2012 Prince Edward Island DXpedition

Howe Bay, Prince Edward Island, Canada (46°19'N 62°22'W)
October 28 - November 2, 2012   *All Dates/Times UTC*


Brent Taylor
      Bruce Conti, Niel Wolfish, Nick Hall-Patch and I joined up at a rented cottage in Howe Bay, Eglington, near Souris on the eastern end of the Island. We were looking for southern water path exposure in the hope of snagging some South Americans. We had some really good DX, but were plagued by extreme static crashes in the latter part of the week as Hurricane Sandy flew apart. As a group we logged over 60 countries, on all five major continents, and we may find many more from our SDR recordings in the coming months.
      Bruce used crossed phased variably-terminated bi-directional Delta loops. The other three of us had a large corner fed loop with variable termination and a FLG-100 amplifier, as well as a smaller ALA-100M in a Delta configuration, optimized for the Far East and Brazil. All antennas delivered very well.
      Our DXpedition planning page appears at http://peidxpeditions.wikia.com/wiki/PEI_DX-Peditions_Wiki.
      There may be more as I "DX" the .wav files in airports on my travels, weekends, at work when it's quiet - who knows. SDR capturing and recording has enabled me to DX anywhere, any time.

Bruce Conti
      First, many thanks to Brent Taylor for all the preliminary legwork in securing the southern exposure waterfront cottage at Howe Bay, in an attempt to take advantage of increased solar activity for tropical DX. This was the third time I've participated in the Prince Edward Island DXpedition, which actually traces its roots to the original Miscou, New Brunswick, DXpedition, and it will likely be the most successful so far in terms of tropical reception. Previous years had proven to be difficult for reception of Cuba, never mind any thing more interesting, thus the location on the southeast side of the island this time. Whether by design or dumb luck, the plan worked. Mucho más signals were flowing from the Caribbean and South America this time, while transoceanic DX was also strong with many new catches logged.
      DXing is most often a solitary pursuit, so the camaraderie and teamwork of a DXpedition is always a great experience. This team seemed to come together exceptionally well as we each brought something to the table. Despite being plugged into headphones, frantic waving of the hands gained everyone's attention when something interesting was found. Nick Hall-Patch joined us from the Pacific coast, contributing his antenna expertise and transpacific knowledge while also logging transatlantic signals like a pro. Niel Wolfish demonstrated his proficiency using radio station website playlists to aid with identification of UK locals, while also contributing to the tropical bounty with the off-hour ID of Paraguay on 920 kilohertz. However, Brent Taylor earned the 2012 DX award for the first deep South American or transpacific reception with Argentina logged on 870 kilohertz. I enjoyed digging deep to ID new catches, especially tropical, while also keeping an ear open for local ID's from Spain, but I missed the transpacific opening of October 31 as my "driftnet" automated RF spectrum captures were on the southeast antenna while I was sleeping.
      Interesting to note that this was an all-SDR DXpedition, sans Perseus. Brent and Nick represented RFSpace, while Niel and I put the WiNRADiO Excalibur to the test. We have plenty of RF spectrum captures to review, a task that may take months if not years to complete. In the meantime, these 'first-pass' logs are certainly representative of what was heard at Howe Bay.

Niel Wolfish
      Howe Bay was a success in all respects, great company and DX, and even decent weather, in spite of Hurricane Sandy wreaking havoc on our neighbors to the south. Being an apartment dweller in a big city with a whole slew of powerful local stations nearby, this location was ideal. Nothing beats having the two closest locals in another province. It would have required a trip by either a car ferry or toll bridge across the Straits of Northumberland, followed by a lengthy drive to Cape Breton Island, in order to be able to see the towers from 1140 CBI or 1270 CJCB. Although we were a ways away from local stations we were still a short drive from 'civilization', in the form of the towns of Montague and Souris. Handy for the grocery store and hardware store runs, or the daily lunchtime 'sit down' meal.
      This year marked my first opportunity to really give my new-acquired WiNRADiO Excalibur a proper test drive. It was very handy to have Bruce Conti nearby in order to get some pointers, particularly on how to make recordings while I was in slumber land. And on the other side of the table Nick Hall-Patch and Brent Taylor were there to alert me, through judicious use of hand signals, of interesting DX, or just audio that might be mildly amusing. This was the first time I had ever been on a DXpedition where the non-DX related reading material never got touched. Any 'down time' from the radio was easily spent reviewing recordings from the previous evening/morning. I may be reviewing recordings for the rest of the winter. Although, there has already been one disappointment for me. Nick Hall-Patch reported China underneath Saudi Arabia on 1521 at 0000 UTC on November 1. I was recording then. Alas, on that particular hourtop, I chose not to record the entire medium wave spectrum, so I have nothing to listen to from 1521. Now I have at least one thing to shoot for in another year.
      Many thanks to Brent for finding and arranging another great spot. Mr. Taylor also deserves congratulations for winning the award for being the first to log a Deep South American. And Brent also should get credit, for once again 'running the table' by logging every possible Canadian province at sunrise one morning.

Nick Hall-Patch
      I'm still recovering from this very interesting DXpedition, and it wasn't just the transcontinental jet lag. Although I've occasionally heard trans Atlantic stations from the Canadian west coast, and listened from coastal Massachusetts while visiting there for work, nothing had quite prepared me for the onslaught of trans Atlantic stations each evening we were at Howe Bay. There were times, when sleep deprived as I was, I had the delusion that I was DXing from somewhere not too far from Spain, south coast of Ireland maybe. The first couple of days, Brent was amused to see me grinning from ear to ear while DXing, just flabbergasted at the overabundance before me.
      The Howe Bay site was to be optimal for deep South Americans, and it was that, but the TA's were the heart of the expedition for me (the morning of hearing Asiatic stations was icing on the cake). Partly I just wanted to familiarize myself more with the normal TA's as well as the DX, to enable me to listen more effectively on the rare occasions that these stations make it to the west coast. Part of it was (ahem), I managed to foul up the overnight recordings that I did to hear the Latin stations. Another time.
      And this was all done without Beverage antennas. Both the corner fed loop and the ALA-100 figure-8 loop were set up to null pretty much the entire U.S. eastern seaboard, and were very effective at that, while allowing Europe, the Middle East, and east Asia (the corner fed), and South America, Africa, and Australia (the ALA100) to come through. Well, Australia was just a couple of tempting carriers this time, but the potential is there.
      Thanks again to Brent for initiating and organizing the expedition, and letting me have an opportunity to see how the "other side" DX'es.

The DXers at their monitoring stations; left to right - Nick Hall-Patch, Brent Taylor, Niel Wolfish, and Bruce Conti.

DX Fishbarrel
      The DX Fishbarrel developed by Nick Hall-Patch is a homebrewed program that graphically displays signal strengths (or more accurately, signal to noise ratios) from each of the 9 kHz channels from 153 to 1701 kHz about once every 20 seconds, using an RFSpace SDR-14 and a computer. In addition, it can send an averaged snapshot of this display to the web about once a minute, to warn others of an opening, and a DXer or two on the west coast enjoyed our TA DXing vicariously. The "fishbarrel" refers to the expression "shooting fish in a barrel," as you can use the display to pounce on the DX when it appears rather than when you stumble upon it.
      At Howe Bay, the overall strength of the TA signals meant that the display usually looked like a well lit Christmas tree, so its greatest use was for our single morning of Asiatic signals which mostly faded up for a moment or two at best, and could easily be missed. It was also useful to find the first TA's fading in before local sunset.

The DX Fishbarrel tool by Nick Hall-Patch monitors transoceanic 9 kHz channels.

Transatlantic DX

 531   ALGERIA   Jil FM, F'kirina Wilaya d'Oum El Bouaghi  OCT 31 0300 - Excellent; Middle Eastern vocal set to Michael Jackson sample, canned Jil FM ID and jingle, parallel 549 kHz. [Conti]
 549   ALGERIA   Jil FM, Les Trembles  OCT 28 0108 - Melismatic Arabis vocal by man parallel 531 kHz. Ruling the frequency. [Hall-Patch] OCT 29 0559 - Good; marching band national anthem and news parallel 531 kHz. OCT 31 2300 - Excellent; rock vocal, canned ID, then choral anthem. Listen to mp3 audio clip. [Conti]
 558   SPAIN   RNE5 synchros  OCT 28 0146 - Pop music, poor to fair strength parallel 621 and lagging it slightly. 774 RNE1 also noted at this time fair to good signal. [Hall-Patch]
 567   SAUDI ARABIA   BSKSA R.Quran, various  OCT 31 0015 - Fair; Koranic recitation, then talk parallel 999 kHz. [Conti] OCT 31 0018 - Quran singing, poor to fair, Arabic talk seemed parallel when lined up with 999 kHz but slightly out of sync. [Hall-Patch]
 576   CANARY ISLANDS//SPAIN   RNE5 synchros  OCT 28 2200 - Excellent; "Radio Nacional de España, informativos," parallel 558 kHz. [Conti]
 585   SPAIN   RNE1 Madrid  NOV 2 0200 - Good; time marker, "Las tres, las dos en Canarias," into news, "Radio Nacional de España, informativos." [Conti]

