Nicaragua het; "Esta es Radio ABC... Santo Domingo..." 30Dec2016 0900 - Under WLIE; sign-on with choral national anthem and "Buenos dias..." 12Jan2025 0900 - Over/under WFLF; choral national anthem. | 1670 (2688) |
540 | MEXICO XEWA San Luis Potosí 24Jan2012 0400 - Fair; chimes, "XEWA 540 AM... Cadena W transmitiendo desde las oficinas centrales de MG Radio, palabra que vende." 27Feb2014 0401 - Fair; Los 40 Principales contemporary hit music, hyper female DJ and jingle. | 2208 (3553) |
550 | COLOMBIA HJHF Señal R.Colombia, Marinilla 20Mar2013 0600 - Over/under R.Rebelde; "Escucha Radio Nacional," time signal, "Radio Nacional... de Colombia," and nostalgia/folk music. 21Mar2015 0500 - Over WSJW and R.Rebelde; tropical vocal through the hour parallel 680 kHz, ex-R.Nacional. | |
550 | CUBA R.Rebelde, Pinar del Río 03Mar2013 0600 - Good; baseball play-by-play, "primera out" parallel 600 and 1620 kHz. | |
550 | PUERTO RICO WPAB Ponce 09Oct2015 0100 - Noisy signal with het from 549 Jil FM, Algeria, notched out; ad for Restaurante La Guardarraya with phone number 856-4222 and address in Guayanilla. | |
550 | VENEZUELA YVKE Mundial, Caracas 31Jan2012 0200 - Atop WBZS and others; "Radio Mundial, en todo Venezuela" and slogan, "Radio Mundial... de la mano con el pueblo." 14Feb2013 1000 - Fair; "Mundial... emisora de Venezuela, presenta... de Mundial." | 2234 (3595) |
555 | ST. KITTS & NEVIS ZIZ Basseterre 12Nov2011 0327 - Good; soca party music. 21Feb2012 0340 - Normally good signal not received over the past few nights. Off the air? In response to an email inquiry, Vere Galloway of ZIZ replied, "Yes, for some urgent maintenance." 29Nov2012 0100 - Back on the air after being off since February for maintenance. Not enough signal for audio, but a definite carrier observed on the spectrum analyzer. April 2013 noted off the air again. Vere Galloway at ZIZ confirmed that 555 kHz is off the air (again); "The tower is corroded. We have to take it down. Should be back up later in the year." Never returned to the airwaves. | |
560 | CUBA R.Rebelde, Ciego de Avila 23Dec2020 0500 - Under WGAN; choral national anthem. | |
570 | COLOMBIA HJND Señal R.Colombia, Bogotá 25Mar2015 0500 - Over WMCA and R.Reloj; folk music featuring flute through the hour, parallel 550 and 680 kHz. | |
570 | DOMINICAN REPUBLIC HIMS R.Cristal, Santo Domingo 09Oct2015 0100 - All mixed up with R.Reloj Cuba and Colombia fútbol coverage; ad for Lavanderia R & H, 809-570-0463, Prolongación 27 de Febrero. | |
580 | PUERTO RICO WKAQ San Juan 16Sep2014 0400 – Under WTAG; multi-station ID. 09Nov2021 0100 - Under WTAG dead air; multi-station ID/promo, "...exclusivo y mucho más de WKAQ 580." | |
590 | CUBA R.Musical Nacional, Santa Clara 19Mar2013 0500 - Under WEZE, over R.Rebelde; announcement with address, "Apartado 6600... Habana," and harp 'interval signal'. | |
590 | CUBA R.Rebelde, Guantánamo 21Feb2013 0100 - Under WEZE; Rebelde sounder parallel 600 kHz. 21Mar2015 0500 - Under local WEZE Boston; end of "Portada Rebelde," canned ID, time marker and nostalgic music intro to "música nuestra" program, the distinctive time marker easy to parallel with 530, 540, 550, 560, 600, 620, 670, 710, 1140, 1180, 1210, 1550, and 1620 kHz. | 1572 (2529) |
590 | MEXICO XEPH Sabrosita 590, México DF 09Feb2013 0900 - Under WEZE open carrier; "590, la estación... bailando... por salsa, por cumbia... desde la ciudad de México..." 19Mar2015 1001 - Under local WEZE Boston; Sabrosita 590 promo. | 2274 (3659) |
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600 | CUBA R.Rebelde, San Germán 25Jan2012 0345 - Good; sounder during baseball coverage. 09Feb2012 0100 - Good; "Rebelde la Habana, emisora de la revolución," parallel 670 and 710 kHz. | |
600 | CUBA R.Progreso, unknown location 07Jan2025 0458 - Good; "Tu Boca Loca" by Mr Jordan feat. Patricio Amaro, canned ID, "Radio Progreso, cadena nacional..." segue to brief marching band instrumental, then time marker, instrumental national anthem, and repeat of canned ID, all parallel 640 and 690 kHz. R.Rebelde noted as usual on 530, 620, 670, 1180, and 1620 with midnight lullaby and choral national anthem. 08Jan2025 0600 - Fair; "Cuba, la tierra de mis amores," parallel 640, 650, and 690 kHz. This might be the San Germán site repurposed. | |
600 | PUERTO RICO WYEL Mayagüez 19Mar2015 0500 - Under R.Rebelde; canned multi-station network ID. 30Dec2016 0601 - Under WICC and R.Rebelde; network multi-station ID, parallel 580 WKAQ which was weak under local WTAG. | 1710 (2752) |
600.1 | unID 09Oct2012 0900 - Het against 600.000 WICC, measured 600.104 kHz. | |
610 | CUBA R.Rebelde, Bueycito//Cienfuegos//Guane 01May2011 0258 - Under WGIR; contemporary vocals parallel 600, 620, 670, and 710 kHz. | |
620 | COLOMBIA Colmundo, HJEL Cali//HJVP Cartegena 22Mar2015 1000 - Noisy signal through an unID domestic; choral national anthem. | |
620 | CUBA R.Rebelde, Colón 09Feb2012 0100 - Good over WSNR; "Rebelde FM, la Habana," not parallel 600, 670 nor 710 kHz. Listen to mp3 audio clip. 11Oct2012 0300 - Excellent; sounder, "Las noticias," and news with digital splash between items. Signal better than 600 and 670 parallels. | 1481 (2383) |
620 | MEXICO XENK México, DF 29Oct2016 0459 - Under WSNR and R.Rebelde; choral national anthem. The anthem is often readable, presumed XENK, not strong enough for positive ID. | |
630 | CUBA R.Progreso, Camagüey-Isábel Hortensia 20Mar2013 0559 - Over/under WPRO; contact info, "Radio Progreso, Infanta 105, La Habana Cuba, coreo postal 10300," and web address, "," parallel 640 and 690 kHz. 09Sep2017 0800 - Under WPRO; "Su reportero RP" parallel 640 kHz. | |
640 | CUBA R.Progreso, La Habana-Guanabacoa//Jobabo (Las Tunas) 16Jan2013 1000 - Good; "Transmite Radio Progreso cadena nacional desde la Habana Cuba," chime, "Las cinco en punto," into "A Primera Hora, el programa de la familia cubana." 28Oct2013 1000 - Fair; Primera Hora program, receiving both stations with significant delay between them. 21Dec2023 0500 - Good; "Radio Progreso, cadena nacional, la onda de la alegría, transmitiendo desde la Habana Cuba, primer territorio libre en América." Listen to mp3 audio clip. 19Jan2025 0500 - Under CKGM; classic canned ID with theme song "Arabesque No. 1" by Isao Tomita. | |