 603   FRANCE   France Info, Tramoyes  OCT 28 2100 - Good; theme music into news parallel 792 kHz. [Conti] OCT 29 0200 - Good to fair, out of big band English female vocal, abruptly into their jingle and then news in French by male. [Taylor]
 603   SPAIN   RNE5 synchros  NOV 2 0200 - Good, over France Info; time marker, "Las tres, las dos en Canarias," into news, "Radio Nacional de España, informativos." [Conti]
 612   MOROCCO   SNRT Sebaa-Aioun  OCT 29 0459 - Good; choral national anthem, brief announcement, and Koranic recitations. [Conti]
 612   SPAIN   RNE1 synchros  OCT 28 2300 - Fair; "Radio Nacional de España, informativos," parallel 585 and 621 kHz. [Conti]
 621   CANARY ISLANDS//SPAIN   RNE1 synchros  OCT 29 0200 - Excellent, out of "Enya" type song, 5+1 pips, then mention of "Canarias" and into Radio Nacional de España with "informativos" by male announcer. [Taylor]
 630   TUNISIA   RTT Tunis  NOV 1 2329 - Arabic stringed music. Fair with Portugal underneath. [Wolfish]
 639   CZECH REPUBLIC   Ceský rozhlas, Liblice & Svinov  OCT 29 2059 - Over/under Spain; oldies-style rock vocal, Ceský rozhlas ID into news by woman parallel 954 kHz. [Conti]
 639   SPAIN   RNE1 La Coruña et al.  OCT 31 0600 - Fair in 640 CBN splatter; "En Radio Nacional, El Día Menos Pensado con Manolo H. H.," parallel 621 kHz. [Conti]
 657   ITALY   Rai Radiouno synchros  OCT 28 2300 - Sign-off test tones under Spain. OCT 30 2259 - Good; orchestral anthem and test tones parallel 1062 kHz. [Conti]
 666   PORTUGAL   RDP Antena 1 synchros  OCT 30 0225 - Almost certain webstream was same, but two men talking doesn't help much in identifying using a 30-second delay for webstream. Fortunately, one man said "eh-eh" reasonably often, and I could hear that repeated on web stream about 30 sec later. [Hall-Patch]
 675   NETHERLANDS   R.Maria, Lopik  OCT 28 2300 - Good; R.Maria ID with what sounded like contact info, then another R.Maria ID and church bells on the hour. [Conti] OCT 30 0214 - Woman and man talking, perhaps a prayer and response; into liturgical sounding vocal music. Faded up to good signal by 0218 with R.Maria ID by man; into continuing classical sounding religious music. [Hall-Patch]
 684   SPAIN   RNE1 Sevilla  OCT 31 0001 - Good, with news in Spanish by male and female announcers. Ran clip with translation of Pres. Obama discussing hurricane response. [Taylor]
 693   UNITED KINGDOM   BBC Radio 5, Droitwich et al.  OCT 29 2100 - Good, synchro echo; Five Live Sports talk about Premier League, promo for interview with Tom Brady (of the New England Patriots) in the next hour. [Conti]

 702   FRANCE   RMC-Info, Le Col de La Madonne  OCT 28 2200 - Good; time marker, ID, and Radio Chine International in French. [Conti]
 711   FRANCE   France Info, Rennes  OCT 28 0032 - Good strength with French talk by man and woman fighting with big hum presumed from Western Sahara, parallel 1377 similar strength, with 1377 holding its own as 711 faded. Other parallels noted in the next 15 minutes on 945, 603, 1242 and 1557 kHz. [Hall-Patch]
 711.11 WESTERN SAHARA   SNRT Laayoune  OCT 29 0100 - Loud het against France; nothing readable with this off-frequency signal at the same level as France but poorly modulated. [Conti]
 720   PORTUGAL   RDP Antena 1 synchros  OCT 28 2200 - Good; sports coverage in Portuguese parallel 666 kHz. [Conti] OCT 31 2300 - Pips, ID and time check into newscast by man. [Wolfish]
 729   SPAIN   RNE1 synchros  OCT 31 0001 - Fair, with news in Spanish by male and female announcers parallel 684 kHz. [Taylor]
 738   SPAIN   RNE1 Barcelona  OCT 31 0001 - Fair, with news in Spanish by male and female announcers parallel 684 kHz. [Taylor] NOV 1 0300 - Good; time marker, "Las cuatros, las tres en Canarias," and "Radio Nacional de España, informativos." [Conti]
 747   NETHERLANDS   R.Vijf Nostalgia, Zeewolde  OCT 31 0002 - Fair, with spoken and then choral ID (which I was unable to make out on my own) and into a French pop song. Thanks to Fredrik Dourén, Paul Logan, and Max van Arnhem at RealDX for help with the ID. [Taylor]
 756   GERMANY   Deutschlandfunk, Braunschweig & Ravensburg  OCT 31 0001 - Good, over Spain, with woman reading news in German. [Taylor] NOV 2 0200 - Good; "Deutschlandfunk," time marker, and news in German. [Conti]
 765   IRAN   IRIB R.Iran, Chahbahar  OCT 30 2300 - Over/under Saudi Arabia; string music and vocal parallel 1503 kHz. [Conti]
 765   SAUDI ARABIA  BSKSA R.Quran, various  OCT 31 0015 - Fair; Koranic recitations, then talk parallel 999 kHz. [Conti]
 774   EGYPT   Middle East Radio, Abis  NOV 1 0300 - Under Spain; Koran parallel 819 and 864 kHz. [Conti] NOV 1 0309 - Man chanting unaccompanied on and on, finally changed to talk, followed 20 seconds later by webstream. Fair to good signal. [Hall-Patch]
 774   SPAIN   RNE1 synchros  OCT 31 0001 - Fair, with news in Spanish by male and female announcers parallel 684 et al. [Taylor]
 783   MAURITANIA   R.Mauritanie, Nouakchott  OCT 31 2210 - Good, on African antenna; man and woman hosts, in Arabic, taking calls. [Taylor]
 783   SYRIA   Radio of Syrian Arab Republic, Tartus  OCT 29 2159 - Good; Middle Eastern vocal with strings and drums, then soft-spoken announcer with soft background music. [Conti]
 792   FRANCE   France Info, Limoges  OCT 29 0026 - Light orchestral music good strength parallel 945 kHz. [Hall-Patch]
 792   SPAIN   SER Sevilla  NOV 2 0159 - Good; promo, "Todo en la información, todas las noticias... en Cadena Ser punto com," time marker, "Cadena Ser, servicios informativos." [Conti]

 801   SPAIN   RNE1 synchros  OCT 29 0500 - Fair; "En Radio Nacional, El Día Menos Pensado, con Manolo H. H." NOV 2 0200 - Poor with synchro echo in splatter from 800 VOWR The Voice of Wesley Radio; time marker into news parallel 585 kHz. [Conti]
 810   SCOTLAND   BBC R.Scotland, various  OCT 31 2300 - Faded up over CJVA with names of British soldiers killed in Afghanistan, ID as "BBC Radio Scotland," time check as 11 p.m. and news. [Wolfish]
 810   SPAIN   SER R.Madrid, Madrid  OCT 29 2116 - Underneath CJVA with soccer broadcast. [Wolfish] OCT 31 0300 - Excellent; "Radio Madrid," then "Todos... en Cadena Ser," time marker, "Cadena Ser, servicios informativos" and Spain/Canaries time checks into news. [Conti] NOV 2 0032 - Dominating over co-channel domestics with talk and promos in Spanish, and "Cadena SER" ID at 0036. [Taylor]
 819   EGYPT   ERTU Batrah  OCT 28 2100 - Fair; Big Ben chimes and anthem into news. OCT 29 2100 - Good; Big Ben chimes. OCT 30 2300 - Good; "min al-qahira" in announcements with Middle Eastern music bed. [Conti]
 819   ITALY   Rai Radiouno, Trieste  OCT 30 2300 - Sign-off test tones under Egypt. [Conti]
 819   SPAIN   R.Euskadi, San Sebastián  OCT 29 0600 - Fair; marker and time check, "...en Radio Euskadi" into news with lead story about Hurricane Sandy. [Conti] NOV 1 2306 - Man and woman talking in Spanish. And playing female vocal. Fair to good signal, parallel to a weaker 756 kHz. Egypt audible underneath. [Wolfish]
 837   CANARY ISLANDS//SPAIN   COPE synchros  OCT 29 0130 - Woman talking parallel 1224, poor to fair, fading under slow music from France. [Hall-Patch]
 837   FRANCE   France Info, Nancy  OCT 29 0029 - Lively vocal music poor under Canaries/Spain, parallel 954 kHz. [Hall-Patch]
 837   IRAN   IRIB R.Iran, Isfahan  OCT 30 2300 - Under Canaries/Spain; string music and vocal parallel 1503 kHz. [Conti]
 837   unID   OCT 29 0200 - Over/under France/Spain mix; Koranic choral vocal not parallel IRIB R.Iran frequencies. [Conti]
 855   ROMANIA   România Actualitati, Tancabesti  OCT 29 2100 - Under Spain; fanfare into news parallel 1530 and 1593 kHz. [Conti]
 855   SPAIN   RNE1 Murcia et al.  OCT 31 0001 - Good; news in Spanish by male and female announcers, parallel whole network. [Taylor]
 864   ARMENIA   R.Free Europe/R.Liberty, Gavar  OCT 29 0157 - ID repeated over and over, over/under Egypt's Quran program, fair strength. [Hall-Patch] OCT 29 0157 - Over/under Egypt; "Radio Free Europe, Radio Liberty, Gavar" and beep repeating every five seconds. [Conti]
 864   EGYPT   Holy Koran Program, Santah  OCT 28 2100 - Fair; Koranic recitations and talk. [Conti] OCT 29 0049 - This frequency ruled pretty much by this... Arabic singing, on and on, fair to good strength; but France faded up above it at 0038. ID'd this by webstream parallel. [Hall-Patch]
 864   FRANCE   France Bleu, Villebon-sur-Yvette  OCT 30 2259 - Good; France Bleu 107.1 and "Radio 107.1" IDs. [Conti]
 882   SAUDI ARABIA   BSKSA R.Quran, Dammam  OCT 30 2055 - Poor, under BBC R.Wales and COPE Spain; Koranic singing parallel 1512 kHz. [Taylor]
 882   UNITED KINGDOM   BBC R.Wales, Washford  OCT 29 2059 - Good with synchro echo; weather and traffic report, "On FM, AM, online, TV, and digital radio, this is BBC Radio Wales," and 9 o'clock time check into news. [Conti] OCT 30 2104 - In booming with Oasis song "Roll with It." [Wolfish]
 890.99  ALGERIA   Chaîne 1, Oulet Fayet  OCT 29 0040 - Strong open carrier. [Conti]


 900   ITALY   Rai Radiouno, Milano  OCT 29 2200 - In mix with Spain and unID; data (sounds like fast Morse code), time marker, and Rai ID. Feedback from Vittoria DeTomasi, "Rai time signal is encoded with a proprietary format designed by the Italian metrological laboratory (IEN www.inrim.it) described for example here: http://tycho.usno.navy.mil/ptti/1996/Vol%2028_02.pdf and here (in Italian): www.inrim.it/res//tf/src_i.shtml. While it might sound like fast Morse code, actually it is a digital signal. You can hear a sample here: www.youtube.com/watch?v=Hti_2F0npFw. It can be decoded using Multipsk (http://f6cte.free.fr/index_anglais.htm), but other software has been developed for this purpose as well. I bet the pips can be actually decoded also from the other side of the pond... try running Multipsk on your recording. If it works, you have found a new way to check the identity of Italian MW stations." [Conti]
 900   SPAIN   COPE synchros  OCT 29 0100 - Fair; distinctive time marker accompanied by music into news, parallel 999 kHz. [Conti] NOV 2 0024 - Over top of Italy with ID and talk by man and woman. [Wolfish]
 909   ROMANIA   R.Cluj, Jucu  OCT 31 0300 - Under BBC5; solemn vocal parallel 1593 kHz. [Conti]
 909   SPAIN   RNE5 Palma de Mallorca  OCT 28 2347 - Holding forth with fair audio parallel 1305 under usually dominant BBC5. [Hall-Patch] NOV 2 0026 - Talk in Spanish by man underneath BBC5. [Wolfish]
 909   UNITED KINGDOM   BBC Radio 5 synchros  OCT 21 2200 - Excellent, synchro echo; "This is BBC Radio Five Live" and the news at 10 with lead story about Hurricane Sandy approaching New York City, parallel 693 kHz. [Conti]
 917   NIGERIA   R.Gotel, Yola  OCT 29 0103 - Often a carrier here, but slight traces of talk, so worth investigating further. Often put a big het on 918 kHz. [Hall-Patch]
 918   SLOVENIA   R.Slovenija 1, Lujiblana  NOV 1 2204 - News by man in Slovenian. Then Spanish station faded up. [Wolfish]
 918   SPAIN   R.Inter, Ctra Humera  OCT 29 0600 - Fair; time marker, "Son las siete en la mañana, las seis en Canarias," into news with orchestra fanfare, "...a Radio Inter." NOV 1 0300 - Good despite het from 917 Nigeria; "Descubre la Inter, más info," into a Donna Summer disco song. [Conti]
 918   SYRIA   Radio of Syrian Arab Republic, Al-Hassake  OCT 29 2159 - Over/under Spain; distinctive Middle Eastern vocal with strings and drums parallel 783 kHz. [Conti] OCT 29 2256 - Slow Arabic singing by man parallel 783 with 918 lagging slightly. [Hall-Patch]
 936   ITALY   Rai Radiouno synchros  OCT 28 2054 - Under unID; pop vocal, then talk in Italian with classical music interludes, parallel 1062 kHz. 2300 sign-off test tones under Spain. [Conti]
 936   SPAIN   RNE5 synchros  OCT 28 2100 - Fair; marker and Spain/Canaries time checks, "Radio Cinco, Todo Noticias, informativos de Radio Nacional," parallel 1107 kHz. [Conti]
 945   ENGLAND   Gold, Bexhill  NOV 2 0050 - Poor, under France Info, with Simon & Garfunkel's "I Am a Rock," matching their online playlist. [Taylor] NOV 2 0050 - "I Am a Rock" by Simon & Garfunkel and The Zombies "She's Not There" heard under France. Songs matched webstream. [Wolfish]
 945   FRANCE   France Info, Toulouse  OCT 31 2004 - Good, with male host taking callers. [Taylor] OCT 31 2115 - Strong. Report in English being translated into French. [Wolfish]
 954   CZECH REPUBLIC   Ceský rozhlas synchros  OCT 29 2100 - Fair; Ceský rozhlas ID into news by woman. [Conti] NOV 1 2216 - Talk about President Obama visiting New Jersey. ID at 2219. Mixing with Spain. [Wolfish]
 954   SPAIN   Onda Cero, Madrid  OCT 28 0200 - Man in Spanish, briefly fair leading up to 5 short and one long pip, but no ID that I could find, just a time check for 3, and into noticias. Same pips were heard in parallel on 1080 under WTIC, but no other audio that could be used as a parallel. However, 1341 had the man talking in parallel, though delayed by about 1/2 second, and considerably weaker. [Hall-Patch] OCT 29 0600 - Fair; time marker, "En Onda Cero..." time check, "las siete, a las seis en Canarias" and weather. [Conti]
 963   FINLAND   Radio 86, Pori  OCT 31 0300 - Good; open carrier leading up to the hour, then fanfare and Radio Kitaya ID. [Conti]
 963   PORTUGAL   R.Sim, Seixal  OCT 29 2100 - Poor; time signal - three pips, pause, one pip, at a distinctive high pitch, and R.Sim ID. Thanks to Mauno Ritola and Jean Burnell at RealDX for help with ID. "It's the Portuguese station, they have those high-pitched pips," said Jean. Found the same pips at 891 and 1251 kHz, but not received on other R.Sim frequencies. [Conti]
 963   SPAIN   R.Euskadi, Biribilando  OCT 30 2300 - Fair; "Ahora, Radio Euskadi..." OCT 31 0100 - Fair; "Radio Euskadi, servicios informativos." [Conti] OCT 31 2350 - Man talking nil to fair parallel 819 under something unID. [Hall-Patch]
 963   TUNISIA   R.Tunisia Cultural, Tunis  OCT 28 2300 - Fair; choral national anthem. NOV 1 2300 - Fair; choral national anthem. [Conti]
 972   GERMANY   NDR Info, Hamburg  OCT 28 2300 - Good, over Spain; "NDR Info, nachrichten." OCT 29 0200 - Good; "ARD Infonacht, nachrichten." [Conti]
 972   SPAIN//MELILLA   RNE1 synchros  NOV 2 0000 - Fair, synchro echo; soulful singing "La noche..." jingle, marker and Spain/Canaries time checks, "Radio Nacional de España, informativos." [Conti]
 981   GREECE   ERA Athinai  OCT 28 2050 - The Guess Who's "American Woman" and Blondie's "Atomic" heard under Algeria. Parallel to a really weak 1494 and 1512 kHz. Also a third station in here. [Wolfish]
 990   SPAIN   SER synchros  OCT 28 2359 - Under CBY; badly singing "We are the champions" parallel 1026 kHz. [Conti]
 999   ITALY   Rai Radiouno synchros  NOV 1 2216 - Rock music faint parallel 1062, delayed a half second or so from 1062 kHz. This program was found in parallel on 657, 900, 999, 1062, 1143, and 1575 kHz. [Hall-Patch]
 999   MOLDOVA   VOR Maiac  OCT 30 2200 - Over/under Spain; time marker, "Golos Rossii, novosti" and news by a woman. [Conti]
 999   SAUDI ARABIA   BSKSA R.Quran, Tabuk  OCT 30 2059 - Arabic singing parallel 1512; fair signal. [Hall-Patch]
 999   SPAIN   COPE Madrid  OCT 29 2159 - Good; "Cope Madrid." NOV 2 0200 - Good; distinctive time marker set to music, "Las tres, las dos en Canarias," and news, "Ultima hora, Cadena Cope, estar informado." [Conti]