640 | CUBA R.Rebelde, unknown location 14Feb2013 0600 - Good but with loud wobbling noise; "Rebelde la Habana, emisora de la revolución" with organ music, parallel 600 kHz. | |
640 | GUADELOUPE Guadeloupe Première, Pointe-à-Pitre 31Aug2015 0200 - Fair; French vocal, La Guadeloupe Première ID by a man, then a woman, "Bon soir," into news with Première mention. | 1917 (3085) |
640 | VENEZUELA YVQO Unión Radio, Puerto la Cruz 27Dec2015 0159 - Poor to fair; "Deportes... Unión Radio" and talk. | 2280 (3669) |
650 | CUBA R.Progreso, Ciego de Avila 26Jan2012 0100 - Under WSM; melancholic jazz vocal through the hour parallel 640 and 690 kHz. 28Jan2012 0500 - At even level with co-channel R.Rebelde over WSM; trumpet opening to choral national anthem parallel 640 kHz, dueling with R.Rebelde anthem already in progress. | |
650 | CUBA R.Rebelde, Santiago de Cuba 28Jan2012 0459 - At even level with co-channel R.Progreso over WSM; choral national anthem parallel 600 kHz and starting a minute before R.Progreso anthem. | |
650 | DOMINICAN REPUBLIC HIAT R.Universal, Santo Domingo 09Jan2025 0500 - Over R.Progreso; "...Radio Universal AM punto com para el mundo, Santo Domingo, República Dominicana," Universal jingles. | |
660 | CUBA R.Progreso, Jovellanos 18Dec2013 0900 - Under WFAN; "Su reportero, RP" parallel 640, 690, and 880 kHz. 24Jan2014 1000 - Under WFAN; chime, 'A Primera Hora' intro and theme song, parallel 640 and 690 kHz. 20Dec2020 1101 - Under WFAN; canned top of the hour ID, "Radio Progreso, cadena nacional, la onda de la alegría..." and chime marking the hour, parallel 640 kHz. | |
660 | MEXICO XEAR La Mexicana, Tampico, Tamps. 29Aug2017 1000 - Under WFAN; canned La Mexicana ID by shouting man with reverb into banda music. | 2070 (3331) |
670 | CUBA R.Rebelde, multiple sites 22Jun2013 0700 - Fair; sounder and news with significant echo from delay between stations. | |
670 | CUBA CMHW Doblevé, Santa Clara et al. 30Sep2017 0900 - Fair, over/under R.Rebelde; canned ID, "Esta es Doblevé, desde Santa Clara, en el centro de Cuba." Likely using R.Rebelde facilities in Santa Clara (listed 50 kW) and perhaps other co-channel sites due to hurricane damage at the 840 transmitter site. | |
670 | CUBA R.Reloj, unknown location 22Jun2013 0300 - Under R.Rebelde; RR code IDs. First time logged on this frequency. | |
671 | CUBA R.Rebelde, unknown location 05Dec2011 0150 - Off-frequency signal noted over the past couple weeks, strongest on the south antenna. 21Dec2011 0050 - Strong signal, no audio. Measured 671.020 kHz. | |
680 | COLOMBIA HJZO R.Nacional de Colombia, Barranquilla 21Mar2015 0500 - Under local WRKO Boston; tropical vocal through the hour parallel 550 kHz. 23Dec2023 0500 - Fair with local WRKO off the air; ID, "Escuchas Radio Nacional de Colombia... (slogan), Radio Nacional de Colombia en Barranquilla, 680 AM, 98.1 FM." At 0800, good; "Somos Radio Nacional de Colombia, estamos donde tú estás." | |
690 | COLOMBIA HJCZ W Radio, Bogotá 02Feb2012 0100 - Good; nostalgia, "En Radio Recuerdos, son las ocho de la noche, en punto" time check, "Radio Recuerdos, la popular de Colombia." 24Feb2014 1000 - Under R.Progreso; 'W Radio' theme music into news, ex-R.Recuerdos. 20Mar2015 0901 - Over R.Progreso; "La W..." mentioned several times in canned promo/ID. 21Mar2015 0500 - Over R.Progreso; echoing "W Radio, W Radio, W Radio... un momento muy especial, muy especial, muy especial," and '70s pop music clips (Temptations, Stevie Wonder, Seals & Crofts), "En la W, la W, la W." | 2628 (4229) |
690 | CUBA R.Progreso, Santa Clara 17Jan2012 0102 - One second delay between two R.Progreso signals here creating noticeable echo; Cuban big band music through the hour, theme song and ID at 0130 UTC. 24Jan2012 0000 - Good; "Exactamente las siete" time check, "A Río Revuelto, la voz de los jovenos cubanos a traves de la frecuencia de Radio Progreso, la onda de la alegría," parallel also good 640 kHz. 08Apr2013 0900 - Good; end of political speech about the revolution with cheering crowd, then live network ID, "Transmite Radio Progreso, cadena nacional desde la Habana Cuba," chime with time check, "Cinco en punto," into "A Primera Hora, el programa de la familia cubana," parallel an excellent 640 kHz signal. | |
690 | MEXICO XEN R.Centro, México DF 01May2011 0300 - Under R.Progreso Cuba; "XEN... desde la ciudad de México." 05Feb2012 0100 - Under R.Progreso Cuba; choral national anthem. 27Dec2014 1000 - Good; telephone news/sports reports, "Está usted escuchando Lo Mejor de la Semana, de una a tres, con Jacobo Zabludovsky." While the XEN website doesn't provide a program schedule, it shows Zabludovsky on 1 to 3 p.m. The Zabludovsky program is also carried on Red FM and other Grupo Centro stations. 18Dec2015 0600 - Over/under CKGM; "XEN, 690 de amplitud modulada, con cien mil wats (100 kW) de potencia desde la ciudad de México, Constituyentes 1154, colonia Lomas Alta, una estación de Grupo Radio Centro," and choral national anthem. 08Sep2017 0602 - Over/under R.Progreso, over XEMA; news/talk through the hour, then Grupo Radio Centro ID. 16Sep2017 0400 - Through CKGM dead air; "...una estación de Grupo Radio Centro." 24May2019 0858 - Fair; 3:58 time check, "XEN AM Radio Centro y el Fonógrafo 690, transmite con cien mil wats de potencia desde... Radio Centro y el Fonógrafo 690, una estación de Grupo Radio Centro, máxima audiencia en medios," another 3:58 time check, and nostalgia. Listen to mp3 audio clip. 20Nov2023 0901 - Faded up over R.Progreso; jingle, "El Fonógrafo, música ligada a tu recuerdo," and nostalgic romántica. Listen to mp3 audio clip. | 2277 (3665) |
690 | MEXICO XEMA La Mejor, Fresnillo, Zac. 08Sep2017 0600 - Over/under R.Progreso and XEN; long promo/ID in slow deep voice, "Aquí nomás" slogan and many "La Mejor" mentions. At 0800 a better signal with same ID. | |
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700 | COLOMBIA HJCX W Radio, Cali 22Mar2015 0231 - Fair; tropical music concert, "Nueve en la noche, treinte uno minutos, sistema... en Colombia," parallel 690 kHz. | 2726 (4387) |
700.5 | VENEZUELA YVMH R.Popular, Maracaibo 25Nov2012 0300 - Briefly over WLW; "...bailar, Radio Popular." 21Mar2015 0900-1000 - Strong het against 700.000 WLW; measured 700.546 kHz. Mark Connelly (Cape Cod) noted YVMH unstable, previously measured at 700.53 kHz. 24Mar2015 0400 - Loud het against 700 WLW; tropical music, measured 700.614 kHz. | 2208 (3554) |
710 | CUBA R.Rebelde, multiple sites 24Oct2012 2300 - Excellent with synchro echo; organ theme, "Rebelde la Habana, emisora de la revolución," time check, "Aquí Rebelde, siete en punto," and noticiero, parallel 1210 kHz. | |
720 | COLOMBIA HJAN Emisoras Unidas, Barranquilla 20Mar2015 0100 - Over/under R.Progreso; choral national anthem. 21Mar2015 0100 - Under R.Progreso; choral national anthem. 09Oct2015 0100 - Good on strong fade in; sign-off with "Unidas... himno nacional de la república de Colombia" intro to national anthem, then signal was cut in the middle of the anthem, leaving an unintelligible jumble of Latin American signals. 31Dec2016 1101 - Fair; "Escuchan cadena radial la libertad... estación Emisoras Unidas HJAN, treinta mil watios de potencia... 720 kilohertz, desde Barranquilla, puerto de oro de Colombia." 29Jul2017 0059 - Fair; carrier off in the middle of the national anthem. | |
720 | CUBA R.Progreso, Mabujabo 04Jan2012 0100 - Under WGN; romantic vocal through the hour parallel strong 640, 690, 880 under WCBS, and 900 under WGHM. 21Mar2015 0500 - Good; canned ID, "Radio Progreso, cadena nacional, la onda de la alegría, transmite desde la Habana, Cuba, primer territorio libre en América," parallel 640, 660, 690, 730, 750, 760, and 810 kHz. | |
720 | NICARAGUA R.Católica, Managua 07Feb2015 1001 - Under WGN; national anthem, sign-on time as listed in WRTH. 09Sep2017 0300 - Fair and all alone through lightning noise; announcement by woman including ID, "Radio Católica de Nicaragua..." 0400 lively Spanish choir music. | |
720 | VENEZUELA YVQE Porlamar 26Dec2014 1000 - Under R.Progreso Cuba; "Gloria al Bravo Pueblo" choral national anthem. Presumed YVQE (typical), but online program schedule lists 5:00 a.m. start which would be 0930 UTC. 22Mar2015 0159 - Noisy, no sign of WGN; "La hora de Venezuela" time check. | |
730 | COLOMBIA HJCU Melodía Stereo, Bogotá 19Mar2015 0500 - Fair; long multi AM and FM station ID, "En Bogotá, Melodía 730 AM... en Cali, Radio Viva 1290 AM... La cadena Melodía de Colombia..." and easy listening music. | |
730 | CUBA R.Progreso, La Fé, Isla de la Juventud 28Jan2012 0600 - Fair in CKAC R.Circulation Montreal null; "La onda de la alegría" jingle. 09Jan2025 0600 - Under CKAC; "Cuba, la tierra de mis amores" theme song "Yo Soy el Punto Cubano" by Conjunto Campo Alegre y Celina Gonzáles, canned ID, "Radio Progreso, cadena nacional..." parallel 640, 650, and 690 kHz. | |
730 | MEXICO XEX, W Deportes, México, DF 26Feb2012 0900 - Fair; "Tiempo Fuera" promo, "TDW" Morse code ID. 10Oct2012 - "El Larguero, José Ramón de la Morena," and theme song of this SER Spain sports program. 16Jan2013 0300 - Under CKAC; promo with W mentions and TDW Morse code repeated several times. 09Feb2013 0900 - Fair; TDW Morse code and voice ID's, "...desde la ciudad de México." 19Mar2015 0900 - Over R.Progreso; rapid-fire sports headlines including "fútbol americano," TDW Morse code ID, and "la mejor de W." 04Feb2017 0600 - Under CKAC; choral national anthem, then "W Deportes" announcement. 09Nov2021 0558 - Over/under WLTQ; government consumer information program, contact info including "teléfono del consumidor 55-5568-8722," announced program to continue "múy pronto," then choral national anthem, all parallel 940 XEQ. 20Nov2023 0900 - Fair to good over R.Progreso Cuba; "Epic" by Faith No More, "Musica, en W Deportes," and "Hip Hop Is Dead" by Nas. Listen to mp3 audio clip. | 2276 (3662) |
730 | MEXICO XEHB Ke Buena, Hidalgo del Parral, Chih. 13Feb2013 0501 - Under CKAC; Mexican music, "Nombre: Ke Buena, frecuencia: (FM and AM), potencia..." 19Feb2013 0959 - Fair; slogan ID with MST time check, "Ke Buena, 107.1 FM, son las dos cincuenta nueve," and Mexican music. Listen to mp3 audio clip. | 2208 (3553) |
740 | CUBA R.Angulo, Sagua de Tánamo 09Oct2015 0000 - Fair; canned ID with spacey music, "Radio Angulo, transmitiendo... Cuba," and clock chimes marking the hour. | |
750 | CUBA R.Progreso, Palmira 25Jan2012 0340 - Good, over WSB and YVKS; theme song with ID, "Radio Progreso, cadena nacional... la onda de la alegría..." | |
750 | DOMINICAN REPUBLIC HIDB R.Jesús, Santiago de los Caballeros 31Dec2023 0300 - Over/under WSB and CBGY; promo's in Spanish including keywords la palabra, la vida, el corazón, then "Desde República Dominicana..." and R.Jesús jingle. | |
750 | VENEZUELA YVKS RCR Caracas 27Jan2012 0210 - Briefly over WSB and R.Progreso; "...por RCR" and "Take Me Out to the Ballgame" organ instrumental. 16Jan2013 1001 - Under WSB; RCR Deportes promo. 21Mar2015 0100 - Good; promos, "...por RCR, 750 AM." 03Sep2016 2359 - Fair; "RCR presenta Radio Universidad... la Universidad Nacional Abierta... a través de la emisora RCR 750 AM." 29Jul2017 0058 - Fair; "RCR, 750 AM, porque lo bueno une," into promo string. 10Sep2017 0358 - Over WSB; operatic choral national anthem, then gone. Signed-off? 19Sep2017 0000 - Good; RCR Deportes coverage of los Navegantes de Magallanes baseball. 01Oct2017 0358 - Over WSB; "Marcha a Caracas" instrumental anthem, announcement, then operatic vocal national anthem. | 2237 (3599) |
760 | COLOMBIA HJAJ RCN Radio, Barranquilla 26Jan2012 1100 - Over/under WJR; "RCN, la radio." 14Feb2012 0200 - Under WJR; "Radio Barranquilla" in ad/promo string. 31Dec2015 1058 - Good; "RCN la radio... a continuación, el himno nacional de la república de Colombia," and choral national anthem, then RCN noticias. 04Mar2017 0959 - Over WJR; promo, "RCN Radio, nuestra radio." | 2195 (3532) |
760 | CUBA R.Progreso, Guane 10Oct2012 2300 - Through WJR and HJAJ; nostalgic vocal parallel 640 kHz. 21Feb2013 1000 - Under WJR; canned ID with theme song and chime into "A Primera Hora" program, parallel 640 kHz. 26Dec2014 1000 - Under WJR; theme song, chime marking the hour, and "A Primera Hora" intro parallel 640, 690, 720, and 750 kHz. 13Sep2016 0501 - Fair, with WJR off the air; "Reportero RP" followed by canned ID with theme song parallel 640, 690, and 730 kHz. | |
760 | MEXICO XEABC México, DF 09Nov2021 0500 - Over/under WJR; alternating woman and man, "760 AM, información, música, y entretenimiento... de amplitud modulada, XEABC 70 mil wats de potencia... 760 amplitud modulada..." | |
760 | PUERTO RICO WORA NotiUno, Mayagüez 09Nov2021 0000 - Over unID Spanish; multi-station ID, NotiUno promo and Puerto Rico mentions. | |