1008  CANARY ISLANDS   Punto Radio, Las Palmas  NOV 1 0300 - Fair; Punto Radio ID and "Abellán en Punto" program. [Conti]
1008  NETHERLANDS   GrootNieuwsRadio, Zeewolde  OCT 29 2100 - Over/under Canaries/Spain; TransWorld Radio contact info. [Conti]
1017  SPAIN   RNE5 synchros  NOV 2 0200 - Fair; time marker into news parallel 855 kHz. [Conti]
1026  SPAIN   SER R.Jerez, Jerez de la Frontera  NOV 1 2159 - Good; "Radio Jerez, Cadena Ser..." with Cadena Ser jingle leading up to network time marker on the hour. [Conti]
1026  SPAIN   SER R.Vigo, Vigo  OCT 29 2040 - ID: "Radio Vigo Cadena SER." Promo for a trip to Veracruz, Mexico. Man said "en la Cadena SER hora veinte cinco." Time check by woman with Canary Islands an hour behind. [Wolfish]
1026  SPAIN   SER synchros  OCT 28 2359 - Good; badly singing "We are the champions," and telephone talk through the hour. Spain apparently won a big game against Paraguay. OCT 30 2300 - Good; El Larguero program intro. [Conti]
1035  PORTUGAL   Star FM, Belmonte  OCT 30 2048 - Strong with ID in between The Rolling Stones "Ruby Tuesday" and Eric Clapton's "Cocaine." [Wolfish] OCT 31 0044 - Good, alone on channel, with Baker Street, then Elvis's "Are You Lonesome Tonight." [Taylor] OCT 31 0301 - Good; Marvin Gaye "Heard It Through the Grapevine," Star FM ID and jingle. Listen to mp3 audio clip. [Conti]
1044  MOROCCO   SNRT Sebaa-Aioun  OCT 29 0000 - Good, over SER Spain; choral national anthem. [Conti]
1053  LIBYA   R.Libya, Tripoli  NOV 1 0300 - Good; presumed this with Koranic vocal through the hour. [Conti]
1053  UNITED KINGDOM   TalkSport synchros  OCT 29 0000 - Good; "A very good morning to you, this is TalkSport Extra Time..." into news. [Conti]
1062  ITALY   Rai Radiouno synchros  OCT 28 2100 - Good, synchro echo; talk in Italian with classical music interludes through the hour. 2259 sign-off with orchestral anthem, then test tones. OCT 29 2257 - Good; "Rai... Radiouno," anthem, test tones and off. OCT 30 2259 - Excellent; orchestral anthem, then test tones with ticking between tones. Listen to mp3 audio clip. [Conti]
1071  SAUDI ARABIA  BSKSA Bisha  OCT 29 0000 - Through unID; announcer with Middle Eastern music bed, signature musical intro to news, delayed but still unequivocal parallel with 1521 kHz. [Conti]
1080  SPAIN   SER synchros  OCT 28 2117 - Dominant with futbol at the time. Parallel to 810 kHz. [Wolfish] OCT 29 0000 - Good; badly singing "We are the champions" and telephone talk, parallel 1026 kHz. [Conti] OCT 31 2150 - Hammering WTIC with news/talk by female in Spanish. [Taylor]
1088  ANGOLA   R.Nacional, Mulenvos  OCT 31 2108 - Strong carrier but only faint audio, in splatter from 1089 UK, only noted station on this frequency. [Taylor]
1089  ALGERIA   Chaîne 1, Adrar  OCT 31 2105 - Under, but sometimes even, with TalkSport UK on the flag antenna. Very good on the Brazil/Oz antenna with UK gone altogether. Excellent signal if at rated 5 kW, in with man and woman talking in French. [Taylor]
1089  UNITED KINGDOM   TalkSport synchros  OCT 28 2000 - Fair; "On DAB digital radio and 1089 and 1053 AM, TalkSport" into news, parallel 1053 kHz. 2358 over unID Koran; Weekend Sport Breakfast promo. OCT 31 0900 - Bits of talk; residual UK signal also noted on 1215 kHz. [Conti]
1098  SPAIN   RNE5 synchros  OCT 28 0058 - Pop music vocals parallel 621 and 855; fair strength, but faded across the hour. [Hall-Patch] OCT 28 2100 - Good with significant synchro echo, over unID Koran; "Radio Cinco, Todos Noticias, informativos de Radio Nacional," parallel 1107 kHz. [Conti]

1107  SPAIN   RNE5 synchros  OCT 28 2000 - Fair with significant delay between stations; time marker and fanfare into news, parallel 1125 kHz. [Conti]
1116  ITALY   Rai Radiouno synchros  OCT 28 2300 - Sign-off test tones under Spain. [Conti]
1116  SPAIN   SER R.Pontevedra, Pontevedra  NOV 2 0059 - Good; "Radio Pontevedra, onda media y FM." [Conti]
1116  SPAIN   SER synchros  OCT 29 0600 - Excellent; "Son las siete, las seis en Canarias," and news intro, "En la cadena Ser..." parallel 1044 kHz. [Conti]
1125  BELGIUM   RTBF VivaCité, Houdeng  OCT 29 0500 - Mixed with Spain; jingle, man and woman in French. [Conti]
1125  SPAIN   RNE5 synchros  OCT 28 2000 - Fair, synchro echo; time marker and fanfare into news parallel 1107 kHz. [Conti]
1134  CROATIA   Hrvatske Radio, Zadar  OCT 28 1935 - Good; news/talk in Croatian, then sports commentary, parallel 3985 kHz. [Conti]
1134  SPAIN   COPE synchros  OCT 28 0328 - Man and woman talking parallel 1224, fair at best. [Hall-Patch]
1143  GERMANY   AFN various  OCT 31 0050 - Over/under Spain and bubble jammer; '80s hits "Let's Dance" by David Bowie, "White Horse" by Laid Back. [Conti]
1143  ITALY   Rai Radiouno, Sassari  OCT 28 2049 - Weak with CBI splatter. Parallel to 1062 with man and woman in Italian. [Wolfish] OCT 31 2300 - Sign-off test tones under Spain in 1140 CBI splatter. [Conti]
1143  unID   OCT 29 0100 - Bubble jammer through COPE Spain. [Conti]
1152  ROMANIA   România Actualitati, Cluj  OCT 29 2100 - Under Spain; fanfare into news parallel 1593 kHz. [Conti]
1152  SCOTLAND   Clyde 2, Dechmont Hill  OCT 30 2220 - Weak under Spain with "Hello" by Lionel Ritchie. Matches up to their website. [Wolfish]
1152  SPAIN   RNE5 synchros  OCT 28 0156 - Woman and men talking, fair strength parallel 621 and leading it. [Hall-Patch]
1161  EGYPT   Mid-Delta Radio, Tanta  NOV 1 2200 - Fair; sign-off with instrumental anthem followed by a brief test tone. [Conti]
1161  UNITED KINGDOM   unID  OCT 29 0200 - Under strong unID open carrier; BBC Five Live. [Conti]
1170  SLOVENIA   R.Slovenija/R.Capodistria, Beli Kriz  OCT 29 2018 - Fair, under R.Sawa; man and woman talking in Italian. Matches schedule as found in EMWG. Heard (presumed) with heavy rock and Italian announcing. [Taylor] NOV 1 2140 - Fair/good; punk/alternative rock music, Iron Maiden "Strange World" then chamber orchestra instrumental leading up to break on the hour with R.Capodistria ID. [Conti]
1170  UNITED ARAB EMIRATES   R.Sawa, Al Dhabiya  OCT 28 2210 - Huge signal; woman talking, then a quickly whispered Sawa ID. [Hall-Patch] OCT 29 2200 - Over/under Slovenia; "Gangham Style" by PSY parallel 1431 kHz. [Conti]
1179  CANARY ISLANDS//SPAIN   SER synchros  OCT 28 1943 - Good; excited sports commentary parallel 1116 kHz. [Conti]
1179  ROMANIA   România Actualitati, Galbeni-Bacau et al.  OCT 30 2239 - Under Spain with Depeche Mode's "Enjoy the Silence" and song by Roxette. Parallel to 1530 kHz. [Wolfish]
1188  IRAN   IRIB R.Payam, Tehran  OCT 28 2100 - Fair; signature ascending chimes into news. [Conti]
1197  SPAIN   Euskadi Irratia, Vitoria  OCT 28 2000 - Good; sports commentary through the hour, parallel 1386 kHz. [Conti]
1197  UNITED KINGDOM   Absolute Radio synchros  OCT 29 2153 - Weak and parallel to 1215 with "Run" by Snow Patrol. [Wolfish] OCT 30 2201 - Under Spain; "Live and Let Die" parallel 1215 kHz. [Conti]


The antenna farm under moonlight and at sunrise overlooking Howe Bay.