770 | CUBA R.Artemisa, Artemisa 02Jan2017 1100 - Under WABC; choral national anthem. | |
770 | CUBA R.Rebelde, Victoria de las Tunas 17Jan2012 0100 - Fair, over/under WABC; organ theme music, "Rebelde la habana, emisora de la revolución" into deportivos report, parallel 560, 600, 670, 710, 1180 kHz. | |
770 | VENEZUELA YVKK RNV Valencia 19Mar2015 0900 - Under WABC; llanera jingle, singing "...por Radio Nacional," and llanera music through the hour. 21Mar2015 0500 - Over WABC; llanera music through the hour. Distinctive rhythmic 'cuatro' guitar plucking is prominent in Venezuelan llanera music. | |
780 | BRITISH VIRGIN ISLANDS ZBVI Road Town, Tortola 26Dec2014 0959 - Fair; instrumental national anthem and sign-on announcement, "This is Zed BVI... Zed BVI is owned and operated by Virgin Islands Broadcasting Company Limited with 10 thousand watts of power... licensed by the government of the British Virgin Islands..." | |
780 | COLOMBIA HJFV R.Viva Pasto, Pasto 09Sep2017 0400 - Weak but essentially alone in lightning noise; "Radio Viva Pasto..." and news promo with jingles. | |
780 | COLOMBIA HJZG La Voz de Dios, Cali 08Nov2021 0400 - Het against 780 WBBM; measured 780.376 kHz as listed. | |
780 | VENEZUELA YVMN R.Coro, Coro 05Feb2012 0100 - Good over WBBM; R.Coro 780 jingle with "patrimonio de la comunidad" then salsa music. 09Oct2012 1000 - Good; choral national anthem. 02Mar2013 0500 - Over/under WBBM; R.Coro 780 jingle and "patrimonio de la comunidad" slogan. 04Mar2017 0958 - Fair, over/under WBBM; choral national anthem, then R.Coro announcements. | |
790 | CUBA R.Reloj, Pinar del Río and Holguín 28Jan2012 0310 - Good with one-second delay between stations resulting in double time markers and RR code IDs. 28Feb2013 0059 - Over/under WPRV; double RR code with a second of delay between them indicating reception of both stations. 20Mar2013 0600 - Good and dominant; "Dos de la madrugada," and "En año 55 de la revolución, transmite Radio Reloj desde Habana Cuba." | |
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810 | BAHAMAS ZNS3 Freeport 13Oct2013 0901 - Under WGY; faded up with multi-station ID mentioning FM 104.5 ZNS3 and, "...Inspiration 107.9 FM, the station of the nations, all gospel all the time 24/7." Listen to mp3 audio clip. 05Sep2022 0958 - Over WGY; reading from the constitution, "...for the indivisible unity and creation under God of the Commonwealth of the Bahamas," into instrumental national anthem. | |
810 | CUBA R.Progreso, Guantánamo-Burene 28Jan2012 0500 - Under WGY; choral national anthem. 16Jan2013 0300 - Under WGY; ballad through the hour, parallel 690 and 750 kHz. | 1572 (2529) |
820.183 | COLOMBIA HJAD R.Vigía, Cartagena 12Jun2016 0400 - Het against 820.004 WNYC, occasional Spanish audio. Reported by Bill Whitacre while DX'peditioning on the coast of Virginia a week earlier. | |
820 | CUBA R.Ciudad de la Habana, Arroyo Arenas 07Jul2013 0800 - Musical signature heard through WGGM and WHAS. 22Mar2015 1000 - Over/under WNYC; Ciudad jingle. 03Jan2016 0600 - Interval signal-like melody through WNTW. Listen to mp3 audio clip. | |
820 | CUBA R.Reloj, Ciego Avila 04Jan2012 0200 - RR code and heavy wobbling noise through WNYC. 08Jan2025 0600 - Poor; time marker and RR Morse code through WNYC and unID Spanish music. | |
819.549 | unID 01Feb2012 0050 - Het against 820.0035 WNYC and 820.010 TBN/R.Paradise. HJAD Colombia at 819.5282 kHz per mwoffsets list. | |
840 | CUBA CMHW Doblevé, Santa Clara 20Feb2013 0500 - Over WHAS; choral national anthem, theme music, "Esta es Doblevé, desde Santa Clara, en el centro de Cuba," and "Al Ritmo de la noche" program. 20Apr2016 0400 - Over WHAS; bienvenidos message, choral national anthem, canned ID, "Esta es Doblevé, desde Santa Clara, en el centro de Cuba," and program intro, "Doblevé... transmitiendo por 840 AM y 93.5 FM se presenta, al Ritmo de la Noche... de madrugada en Doblevé." Listen to mp3 audio clip. | 1482 (2385) |
840 | CUBA CMKC R.Revolución, Palma Soriano 30Jan2012 0400 - Under WHAS; "Desde Santiago... CMKC Radio Revolución, cadena..." 20Mar2015 0400 - Choral national anthem, "CMKC Radio Revolución..." then CMHW Doblevé faded up with choral national anthem and canned ID. 01Oct2017 0400 - Good; choral national anthem, ID, "Desde Santiago, ciudad héroe de la república de Cuba, CMKC Radio Revolución, cadena provincial," into media noche exitos. Listen to mp3 audio clip. | |
840 | HAITI Radio 4VEH, Cap Haitien 31Jan2012 0200 - Over WHAS; loud Jingle Bells "dashing through the snow" interval signal and ID, "...Cap Haitien, ecoutez Radio 4VEH," time check, "Radio 4VEH Voix Evangelique..." and "info" program. 02Oct2017 0202 - Fair; interval signal and ID, "Vous écoutez Radio 4VEH..." Signal prevalent with Doblevé Cuba off the air. Listen to mp3 audio clip. | 1584 (2550) |
850 | CUBA R.Reloj, Nueva Gerona 28Jan2012 0500 - Under WEEI; 'doorbell' chimes with worldwide time checks, parallel 570, 860, 870, and 950 kHz. | |
859.945 | CUBA R.Reloj, Jovellanos 08Oct2013 0140 - In CJBC null; usual news accompanied by syncopated clock, minute marker and RR code, noted drifting low. unID 859.977 kHz (Venezuela?) also observed. | |
860 | MEXICO XEUN Radio Unam, México, DF 24Oct2015 0501 - Under R.Reloj; children's choral national anthem, preceded by classical music which matched online program schedule. | |
860 | MEXICO XECCN R.Caribe, Cancún, Q.Roo 30Jan2012 0500 - Under CJBC Toronto and R.Reloj Cuba; presumed this signing off with choral national anthem. 2012 WRTH lists XECCN 1100-0500 UTC. | 1728 (2781) |
860 | MEXICO XECTL R.Chetumal, Chetumal, Q.Roo 31Jan2012 0440 - Surprised to find this under CJBC while checking for XECCN; R.Chetumal and 860 AM IDs into ad string, romántica and light tropical vocals including an Aventura bachata, music continued through 0500 UTC. 1 kW per WRTH listing. 21Dec2023 0500 - Under CJBC and R.Reloj; choral national anthem. Quintana Roo time zone is UTC-5, thus the midnight playing of the national anthem. | 1941 (3123) |
860 | MEXICO XENL R.Recuerdo, Monterrey, NL 07Feb2015 0600 - Over/under CJBC; children's choral national anthem, then R.Recuerdo jingle and XENL ID. | |
860 | ST. KITTS & NEVIS VON Radio, Charlestown 22Dec2011 0245 - Over/under R.Reloj with CJBC nulled; continuous Christmas vocals: pop standards and Caribbean. 0300 "Powerhouse" ID with Merry Christmas jingle into Christmas reggae song. 02Sep2015 0000 - Poor; "VON Radio" with powerhouse slogan. | |
870 | CUBA R.Reloj, Baracoa//Bueycito//Sancti Spíritus 03Jan2012 2301 - At least two stations received with double RR code heard through WWL and WPWT. 23Jan2012 2350 - Over WWL and others; alternating man and woman, syncopated clock, minute marker and RR code. 16Jan2013 0300 - Fair to good; "En el año 55 de la revolución... Radio Reloj desde Habana Cuba." 13Dec2013 0900 - Heavy wobbling causing distorted RR code and audio. 20Mar2015 0101 - Successive RR Morse code from delay between three stations. 21Mar2015 0100 - Excellent; "Radio Reloj, (beep), nueve de la noche, en el año 57 de la revolución transmite Radio Reloj desde la Habana, Cuba." Syncopated clock, time marker, and RR Morse code also noted on 570, 790, 820, 860, 930, 950, and 960 kHz. | |
880 | CUBA R.Progreso, Pinar del Río 10Oct2012 0400 - Under WCBS; " Radio Progreso" and news headlines with musical punctuation, parallel 640, 690, and 750 kHz. 26Dec2014 0600 - Over/under WCBS; easy listening instrumental, 0601 canned ID with theme song, "Radio Progreso, cadena nacional, la onda de la alegría, transmitiendo desde la Habana Cuba, primer territorio libre en América." | |
890.1 | DOMINICAN REPUBLIC Radio 890/La Consentida, Valverde 17Sep2017 0200 - Het against 890 WAMG, but too much interference from local 900 WGHM Nashua to copy. Offset identified by Bill Whitacre at RealDX. Measured 890.114 kHz. | |
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900 | CUBA R.Progreso, San Germán-Urbano Noris 24Oct2012 0030 - Good with local WGHM Nashua nulled out; canned ID with theme song, "Radio Progreso, cadena nacional, la onda de la alegría, transmitiendo desde la Habana, Cuba, premier territorio libre en América," and chime with time check, "Ocho treinte minutos," parallel 640, 690, and 750 kHz. 16Mar2015 0900 - Under local WGHM Nashua; canned ID into 'A Primera Hora' parallel 640, 690, 750, 810, and 880 kHz. | |
900 | MEXICO XEW Iztapalapa, México, DF 24Oct2012 0400 - In WGHM null; "W Radio," descending chimes, "W Radio... la ciudad de México, W Radio" and informativos. | |
910 | CUBA R.Cadena Agramonte, Camagüey 07Feb2012 0100 - Good; talk about library at "la casa de la universidad cultural de la ciudad de Camagüey," slogan, "La radio camagüeyana en el corazón de pueblo," and ID, "Desde la cuna de el mayor transmite Radio Cadena Agramonte, Camagüey, Cuba." Listen to mp3 audio clip. 21Feb2013 1000 - Fair; four ascending notes marking the hour, canned ID, "Desde la cuna de el mayor, transmite Radio Cadena Agramonte, Camagüey, Cuba." | 1516 (2439) |
910 | VENEZUELA YVRQ AM Center, Caracas 15Dec2013 0301 - Mostly under WBZU and R.Cadena Agramonte; signature descending notes of doorbell attention signals. 19Mar2015 0902 - Over R.Cadena Agramonte; llanera folk vocal, doorbells with 4:32 time check. 03Jan2025 0459 - Good; tropical music, promo with phone number for requests, "...RQ 910 AM Center," and "Vida" by Proyecto A. Listen to mp3 audio clip. | |
939.88 | MEXICO XEQ Béesame, México, DF 09Oct2012 0300 - Good; "La radio apasionada de compañia, Bésame 940." 16Dec2013 0400 - Ascending chimes on the hour, alternating man and woman with Hora Nacional mentions. 0500 end of program with choral national anthem, announcement and chimes, then contemporary vocals, parallel delayed streaming audio. 0600 chimes and "La Q Radio" jingle into ad string, then chimes again and choral national anthem followed by ID/announcement and "La Q Radio" jingle (ex-Bésame). 0620 mentioned "XEQ radio punto mx" during break. Among a cluster of signals between 940.0 and 940.009 kHz, so XEQ is no longer at 939.88 offset frequency. 18Dec2013 0220 - Noted return to offset on low side, measured 939.851 kHz. 10Jan2014 0900 - Noted back on frequency (again); Q Radio jingle and talk. 24Jan2014 1100 - Off-frequency, het against WMAC; measured 939.877 kHz. 29Sep2014 1000 - Good; "La Q Radio" jingle, "La Q Mexicana, música con tradición," into orchestra bumper and announcer with La Q Mexicana mention. Listen to mp3 audio clip. 26Dec2014 0600 - Fair and on frequency; choral national anthem, Q Radio jingle. 27Dec2014 1001 - Good; morning prayer, "Gracias Señor," then ID, "Presenta... XEQ radio, 940 amplitud modulada... Colonia Espartaco, México, Distrito Federal, con 50 mil wats de potencia..." 02Jan2015 1000 - Noted back off-frequency at 939.88 kHz producing a loud het against WMAC. | |
940 | MEXICO XEQ La Q 940, México, DF 10Jul2015 0300 - On frequency, over/under WIPR and WMAC; Ke Buena jingle and canned ID, "940 AM... 50 mil wats de potencia... Ke Buena, 940 AM." 08Aug2015 0800 - Fair and on-frequency; "940," Ke Buena jingle, "940 AM," and tropical music. 10Sep2017 0159 - Fair; canned ID alternating between man and woman, "XEQ AM, dos cincuenta mil wats" (250 kW), and Ke Buena jingle. 21Dec2023 0300 - Over WINZ; promo's, "La Q 940... éxitos de la música popular en México," and ID, "La Q, XEQ AM, 940 kilohertz... colonia Espartaco..." | 2276 (3662) |
940.8 | COLOMBIA HJGB R.Calima, Cali 17Feb2020 0500 - Offset frequency varies between 940.8 to 940.9 kHz, tonight measured at 940.824 kHz. Confirmed by John Fisher with Don Moore in Colombia, frequency switches from 940.05 to 940.83 sometime between 0300-0357 UTC, and then switches back sometime between 0906-0957 UTC. Mauno Ritola observed similar, the carrier jumping from 940.05 to 940.83 between 0400 and 0500 UTC. Apparently alternating between two transmitters. | |
940 | CUBA R.Progreso, Sancti Spíritus 11Feb2013 1000 - Fair while tuned to high side to avoid XEQ het; chime with time check into "A Primera Hora" program. 09Dec2013 1000 - Under WMAC and others; chime with time check, theme music, parallel 640, 690, and 880 kHz. | 1504 (2420) |
940 | PUERTO RICO WIPR Deportes 940 AM, San Juan 16Jul2013 0300 - Fair; canned ID, "Esta es WIPR AM San Juan, Máxima 940..." and classic salsa music. 20Mar2015 1002 - Over/under an unID Latin American; nostalgia, canned ID, "Escuchas WIPR AM San Juan, Máxima 940, la cultura... Máxima 940 porque somos..." 09Jan2025 0501 - Fair; nostalgia, "Esta es WIPR Deportes 940 AM, San Juan, Puerto Rico..." and "Somos Puerto Rico" theme song. | |