1206  FRANCE   France Info, Bordeaux  OCT 28 1910 - Audio beginning to break through noise floor; talk in French. [Conti]
1215  SPAIN   COPE synchros  OCT 29 0002 - Man talking then woman, poor to fair under Absolute Radio, parallel 1296 kHz. [Hall-Patch]
1215  unID   OCT 29 2200 - Under Absolute Radio with presumed VOR Kaliningrad; one cycle of TWR interval signal. No het heard or signal observed on spectrum analyzer from off-frequency Albania. Without a TWR outlet listed on 1215 kHz, Mauno Ritola at RealDX suggests, "ICM/Luxembourg effect from TWR via Gavar carried by Kaliningrad." [Conti]
1233  UNITED KINGDOM   Absolute Radio synchros  OCT 30 2201 - Fair, synchro echo; promo ending "...7.7 megahertz," then "Live and Let Die" parallel 1215 kHz. [Conti]
1224  SPAIN   COPE synchros  OCT 28 0301 - Man and woman with news items parallel 1296, both channels delivering fair to good audio. [Hall-Patch]
1242  FRANCE   France Info, Marseille  OCT 28 1933 - Good; news parallel 1206 kHz. [Conti] OCT 29 2040 - Strong; man reading sports in French, with soccer (football) game summaries. Then a short interlude and into business news at 2042 UTC. [Taylor]
1251  LIBYA   R.Libya, Tripoli  OCT 29 2200 - Fair; "Radio Libya" with upbeat Middle Eastern music bed. [Conti]
1251  NETHERLANDS   Radio 5 Nostalgia, Hulsberg  OCT 29 0159 - Fair; "Radio 5, Nostalgia" jingle and brief instrumental bumper up to time signal and dry read of news by a woman. [Conti]
1260  SPAIN   SER synchros  OCT 28 2135 - Excited Spanish talk by male roughly even with Fredericton's CKHJ. [Taylor] OCT 31 2300 - Over/under CKHJ; time marker and El Larguero program intro. [Conti]
1278  FRANCE   France Bleu, Sélestat  OCT 30 2100 - Poor in 1270 CJCB splatter. [Conti]
1287  SPAIN   SER synchros  NOV 1 2200 - Good, synchro echo; dead air during local break openings, time marker and check, "En Cadena Ser, ahora 24." [Conti]
1296  SPAIN   COPE Valencia  NOV 1 2259 - Good; "valencia punto com" promo, "93.4 FM y 1296 onda media, Cope Valencia." [Conti]
1296  UNITED KINGDOM   Radio XL, Langley Mill  OCT 30 2100 - Good; "On 1296 AM, this is Radio XL. From the Sun News Center at 9..." [Conti]

1305  SPAIN   RNE5 synchros  OCT 28 1940 - Fair; talk parallel 1107 kHz. [Conti]
1314  SPAIN   RNE5 synchros  OCT 28 2200 - Fair; "Radio Nacional de España, informativos," parallel 1305 kHz. OCT 30 2100 - Good; "24 horas, Radio Nacional de España." [Conti]
1323  CYPRUS   BBC Zyyi  OCT 29 2200 - ID and news in English. [Wolfish]
1323  GERMANY   VOR Wachenbrunn  OCT 28 2033 - Excellent; telephone news/talk in French. 2100 good; "Golos Rossii, novosti." OCT 29 0500 - Excellent; "The Voice of Russia is broadcasting 24/7 to the whole world on AM, and you can hear us in London on digital radio." OCT 31 1915 - Fair; French program. NOV 1 0559 - Good; English program, english.ruvr.ru promo, theme music, "This is the Voice of Russia World Service." [Conti]
1332  IRAN   R.Tehran, Tehran  OCT 29 2004 - Fair, in jumble, with deep-voiced man talking slowly and deliberately in Farsi. (Getting used to this voice.) [Taylor]
1332  ROMANIA   România Actualitati, Galati  OCT 29 2100 - Over/under Czech Republic; news by woman parallel 1593 kHz. [Conti]
1341  NORTHERN IRELAND   BBC R.Ulster, Lisnagarvey  OCT 28 2200 - Fair; "On 92 and 95 FM, and 1341 medium wave, this is BBC Radio Ulster" into news. [Conti]
1341  SPAIN   Onda Cero synchros  OCT 30 2100 - Under BBC R.Ulster; time marker, "Onda Cero, tu cadena(?)." [Conti]
1341  SPAIN   SER R.León, León  OCT 28 2030 - Over BBC R.Ulster; excited sports commentary parallel 1179 kHz. [Conti]
1350  FRANCE   R.Orient, Nice  OCT 28 2100 - Man talking in Arabic followed by woman giving "Radio Orient" ID en francais, followed by a man mentioning R.Orient, and then back to Arabic talk. Good signal, no domestic interference at this time. [Hall-Patch]
1368  ITALY   Challenger Radio, Villa Estense, Padova  OCT 29 2100 - Under Manx Radio; sign-off announcement in English, "This is IRRS... in Milano signing off," and "Va, pensiero" choral music. Thanks to Günter Lorenz at RealDX for help with the ID. [Conti]
1377  FRANCE   France Info, Lille  OCT 28 1915 - Good; talk parallel 1206 kHz. [Conti]
1386  SPAIN   Euskadi Irratia, Bilbao  OCT 28 0342 - Woman singing with guitar parallel 1476; fair in splatter on both channels. [Hall-Patch] NOV 1 0050 - Good, with music and male announcer, finally a mention of "irratia" in what must have been Basque at 0055. Then, time pips and Irratia ID at the hour. [Taylor]
1394.85 ALBANIA   TWR Fllakë  OCT 28 1927 - Hungarian program; talk and piano instrumental. One cycle of TWR interval signal on the hour into Polish program. Excellent; measured 1394.851 kHz. [Conti] OCT 29 1923 - TWR interval signal heard repeated; on 1394.9 kHz. [Hall-Patch] OCT 29 1920 - Fair, one of the first TA's of the afternoon to deliver audio this day, with interval signal, almost two hours before local sunset at the DXpedition site. Announcement with male and female at 1925, then music and mention of "biblia," with a choral hymn following. [Taylor] OCT 31 1917 - Good; repeating TWR interval signal until start of programming at 1925 UTC. Measured 1394.853 kHz. [Conti]
1395  NETHERLANDS   R.Seagull, Harlingen  OCT 29 0500 - Poor/fair; fading up with rock music, DJ, "...on Radio Seagull," and woman with news in English. [Conti]