950 | CUBA R.Reloj, Arroyo Arenas//Camagüey-Isábel Hortensia 21Feb2011 0400 - Syncopated clock, minute marker, and RR code under WIBX and WPEN. | |
960 | CUBA R.Reloj, Guantánamo 21Feb2011 0400 - Syncopated clock, etc. through unIDs and hum of sub-audible het. | |
970 | CUBA R.Guamá, Los Palacios-Andresia 16Oct2014 0400 - Under domestic jumble; chimes and choral national anthem, then four-note chimes, parallel 1070 kHz. 21Mar2015 0100 - Under WNYM; 4-note chimes marking the hour, parallel 990 kHz. | |
970 | CUBA R.Rebelde, Trinidad 21Feb2013 0100 - Under WFUN; Rebelde cuckoo sounder. First time logged on this frequency. | 1522 (2449) |
980 | CUBA COCO, La Habana-La Cruz 09Dec2013 0500 - Under domestic jumble; presumed this with the choral national anthem. R.Reloj, the only other Cuban listed on the frequency, was ticking away as usual on parallel frequencies and doesn't broadcast the anthem at midnight. | |
990 | CUBA R.Guamá, Pinar del Río 11Feb2013 0500 - Under WDCX open carrier; choral national anthem and ID with chimes parallel 1070 kHz. 03Mar2013 0500 - Under WDCX sign-off; canned ID with theme music, "Esta es Guamá, la señal sonora de la familia pinareña," choral nation anthem, then another ID with slogan. 20Mar2015 0359 - Under WDCX; choral national anthem, then signature 4-note chimes. 21Mar2015 0100 - Fair; chimes, canned ID, "Esta es Guamá, la señal sonora de la familia pinareña." | 1566 (2504) |
990 | MEXICO XET La T Grande, Monterrey, NL 18Mar2013 0800 - Under WNTP; canned ID, "XET La T Grande de Monterrey... con 50 mil wats de potencia... todo México... todo México..." with a flourish of tones in the middle. Later heard the same canned ID on XET streaming audio. | |
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1000 | COLOMBIA HJAQ RCN La Radio, Cartagena 22Mar2015 0200 - Good; fútbol coverage, Copa América promo, parallel 760 kHz. | |
1000 | CUBA R.Artemisa, Artemisa 18Sep2024 0359 - Good; signature music with ID, "Radio Artemisa... patria o muerte, venceremos," choral national anthem, parallel 1020 kHz. Seemed to sign off after anthem. | |
1000 | CUBA R.Granma, Media Luna 10Oct2012 0400 - Fair; "Radio Granma" by a woman and music box chimes. 12Jan2013 1100 - Under WMVP; R.Granma jingle and 'interval signal'. 20Mar2015 0959 - Melodic music box time marker breaking through a jumble of signals. 21Mar15 0100 - Over unID Spanish; "La... Radio Granma" canned ID by a woman and time marker. | 1593 (2563) |
1000 | MEXICO XEOY R.Mil, México, DF 24Oct2012 0400 - Over Cuba; nostalgic romántica, "Estamos XEOY AM... w punto com..." and jingle, "Radio Mil, vive México." 19Mar2015 0900 - Over/under WMVP; jingle with announced "Radio Mil," and nostalgia. | |
1020 | CUBA R.Artemisa, Bahía Honda 07Nov2021 0401 - Over KDKA; canned ID with flute music, "Radio Artemisa... patria o muerte, venceremos," and choral national anthem. 21Dec2023 0301 - Fair, no sign of KDKA; canned hourly ID, "Desde la tierra de coraje y sonrisa, transmite Radio Artemisa, emisora provincial," and "Encuentra" Cuban music program. Listen to mp3 audio clip. | |
1020 | CUBA R.Reloj, Victoria de las Tunas 25Aug2013 0801 - Under KDKA, over unID Spanish vocal; ticker and RR Morse code. | |
1020 | CUBA Cadena CMKS/R.Trinchera AntiImperialista, Baracoa 03Oct2013 0900 - Under KDKA; Guantanamera chimes. | |
1040 | CUBA R.Mayabeque, Güines 20Dec2015 1100 - Over/under WHO and WCHR; melody of canned hourly ID, then choral national anthem. 03Jan2016 0300 - Over/under WCHR; "Esta es Radio Mayabeque... 104.7 FM... la voz de Mayabeque..." 07Mar2021 0500 - Under WHO; interval signal-like melody. Listen to mp3 audio clip. | |
1060 | CUBA Radio 26, Jovellanos 16Jan2013 2300 - Over/under KYW; canned ID with piano music, "Esta es Radio 26, desde Matanzas, Cuba," and distinctive time signal. 09Dec2013 1100 - Over/under KYW; piano theme music, distinctive time marker, "Exactamente las seis en la mañana," and news, "...información en Radio 26." 13Dec2013 0500 - Over KYW; piano instrumental theme, "Esta es Radio 26, desde Matanzas, Cuba," time signal, and choral national anthem. 05Feb2014 1059 - Good, over KYW; canned ID and time check into news. Listen to mp3 audio clip. | 1480 (2381) |
1060 | MEXICO XEEP R.Educación, México DF 05Feb2012 0600 - Under KYW and Radio 26 Cuba; choral national anthem. 03Mar2013 0601 - Under KYW; children's choral national anthem. 13Oct2013 0901 - Over KYW; flute folk music, ID, "Radio Educación, 1060 de AM, desde la ciudad de México, cien mil wats de potencia, en internet radio educacion punto edu punto mx, Radio Educación." Listen to mp3 audio clip. | |
1060 | MEXICO XERDO Reynosa, Tamps. 26Dec2014 1000 - Weak rumble against KYW. Observed offset frequency, measured at 1060.076 kHz, along with an unID offset at 1060.021 kHz. XERDO moved from 1450 kHz. | |
1070 | CUBA R.Guamá, Guane 25Oct2012 0100 - Poor; " señal sonora de la familia pinareña" which matches slogan. 11Feb2013 0500 - Over/under CHOK; chimes marking the hour, choral national anthem, and canned ID by a woman accompanied by distinctive 4-note chimes, parallel 990 kHz. 19Oct2014 0359 - Briefly good over CHOK; choral national anthem, then canned ID with chimes, "Con la... nuevo día, Radio Guamá, la señal sonora de la familia pinareña..." Listen to mp3 audio clip. | |
1070 | CUBA CMKS R.Trinchera Antiimperialista, Guantánamo 21Mar2015 0500 - In jumble including CHOK, WNCT, and off-frequency HJCG; Guantanamera chimes. 07Jan2025 0459 - Poor in CHOK fade; Guantanamera chimes. | |
1080 | CUBA R.Cadena Habana/R.Ciudad de la Habana, Villa María 10Oct2012 2300 - Over/under WTIC; "Radio Cadena Habana, emisora de la música cubana," into a nostalgic vocal. 22Jun2013 0501 - Under WTIC; distinctive hourly musical signature. R.Cadena Habana carrying R.Ciudad. 26Aug2013 0801 - Under WTIC; Michael Jackson "I Just Can't Stop Loving You," then signature R.Ciudad piano theme music marking the hour, parallel 820 kHz. 26Dec2014 0600 - Under WTIC; R.Ciudad de la Habana jingle. 27Dec2014 2301 - Under WTIC; ID and singing "Radio Cadena Habana." 16Mar2015 0900 - Under WTIC; Ciudad jingle. | |
1080 | CUBA R.Surco, unknown location 04Jan2015 0500 - Under WTIC; choral national anthem and familiar canned ID, parallel 1140 kHz. Then at 0502 heard choral national anthem from R.Ciudad de la Habana parallel 820 kHz. 25Jan2015 1100 - Under WTIC; canned ID parallel 1140 kHz. | |
1090 | DOMINICAN REPUBLIC HIJM R.Amistad, Santiago 03Jan2025 0400 - Under WBAL; midnight playing of choral national anthem. | |
1090 | VENEZUELA YVSZ Deportes Unión Radio, Caracas 21Mar2015 0100 - Over/under WBAL; coverage of Caracas sports event. | |
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1100 | BRAZIL ZYK694 R.Globo, São Paulo 25Aug2013 0700 - Under WTAM open carrier; "Rádio Globo" promo in Portuguese. Listen to mp3 audio clip. | 4827 (7768) |
1100 | COLOMBIA HJAT Caracol Radio, Barranquilla 10Oct2012 2300 - Fair; choral national anthem, "Caracol Radio... hora Caracol... Diana Calderón." | 2205 (3549) |
1100 | COLOMBIA HJCN BBN Radio, Bogotá 30Jun2013 0800 - Under WTAM dead air; canned ID followed by "las buenas noticias" news from BBN. | 2622 (4220) |
1100 | CUBA R.Angulo, Mayarí 21Mar2015 0400 - Under WTAM; choral national anthem parallel 740 kHz. | |
1110 | CUBA R.Angulo, Holguín 28Feb2013 1000 - Under/over WBT; canned R.Angulo ID by a man, doorbells marking the hour, then Cuban folk music. 21Jun2013 0800 - Fair, over WBT; canned ID with "La Bella Cubana" violin instrumental and reverb, then doorbell chimes. 21Mar15 0059 - Under WBT; urban contemporary music clip and reverb, 0102 female R&B vocal, parallel 1100 kHz. 09Oct2015 0000 - Under WBT; spacey music of canned ID and chimes parallel 740 kHz. | |
1110 | MEXICO XERED Formato 21, México, DF 17Jul2017 0900 - Under WBT; talk in Spanish, Formato 21 jingle and music bed, México mentions. | |
1110 | VENEZUELA YVQT R.Carúpano, Carúpano 01Feb2012 0016 - Fair over WBT; contemporary tropical music, Venezuela ¡Carúpano! IDs. 22Mar2015 0130 - Good; "La hora de Venezuela" time check and nostalgic llanera. | 2262 (3641) |
1140 | CUBA R.Bayamo, Media Luna 26Aug2013 0700 - In co-channel jumble; signature doorbells parallel 1150 and 1620 kHz. | |
1140 | CUBA R.Surco, Morón 15Jan2013 2300 - Over/under WRVA; familiar CMIP R.Surco canned ID with synth instrumental. 06Jun2013 0300 - Fair; canned ID with electric organ/synth, "Transmite CMIP Radio Surco, desde Ciego de Avila, capital de la locución cubana." 05Jun2016 0400 - Fair; choral national anthem, then canned ID, "Transmite CMIP Radio Surco..." Listen to mp3 audio clip. | 1479 (2380) |
1140 | CUBA R.Cadena Agramonte, Camagüey-Isábel Hortensia 24Oct2012 1000 - Over WRVA; ascending chimes, canned ID with theme song, "Desde la cuna de el mayor, transmite Radio Cadena Agramonte, Camagüey, Cuba," parallel 910 kHz. Also heard weak chimes at 0900 through co-channel R.Rebelde. 21Feb2013 1000 - Under WRVA, over R.Rebelde; four ascending notes marking the hour, then canned ID, parallel 910 kHz. | 1516 (2439) |
1140 | CUBA R.Mayabeque, La Salud 20Dec2011 0200 - Over/under WRVA; piano/synth theme music, "Esta es Radio Mayabeque... tu emisora amiga." 25Jan2015 1100 - Over/under WRVA, WQBA, and R.Surco; theme music and choral national anthem, possibly signing on at this time, listed 1000 sign on. | |
1140 | CUBA R.Musical Nacional, Santa Clara 10Oct2012 0300 - Over R.Surco; "Esta es CMBF Radio Musical Nacional, transmitiendo desde... Cuba" and classical harp instrumental theme music. 22Jul2013 0300 - Fair; announcement of "concierto n° 1 en re menor para piano y orquesta... por la Orquesta Sinfónica de la Radiodifusión de la Unión Soviética..." and classical music. 21Dec2013 2300 - Fair; "Escucha CMBF Radio Musical Nacional, transmitiendo desde la Habana Cuba" and classical harp instrumental theme. | |
1140 | CUBA R.Rebelde, Circunvalación//Aguada//Caribe//Guantánamo-La Piña 02Jan2012 0501 - Fair; choral national anthem, then organ theme, "Rebelde la Habana, emisora de la revolución," parallel 600 kHz. 19Sep2017 0800 - Over/under WRVA; double sounders indicating reception of at least two of the four Rebelde signals on 1140 kHz. | |
1140 | CUBA R.Ciudad de la Habana, unknown location 04Mar2017 1100 - Under WRVA; melody of hourly canned jingle/ID. The canned ID of R.Surco poked through a minute later. There used to be a 5 kW Loma de la Cruz, Habana station listed here that broadcast R.Cadena Habana and R.Enciclopedia; reactivated as R.Ciudad? | |
1140 | MEXICO XEMR R.Esperanza, Monterrey NL 09Feb2013 0900 - Under WRVA; woman with Esperanza and México mentions. Relatively good Mexico reception conditions this morning. 22Mar2015 0130 - Fair; "Escuchas de Radio Esperanza, 1140 AM, la estación..." | 2008 (3231) |
1140.25 | PERU OCY4C R.Programas del Perú, Pilcomayo-Huancayo 21May2016 0900 - Het against WRVA, WQBA, R.Rebelde, and R.Surco; presumed this one listed at 1140.251 kHz. | |
1150 | CUBA R.Bayamo, Bueycito 03Mar2013 0600 - Under WWDJ; doorbells marking the hour, parallel 1620 kHz. 06Jun2013 0400 - Over/under WWDJ; choral national anthem and doorbell chimes. 26Mar2015 0500 - Through momentarily quiet WWDJ Boston; chimes parallel 1620 kHz. | |
1160 | BERMUDA VSB3 Hamilton 18Mar2011 0244 - Poor; BBC World Service through WVNJ. Signed off the air May 2015 due to transmitter maintenance issues and lack of sponsorship. | |
1170 | COLOMBIA HJNW Caracol Radio, Cartegena 17Jan2012 2359 - Surprised to find this on top; "Caracol Radio" IDs and titulares. 03Jan2015 0600 - Under WWVA; Caracol Christmas jingle. 08Oct2015 2359 - Fair; fútbol promo for selección Colombia, "Caracol Radio, más compania." | 2235 (3597) |
1170 | CUBA Cadena CMKS, Maisí 27Sep2014 0401 - Through WWVA open carrier; Guantanamera chimes. 08Oct2015 2302 - Under WWTR; Guantanamera chimes. 16Aug2020 0401 - Poor under WWVA open carrier; canned ID by woman, "Desde Guantánamo, Cuba, Radio Trinchera Antiimperialista, la voz de..." | |
1170 | MEXICO XEZS R.Hit, Coatzacoalcos, Ver. 08Feb2014 0900 - Poor but briefly readable with WWVA off the air; "En Radio Hit, son las tres en punto..." Listen to mp3 audio clip. | 2164 (3483) |
1179 | CUBA R.Rebelde, unknown location 06Jun2013 0800 - Presumed one of the R.Rebelde outlets off-frequency, producing a loud het against 1180 R.Rebelde and WHAM. | |
1190 | CUBA R.Revolución, Chivirico 08Feb2020 0500 - In mix with WLIB and WOWO; choral national anthem, then familiar calliope music of canned R.Revolución ID. | |
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1200 | COLOMBIA HJIJ Medellín 29Mar2017 1000 - Het against CFGO and WXKS; measured 1200.174 kHz corresponding with listed offset frequency. | |