1404  CORSICA   France Bleu, Ajaccio  OCT 31 2136 - Good with Foreigner's "I Want to Know What Love Is" and ID-liner at 2138. Parallel to 1494 kHz. [Wolfish] NOV 1 2200 - Fair to good, over/under France Info; pop song, "France Bleu" choral jingle, and straight into news in French by female. After the news, a quick promo for the morning show "France Bleu Matin," more promos, eventually back to music. [Taylor]
1404  FRANCE   France Info synchros  OCT 28 1916 - Fair; talk parallel 1206 kHz. [Conti]
1413  SPAIN   RNE5 synchros  OCT 28 0404 - News in Spanish, man and woman, fair, parallel much stronger 855 kHz. [Hall-Patch] OCT 28 2000 - Excellent; marker and Spain/Canaries time checks, "Radio Nacional de España, informativos." [Conti]
1422  ALGERIA   R.Algérienne, Algiers  OCT 28 1947 - Good; talk in accented French, news theme music bed leading up to pips on the hour and news. [Conti]
1422  GERMANY   Deutschlandfunk, Heusweiler  OCT 28 0205 - Woman talking parallel 756, followed by orchestral music, also noted on 1269 kHz. Fair to good strength, and lagging both 756 and 1269 kHz. However, a few minutes later, 1422 was trading places with French talk by man, followed by French vocal jazz, reasonably strong, likely Algeria. [Hall-Patch] NOV 2 0100 - Over/under Algeria; "Deutschlandfunk" and time marker. [Conti]
1431  DJIBOUTI   R.Sawa, Arta  OCT 29 2200 - Good; "Gangham Style" parallel 1170 kHz. [Conti] OCT 30 2212 - Woman in Arabic parallel 1170 and leading slightly, quote from man in English 2219. Fair strength. [Hall-Patch] NOV 1 2138 - Good; Sawa ID and jingle, pop music. [Conti]
1431  GERMANY   VOR Wilsdruff  OCT 29 2100 - Fair; "Golos Rossii, Voice of Russia," time marker, "Golos Rossii, novosti." [Conti]
1440  LUXEMBOURG   RTL Marnach  OCT 28 2200 - Good, over WRED; "This program is brought to you by Radio 86 in cooperation with RTL Luxembourg and China Radio International. For more information, please visit our home page, www.radio86.com." [Conti] OCT 31 1920 - Fair, with talk by man in German. [Taylor]
1440  SAUDI ARABIA   BSKSA Dammam  OCT 29 0100 - Over/under WRED; signature music into news parallel 1521 kHz. [Conti]
1449  LIBYA    Voice of Free Libya, Al-Assah  OCT 28 1959 - Presumed, very good with what sounded like group reading of the Koran. [Taylor] OCT 28 2200 - Excellent; presumed this with Koran through the hour. [Conti]
1449  SAUDI ARABIA   BSKSA unknown location  OCT 30 2100 - Under Libya; brief ud, time marker and fanfare into news, clearly parallel 1521 kHz. [Conti] OCT 30 2105 - Previously unlisted Saudi discovered by Bruce Conti and tuned by the rest of us. Clear parallel to 1521, and dominant over Libya. [Taylor]
1457.6 ALBANIA   CRI Fllakë  OCT 28 2010 - Presumed, poor to fair, with man talking slowly, then musical interlude at 2017, certainly Asian sounding. [Taylor] OCT 30 2030 Fair; measured 1457.636 kHz, het against unID 1458.000 and 1458.004 kHz. [Conti]
1458  ENGLAND   Gold Manchester, Manchester  OCT 29 1953 - Mixing with Sunrise Radio; Simon & Garfunkel's "The Boxer." Matches up to website. [Wolfish]
1458  UNITED KINGDOM   Sunrise Radio, Brookmans Park  OCT 28 1959 - Fair to good, with South Asian music, then ID in English "This is Sunrise Radio, with news on the hour, every hour." [Taylor] OCT 30 0300 - Good; "This is Sunrise Radio, news on the hour every hour," and Sunrise Radio jingles. [Conti] OCT 31 2040 - Mixing with Gold Manchester; commercial reciting lots of phone numbers and South Asian music. [Wolfish]
1467  FRANCE   TWR Roumoules  OCT 28 2300 - Excellent; one cycle of TWR interval signal, then signal was cut momentarily with antenna pattern change, returning with "Hour of Decision" in English. [Conti]
1467  FRANCE   R.Maria, Le Col de la Madonne  OCT 29 0500 - Fair; church choir music through the hour. [Conti]
1467  SAUDI ARABIA   BSKSA Hafar Al-Batin  OCT 29 0100 - Fair; signature music into news parallel 1521 kHz. [Conti]
1476  SPAIN   Euskadi Irratia, Biribilondo  OCT 28 2000 - Good; sports commentary through the hour, parallel 1386 kHz. OCT 29 0100 - Good; Euskadi informacion in Basque. [Conti]
1476.26 unID   OCT 31 0030 - Het against 1476 Spain. [Conti]
1485  SPAIN   Onda Cero Antequera, Era de Santa Lucia  OCT 28 0200 - Feeling overconfident after paralleling 954 and 1341, I checked 1485 on the recording, and the pips lined up with Onda Cero on 954, but more importantly, the fanfare leading into the news was the same, though weaker. [Hall-Patch]
1485  SPAIN//MELILLA   SER synchros  OCT 28 0225 - Woman talking Spanish parallel 1584, fair strength, but followed by pips on the half hour. Learned very quickly that pips on the half hour were more likely to mean SER than Iran. [Hall-Patch] OCT 28 2049 - Noted "The Good, The Bad and The Ugly" whistling and "Taps" sound affect in the soccer game that is on all the other channels. When Real Madrid scored to go up 2-0 over Mallorca, they had "GOL GOL GOL" in Morse code playing over the announcer screaming. [Wolfish]
1494  CORSICA   France Bleu, Bastia  OCT 28 1923 - Good; operatic vocal, talk in French. [Conti] OCT 28 2020 - Dominant with French pop song, talk by man and woman, then into "Wake Me Up Before You GoGo" by Wham at 2025 UTC. [Taylor] OCT 28 2029 - Mixing with France Info station, playing Wham's "Wake Me Up Before You Go Go". [Wolfish] OCT 30 0300 - Fair; France Bleu promo and jingles, then nostalgic vocal. [Conti]
1494  FRANCE   France Info synchros  OCT 28 2022 - Fading up to fair, under France Bleu, running information programming in French with occasional music interludes. [Taylor] OCT 29 0107 - Good; instrumental parallel 1206 kHz. [Conti]
1494  RHODES   ERA Rhodos  OCT 31 2020 - Over/under France; vocal parallel 1512 kHz. [Conti] OCT 31 2030 - Music, with female announcer in presumed Greek, and into a couple of ballads. Parallel 1512 kHz. [Taylor] OCT 31 2203 - Woman singing, accompanied by plucked instrument, bouzouki? Parallel 1512, both fair at best. [Hall-Patch]

1503  IRAN   IRIB R.Iran, Bushehr  OCT 30 2034 - Good, fading to fair, with man talking in presumed Farsi. Clearly parallel to 1512 Ardabil, and leading it by about two seconds. [Taylor]
1511.93 GREECE   ERA Chania  OCT 31 2010 - Vocal parallel 1494 kHz. Measured 1511.933 kHz; low-level rumbling het against measured 1511.991 Saudi Arabia. 2030 now 15 db better than Saudi Arabia. [Conti] OCT 31 2030 - Music, with female announcer in presumed Greek, and into a couple of ballads. Parallel 1494 kHz. [Taylor]
1512  IRAN   IRIB R.Iran, Ardabil  OCT 30 2035 - Fair; man talking in presumed Farsi. Signal was parallel to 1503, and lagging by about two seconds. [Taylor]
1521  SAUDI ARABIA   BSKSA Duba  OCT 28 1914 - Fair; woman in Arabic parallel 9555 and 9870 kHz. [Conti] OCT 28 2020 - No east coast DXpedition is complete without this. Massive signal with man in Arabic parallel 9870 kHz. [Hall-Patch]
1521  SPAIN   SER R.Castellón, Ctra Valencia  OCT 30 2300 - Over/under Saudi Arabia; El Larguero program intro. [Conti]
1530  ROMANIA   România Actualitati, Mihaileni & Mahmudia  OCT 29 2100 - Over/under VOA São Tome; fanfare into news parallel 1593 kHz. [Conti]
1530  SAO TOME   VOA Pinhiera  OCT 28 2120 - Woman announcer in English with a country music countdown, and VOA ID. [Taylor] OCT 28 2125 - "Country Hits USA" countdown program. [Wolfish] OCT 28 2200 - Excellent; "This is the Voice of America, Washington DC, signing off. For information regarding the times and frequencies of VOA programs, write to Program Schedules, Voice of America, Washington DC 20547, or you may get a schedule from the nearest American cultural center or United States Information Service in your country." OCT 31 0259 - Good; Yankee Doodle interval signal and Daybreak Africa from the Voice of America. [Conti]
1539  UNITED ARAB EMIRATES   R.Aap Ki Dunyaa, Al Dhabiya  OCT 28 2100 - Good, over SER Spain; VOA news in English. [Conti] OCT 29 2004 - VOA news. Into what I believe was Urdu at 2005 UTC. [Wolfish]
1548  ENGLAND   Capital Gold, Saffron Green  OCT 31 0219 - Mixing with R.Sawa; Chiffons song, ID and "Magic" by Pilot. [Wolfish]
1548  ENGLAND   BBC R.Bristol, Mangotsfield  OCT 31 0215 - Parallel to 909 with BBC news. [Wolfish]
1548  KUWAIT   R.Sawa, Kabd-Kuwait City  NOV 1 0018 - Fair with man in Arabic parallel 1170 under/over pop music on channel. Slight frequency offset on this one. [Hall-Patch]
1548  MOLDOVA   VOR/TWR Grigoriopol  OCT 28 2000 - Fair; "Golos Rossii, novosti." OCT 31 1945 - Fair; TWR interval signal, then contact info with website address. [Conti]
1550  ALGERIA   RASD Rabouni  OCT 31 2135 - Excellent; rustic African vocal. Measured slightly off-frequency at 1550.027 kHz. [Conti] OCT 31 2136 - Excellent, over domestics, with tribal music and then talk by two men. [Taylor]
1557  UNITED KINGDOM   unID  OCT 29 2100 - Over/under France; Gold ID and news in English. [Conti]
1566  BENIN   TWR Parakou  OCT 31 2110 - Fair to poor, with male and female announcers in French, and definite religious talk, about the afterlife, etc. Only French-speaker on this frequency at this time and better on the African-favoured antenna. Finally, ID in French with website and frequency at 2156, followed by brief woodwind interlude and then man and woman talking. [Taylor] OCT 31 2136 - Good; preacher in French. 2156 good; website address and TWR mention in French. [Conti]
1566  UNITED KINGDOM   BBC Bristol & Somerset Sound, Taunton  OCT 29 2100 - Poor; BBC news in English. [Conti]
1575  IRAN   IRIB R.Iran, Ghahen  OCT 27 2330 - Over R.Farda; talk in Farsi and then ID at the bottom of the hour. [Taylor] OCT 27 2330 - Man singing. Parallel to 1503 kHz. Pips, ID and chimes at 2330 UTC. [Wolfish]
1575  ITALY   Rai Radiouno synchros  OCT 30 2259 - Over SER Spain; orchestral anthem, test tones and ticking parallel 1062 kHz. [Conti]
1575  UNITED ARAB EMIRATES   R.Farda, Al Dhabiya  OCT 27 2329 - Strong with Steve Miller Band's "Abracadabra." Mixing with Iran. [Wolfish] OCT 28 2037 - Loud, with female talking in Arabic, mixing with Spain. [Taylor]
1584  SPAIN   SER R.Gandía, Gandía  NOV 1 2259 - Fair; woman, "Radio Gandía... Gandía," and local ID, "Radio Gandía, Cadena Ser," time marker and El Larguero program. [Conti]
1584  SPAIN   SER synchros  OCT 28 2100 - Good; sports commentary through the hour parallel 1179 kHz. [Conti]
1593  ROMANIA   România Actualitati, Ion Korvinn  OCT 28 2250 - Fair; pop music parallel 1179 kHz. OCT 29 2100 - Good; fanfare into news by woman parallel 1530 kHz. [Conti] OCT 31 0146 - Music by Billy Joel and Robbie Williams. ID and time pips at hourtop into newscast by man. Parallel to 1179 kHz. [Wolfish]
1593  ROMANIA   R.Cluj, various  OCT 31 0300 - Fair; choral national anthem, time marker, and solemn religious-sounding vocal. [Conti]