1210 | CUBA R.Rebelde, Jobabo 10Oct2012 0400 - Under WPHT; "Rebelde" ID and announcement by a woman, then choral national anthem, parallel 1180 kHz. | |
1210 | CUBA R.Sancti Spíritus, Sancti Spíritus 02Jan2016 1100 - Under WPHT; chimes marking the hour, woman in Spanish. 16Jul2016 0900 - Under WPHT; tropical guitar, "Radio Sancti Spíritus" by a man and announcement by a woman. Listen to mp3 audio clip. 13Aug2017 0501 - Under WPHT; instrumental segment of "Winchester Cathedral" into canned ID with fanfare, "En el centro de Cuba... CMGL Radio Sancti Spíritus..." 09Jan2025 0400 - Under WPHT; canned ID by man: "Radio Sancti Spíritus," and woman: "Contemporánea en su tradición." | |
1220 | CUBA R.Caribe, La Fe 18Oct2015 0359 - Under WHKW; choral national anthem. This is the only Cuban listed on 1220 kHz. | 1603 (2580) |
1290 | VENEZUELA YVLF Puerto Cabello 14Oct2012 0100 - Briefly over jumble; "Por RCR Deportes..." in sports commentary, parallel 750 YVKS. | 2232 (3592) |
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1309.68 | COLOMBIA HJAK La Voz de la Patria Celestial, Barranquilla 23Jun2016 0900 - Het against CIWW; coinciding with listed 0900 sign-on, measured 1309.679 kHz. | |
1510 | ECUADOR HCIO2 R.Naval, Guayaquil 28Sep2019 0458 - Clear time signal heard through 1500 WFED and 1520 WWKB splatter with co-channel WLAC and WRNJ subdued by geomagnetic disturbance. Listen to mp3 audio clip. 16Feb2020 0402 - Time signal through WLAC. 17Feb2020 0501 - Time signal through WLAC. | 3135 (5045) |
1510.28 | ECUADOR HCBD1 R.Monumental, Quito 20Nov2020 0300 - Het against 1510 domestics; measured 1510.280 kHz. Recently and widely reported variable high offset frequency. 18Sep2024 0358 - Fadey signal; Ecuadorian rockola "Todo o Nada" by Clarita Vera. 03Jan2025 0302 - Fair; promo's, "En Monumental, 1510 AM..." and "Monumental, la gigante..." Listen to mp3 audio clip. | |
1520 | COLOMBIA HJLI Libertad, Bogotá 18Mar2013 0859 - Under WWKB open carrier; "La palabra de Dios..." and "la comunidad manantial" with Bogotá and Colombia mentions. Per Henrik Klemetz at RealDX, this was a plug for meetings of the Comunidad Manantial de Vida at "Diagonal 46A No. 51-40 en Bogotá, Colombia, Centro Comercial Venecia Plaza, 2o. piso, Barrio Venecia, Comunidad Manantial." | 2621 (4218) |
1540 | BAHAMAS ZNS1 Nassau 17Feb2012 0500 - Over/under WDCD and KXEL; instrumental national anthem. 11Oct2012 0400 - Over KXEL; "The views and opinions expressed on this show or program are not a reflection of the Bahamas Radio Network and as an extension the Broadcasting Corporation of the Bahamas," then "The Broadcasting Corporation of the Bahamas presents News and Views, Immediate Response." Listen to mp3 audio clip ending with KXEL ID. 04Oct2015 1000 - Believed to be the source of open carrier spurs at 1521 and 1559 (+/-19 kHz) producing hets against 1520 WWKB and 1560 WFME. 18Dec2015 1059 - Good; "You're tuned in to Radio Bahamas 1540 AM, 107.9 FM, this is the voice of the Bahamas," then lost to WDCD sign-on. Also noted strong hets from ZNS1 spurs at 1521 and 1559 kHz. 27Jan2017 1100 - Loud hets from spurs at 1521 and 1559 kHz; only WDCD and CHIN heard on 1540 kHz. | 1266 (2037) |
1540.5 | PERU OCU2X R.Turbomix, Cajamarca 28May2016 0858 - Good het against 1539.999 KXEL Waterloo and 1539.984 CHIN Toronto. Measured 1540.500 kHz which is the offset for R.Turbomix. 0901 heard a Spanish ballad with light guitar music rising out of the domestic splatter; The second Peru offset found in a week, with 1140.251 OCY4C R.Programas found on May 21 at this same time. | 3462 (5571) |
1550 | CUBA R.Rebelde, multiple sites 14Feb2012 0059 - Through 1560 WQEW HD digital noise; "Rebelde la Habana, emisora de la revolución" with organ theme music, then deportivamente intro, parallel 600, 620, 670, 710, 1180 kHz. | |
1560 | PANAMA R.Adventista, Panamá 17May2024 0658 - Poor to fair; UTC-5 time check, "La hora es una y... minutos," announcements ending with flute music, then woman, "Radio Adventista, 26 años..." and jingle. Listen to mp3 audio clip. | |
1570 | MEXICO XERF La Poderosa, Cd. Acuña, Coah. 13Jan2014 1000 - Brief fade over CJLV; Mexican music, "...aquí en la Poderosa." | 1878 (3023) |
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1610 | ANGUILLA Caribbean Beacon, The Valley 14Oct2012 0300 - Under CHHA; announced Los Angeles address in United States of America, then University Network ID with 800 phone number. | |
1620 | CUBA CMKX R.Bayamo, Bayamo 03Mar2013 0501 - Over/under R.Rebelde; choral national anthem, then música program intro with Bayamo mention. 0600 under R.Rebelde and unID; doorbells marking the hour, parallel 1150 kHz. 24Jan2014 1100 - Under R.Rebelde; doorbells followed by six chimes marking 6 a.m. 12Oct2014 0500 - Over R.Rebelde; canned ID, "Esta es CMKX, Radio Bayamo, cadena con... transmitiendo desde la cuna del himno nacional cubana, su emisora de siempre" and chimes with time check, "Uno en punto." Listen to mp3 audio clip. 03Jan2025 0200 - Good, over R.Rebelde; "Transmite CMKX Radio Bayamo, emisora provincial de Granma, desde la cuna del himno nacional cubana, su emisora de siempre," and chimes. | 1569 (2525) |
1620 | CUBA R.Rebelde, La Habana//Guantánamo 01Feb2012 0100 - Fair over unID Spanish; organ theme music, "Rebelde la Habana, emisora de la revolución," and news. 05Mar2012 0100 - Synchro echo; ID with organ, listen to mp3 audio clip. 17Sep2017 0000 - Good; promo, "...en la FM Rebelde, antena música viva." | |
1620 | U.S. VIRGIN ISLANDS WDHP Frederiksted 17Feb2019 0058 - Over/under R.Rebelde and R.Bayamo; promo, "...103.5 The Reef" and edgy Caribbean rap. At 0159, promo ID, "...and you're listening to 103.5 The Reef." | |
1630 | EL SALVADOR R.Elohim, San Salvador 06Nov2021 0200 - Over KCJJ; chanting preacher in Spanish. Listen to mp3 audio clip. | |
1640 | DOMINICAN REPUBLIC R.Juventus Don Bosco, Santo Domingo 18Feb2014 1059 - National anthem faded over the pile of co-channel HAR/TIS stations. Listen to mp3 audio clip. | |
1700 | MEXICO XEPE Tecate, BCN 03Feb2014 1000 - Atop the frequency; muddled ID in Spanish by a woman followed by promo, "...and you're listening to ESPN Radio 1700 7:00 a.m., ESPN Radio 1700." Listen to mp3 audio clip. | 2543 (4092) |
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