1602  SPAIN   R.Vitoria, Vitoria  OCT 28 2030 - Excellent, with time pips at the half hour and choral "Radio Vitoria" jingle, followed by a Macy Gray song. Eventually faded to reveal soccer play-by-play with excited male announcers, almost has to be one of the 5 kW SER outlets. [Taylor] OCT 29 2036 - Playing music by Blues Traveller. With SER carrying soccer match. Time pips and ID at 2100. Good signal. [Wolfish] NOV 1 2200 - Good over SER Spain; R.Vitoria jingle, time marker, "Radio Euskadi, servicios informativos." [Conti]

Pan-American DX

 530   CUBA   R.Rebelde, Guantánamo  OCT 30 0900 - Fair; canned ID with organ theme, "Rebelde la Habana, emisora de la revolución," and time check. [Conti]
 550   URUGUAY   CW1 R.Colonia, Colonia  NOV 1 0340 - Tentative. Over/under YVKE; religion with mentions of Argentina, Uruguay, and Colonia. Program schedule at www.radiocolonia.com lists "Mensajes de Fe." This could be the one that got away. [Conti]
 550   VENEZUELA   YVKE Mundial, Caracas  OCT 29 0900 - Good; www.radiomundial.com.ve promo, "Radio Mundial, la radio del poder popular," and llanera music. [Conti]
 560   GUYANA   Voice of Guyana, Georgetown  NOV 1 0800 - Good; signing on, "Good morning everyone, this is the Voice of Guyana, the National Communications Network Incorporated beginning its transmission for today... The National Communications Network Incorporated has its studios at Broadcasting House on Fifth Avenue, Georgetown. Voice of Guyana transmits on 560 kilohertz on the medium wave band, 102.5 megahertz on the FM band, and 3.29 megahertz on the... band." Listen to mp3 audio clip. [Conti]
 570   CUBA   R.Reloj, Santa Clara  NOV 1 0600 - Good; beep, man: "Radio Reloj, dos de la madrugada," woman: "Radio Reloj, desde la Habana, Cuba." [Conti]
 580   CUBA   R.Rebelde, Mabujabo  OCT 30 1000 - Under WKAQ; singing "Amanacer cubanos" parallel 670 kHz. [Conti]
 580   PUERTO RICO   WKAQ San Juan  OCT 29 0158 - Fair to good, with enthusiastic promos and "important" sounding music (a-la-Dragnet-style) and male with "doub-le-vay-ka-a-koo" at 1:58:15. [Taylor] OCT 29 0900 - Fair; "WKAQ, para informar... en Puerto Rico." [Conti]

 600   BRAZIL   ZYK278 R.Gaúcha, Porto Alegre  OCT 31 2310 good; R.Gaúcha jingle, "Gaúcha, Gaúcha, Gaúcha." [Conti]
 600   PUERTO RICO   WYEL Mayagüez  OCT 30 0300 - Over R.Rebelde Cuba; wkaq580.com promo, multi-station ID, "WKAQ 580 AM San Juan, WUKQ 1420 AM Ponce, WYEL 600 AM Mayagüez." [Conti] OCT 30 0600 - Parallel 580 WKAQ with full ID package and "Dragnet" music sounder. [Taylor]
 610   BRAZIL   ZYL268 R.Itatiaia, Belo Horizonte  OCT 31 2250 - Good; sports commentary in Portuguese. 2300 signal deteriorating in lightning noise; "Rádio..." in sports coverage, then "Itatiaia" with trumpet fanfare, easily recognized after later comparing to hourly ID via internet streaming audio. [Conti]
 610   COLOMBIA   R.Nacional, Uribia  OCT 30 0300 - Fair, mixed with R.Rebelde Cuba and domestics; sounded like multi-station ID with R.Nacional repeated, then "Radio Nacional de Colombia." [Conti] OCT 30 0600 - Man with three mentions of "Radio Nacional" with two-note "bip" sounders, and about 20 seconds later "Radio Nacional de Colombia." [Taylor]
 610   CUBA   R.Rebelde, multiple sites  OCT 30 0900 - Fair; canned ID with organ theme, "Rebelde la Habana, emisora de la revolución," and time check. [Conti]
 610   CUBA   R.Reloj, Trinidad  OCT 30 0300 - Poor, with only "RR" Morse code pips making it through Colombia. [Taylor]
 620   CUBA   R.Rebelde, Colón  OCT 30 0300 - Poor, with fast-talking Spanish, and telltale 9-note sounder making it through cleanly. [Taylor] OCT 30 1000 - Fair; singing "Amanacer cubanos, amanacer cubanos, Rebelde..." parallel 670 kHz. [Conti]
 620   unID   OCT 30 0900 - Over R.Rebelde Cuba; programación cristiana, "La palabra de Dios con Radio Vida... a su corazón." Possibly WSNR. [Conti]
 630   PUERTO RICO   WUNO San Juan  OCT 29 0900 - Fair; multi-station ID, "NotiUno 630." [Conti] OCT 30 0300 - Excellent, with promo for the most complete news coverage, and then full network ID with all stations' call letters, and then "Uno, seis-trenta." [Taylor]
 630   VENEZUELA   YVKA R.Nacional de Venezuela, Caracas  OCT 30 0920 - ID by woman, talk by man and phone numbers given. [Wolfish]
 640   GUADELOUPE   R.Guadeloupe, Pointe-à-Pitre  OCT 30 0300 - Good to fair, with high energy Caribbean music, then into news by man in European French at the hour, with first story about NYC Mayor Bloomburg's reaction to Hurricane Sandy. [Taylor] OCT 30 0901 - Over/under R.Progreso Cuba and CBN Newfoundland; telephone talk in French, R.Guadeloupe jingle and "Le journal" news. [Conti]
 640   VENEZUELA   YVQO Puerto La Cruz  NOV 1 1000 - Good; "Unión Radio 1090" and "Deportes Unión Radio" promos. [Conti]
 650   COLOMBIA   HJKH RCN Antena Dos, Bogotá  NOV 1 1000 - Fair in lightning noise; Antena Dos and "antena dos punto com" promos. [Conti]
 650   CUBA   R.Progreso, Ciego de Avila  OCT 30 1000 - Fair; noticias de la primera hora parallel 640 kHz. [Conti]
 650   DOMINICAN REPUBLIC   HIAT Santo Domingo  OCT 30 0300 - Presumed, good signal, with fast talk in Spanish and several commercials at the top of the hour, with (1-800) phone numbers and "Santo Domingo" mentioned. [Taylor]
 670   VENEZUELA   YVLL R.Rumbos, Caracas  OCT 29 0900 - Good; "Escuchas Radio Rumbos, la emisora de Venezuela," and disclaimer into paid program. [Conti]
 680   PUERTO RICO   WAPA San Juan  OCT 29 0859 - Excellent; "Cadena Wapa Radio" and bell with time check, "Cuatro cincuente nueve." [Conti] OCT 30 0258 - Very strong, with full network ID in Spanish, then an anthem-sounding song, curiously ending with the last few bars ("and the home of the brave") of the Star Spangled Banner in English. Then dead air for some seconds, followed by a 1000 Hz test tone for 30 seconds at full power, and then reduced power. The station was off air after that. [Taylor]
 690   COLOMBIA   HJCZ R.Recuerdos, Bogotá  OCT 30 0301 - Fair; "Radio Recuerdos" with phone number, "Recuerdos, para..." [Conti]

 700   ARGENTINA   LV3 R.Córdoba, Córdoba  NOV 1 0300 - Choral national anthem rising to good level through Latin American jumble. [Conti]
 700   VENEZUELA   YVMH R.Popular, Maracaibo  NOV 1 0900 - Poor over/under an unID Latin American; "Radio Popular punto com" promo. [Conti]
 700   VENEZUELA   unID  OCT 30 0859 - Fair; rustic tropical vocals, time check, "La hora, las cuatros y media." NOV 1 0200 - Fair; sports coverage, "...por RCR deportes." [Conti]
 720   VENEZUELA   YVQE Porlamar  NOV 1 1000 - Fair; "Hoy, hoy Venezuela," man reciting numbers, ending with Radio Venezuela network ID, parallel 1220 kHz. [Conti]
 750   CUBA    R.Progreso, Palmira  NOV 1 0800 - Fair; canned ID with theme song, "Radio Progreso, cadena nacional, la onda de la alegría..." [Conti]
 750   VENEZUELA   YVKS RCR Caracas  OCT 28 0020 - Fair to good, over and under CBGY with sports play-by-play. Fairly sudden appearance. OCT 29 0947 - Pre-sunrise reappearance under CBGY with a music interlude and then talk by man, with many mentions of Venezuela, and chimes, with ID at 0950. The K-index hopped from a 0 to a 1 in the previous run. [Taylor] OCT 29 2359 - Under CBGY; RCR deportes sports commentary. OCT 30 1000 - Good; "Radio Caracas Radio, 750 AM." [Conti]
 760   COLOMBIA   HJAJ RCN Barranquilla  OCT 29 1000 - Over/under WJR; RCN noticias. [Conti]
 760   PUERTO RICO   WORA Mayagüez  OCT 30 0901 - Good; "NotiUno en la mañana," and ID, "WUNO 630 San Juan, WPRP 910 Ponce, WORA 760 Mayagüez, WCMN 1280 Arecibo, y WNEL 1430 Caguas." Listen to mp3 audio clip. [Conti]
 780   BRITISH VIRGIN ISLANDS   ZBVI Tortola  OCT 30 0200 - Over/under YVMN; sign-off announcement, hymn and national anthem. [Conti]
 780   VENEZUELA   YVMN R.Coro, Coro  OCT 30 0158 - Fair; promo with patrimonio de la comunidad slogan. 0902 excellent; jingle, "Radio Coro 780," and time check, "Cuatro, treinte dos minutos." [Conti] OCT 30 0359 - Good, out of up tempo music into Coro jingle and announcement of time as 11:30. [Taylor]
 790   CUBA   R.Reloj, Pinar del Río and Holguín  OCT 30 0400 - Poor, under YVKC, with time clicks and "RR" Morse code IDs. [Taylor]
 790   VENEZUELA   YVKC Caracas  OCT 30 0400 - Fair; high energy music into male announcer with clear "Radio Venezuela" mention, then sounder and straight into more music. [Taylor]

 800   BONAIRE   PJB R.Transmundial, Kralendijk  OCT 30 0159 - Good; Radio Transmundial contact info, contemporary Christian vocal, "...aquí en Radio Transmundial, 800 AM, Bonaire, Antillas Holandesas," then bilingual English/Spanish program. Listen to mp3 audio clip. NOV 1 0800 - Fair; Portuguese program with Transmundial info. At 0900 signal cut briefly for apparent antenna pattern change, returned loud and clear with beginning of Spanish program. [Conti]
 820   ST. KITTS & NEVIS   TBN R.Paradise, Charlestown  OCT 30 0159 - Good; TV audio with TBN lifetime charitable gift annuity ad, "You're watching TBN, part of the Trinity Broadcasting family of networks." [Conti]
 830   VENEZUELA   YVLT Caracas  OCT 29 0926 - Poor to fair, presumed, under mix of WCCO and WCRN, with down tempo ballad-type music. [Taylor]
 840   BRAZIL   ZYK687 R.Bandeirantes, São Paulo  OCT 31 2159 - Over/under unID Spanish; promo in Portuguese with mention of electronica and R.Bandeirantes. [Conti]
 850   unID   OCT 31 0900 - Het against 850.00 WEEI, measured 849.89 kHz. [Conti]
 860   BRAZIL   ZYJ459 Rádio CBN, Rio de Janeiro  NOV 1 0141 - Mixing with Cuban R.Reloj; futebol and CBN signature tune heard. [Wolfish]
 860   ST. KITTS & NEVIS   VON Bath Village  NOV 1 0959 - Fair; instrumental national anthem, "With all the power from the tower, this is the powerhouse of the eastern Caribbean, VON radio from the Federation of St. Kitts and Nevis." [Conti]
 870   ARGENTINA   LRA1 R.Nacional, Buenos Aires  OCT 30 0400 - Fair, in R.Reloj and others; male mention of "Emisora Nacional" and "informas," then the giveaway at 0401, female with time check in Spanish indicating "ahora uno, uno minutos en Buenos Aires," and then into news stories with music beds between. [Taylor] NOV 1 0146 - ID mixing with the Newfoundland station and R.Reloj. ID also heard at 0200 hourtop. [Wolfish] NOV 1 0200 - Fair; "Por Nacional... argentina informa." [Conti]

 900   BARBADOS   CBC St. Michael  OCT 29 0900 - Over R.Progreso Cuba; national anthem, then "CBC news at five" beginning with item about Barbados health minister. [Conti]
 900   BRAZIL   ZYI533 O Liberal CBN, Belem  OCT 31 2300 - Good despite lightning crashes; ID with website address, slogan, "Rádio CBN, a rádio que toca notícia." Listen to mp3 audio clip. Feedback from Henrik Klemetz at RealDX, "The ID is the last thing to be heard on the clip. Prior to that they appear to mention CNM and their email address." [Conti]
 900   CUBA   R.Progreso, San Germán  OCT 28 0215 - Fair, on top with up tempo Latino music and clear "Radio Progreso, la onda de la alegría" ID by male announcer. [Taylor] OCT 29 1000 - Over likely Venezuela; "Seis en punto... en la año 54 de la revolución" and primera hora news. OCT 30 0900 - Good; canned ID with theme song, "Radio Progreso, cadena nacional, la onda de la alegría, transmitiendo desde la Habana, Cuba, premier territorio libre en América." [Conti] NOV 1 0927 - ID and time check. Mixing with another station playing rooster crowing sounds and CHML. [Wolfish]
 900   VENEZUELA   YVMD Maracaibo  NOV 1 0800 - Under R.Progreso Cuba; shouting Venezuela time check. [Conti]
 910   CUBA   R.Cadena Agramonte, Camagüey  NOV 1 0300 - Under unID Venezuela baseball; ascending tones marking the hour, canned ID with theme music, "Desde la cuna de el mayor, transmite Radio Cadena Agramonte, Camagüey, Cuba." [Conti]
 910   VENEZUELA   YVRQ AM Center, Caracas  OCT 29 2230 - In 909 BBC5 splatter; AM Center promo in ad string. [Conti] OCT 30 0201 - Rolled past the hour with music, then about one minute into the hour male announcer with several doorbell chimes. [Taylor] NOV 1 0910 - On top of frequency with ID as "RQ 910" and folk vocal with strummed guitar. [Wolfish]
 920   PARAGUAY   R.Nacional, Asunción  NOV 1 0118 - Lengthy station ID and promo mentioning that they have news and Paraguayan music. ID is "Radio Nacional, La Radio Pública." In mess with CKNX and others. [Wolfish]
 930   PUERTO RICO   WYAC Cabo Rojo  NOV 1 1000 - Fair; rustic/folk vocals, "La cadena... Puerto Rico, WYAC..." [Conti]
 940   BRAZIL   ZYJ453 Super Rede, Rio de Janeiro  OCT 31 2200 - Fair; promo, "La super rede, boa vontade de rádio" with jingle into soft vocal. Listen to mp3 audio clip. [Conti] NOV 1 0130 - Presumed with Portuguese language. Soccer match. [Wolfish]
 940.2 COLOMBIA   HJGB R.Calima, Cali  OCT 29 1000 - Choral national anthem, NBC-like chimes and "Radio Calima 940 AM" promo/ID's. Off-frequency at 940.2 kHz producing loud het against 940 kHz. OCT 30 0900 - Het party with 939.88 XEQ and 939.998 CJGX. OCT 31 0900 - Het against CJGX. NOV 1 1000 - Loud het against WIPR. [Conti]
 940   PUERTO RICO   WIPR Máxima 940, San Juan  OCT 28 0058 - Jazzy scat vocals. "Máxima" ID at 0100. [Wolfish] OCT 29 2229 - Fair; "Esta es emisora Máxima 940" and nostalgic salsa music. [Conti] OCT 30 0008 - Two women in serious talk, with mentions of Puerto Rico, election candidates, etc. and "la politica Puerto Riqueña," and "Máxima nueve cuarenta." [Taylor] OCT 30 0201 - Fair; telephone talk, promo, "Máxima en noticias..." [Conti]
 960   CUBA   R.Reloj, Guantánamo  OCT 30 0200 - Fair, with time clicks and "RR" Morse code IDs. [Taylor]
 970   U.S. VIRGIN ISLANDS   WSTX Christianstad  NOV 1 0945 - Excellent, fading to fair, with "Abide with Me" choral hymn totally dominating, then Christian talk in Caribbean-accented English by male. Checked WSTX web stream at www.wstxam.com and it was a match. Faded into jumble at 0953 UTC. [Taylor]
 980   BRAZIL   ZYH707 R.Nacional, Brasilia  OCT 31 2300 - Good while tuned to low side to avoid 981 Algeria interference; "Rádio Nacional de Brasilia... Nacional Informa." Listen to mp3 audio clip. [Conti]
 980   COLOMBIA   HJEJ Cali  NOV 1 0129 - Soccer match on RCN. Parallel to 760 and 770 kHz. [Wolfish]
 990   BRAZIL   ZYJ461 R.Record, Rio de Janeiro  NOV 1 0901 - Good; contemporary Christian vocal, multi-station ID in Portuguese. [Conti]

1000  COLOMBIA   HJAQ RCN Cartagena  OCT 30 0200 - Fair; RCN noticias. [Conti]
1000  CUBA   R.Granma, Media Luna  NOV 1 0100 - ID by woman in mess with WMVP and another Latin with soccer. Also heard ID again at 0300 UTC. [Wolfish]
1000  VENEZUELA   YVNM R.Caribeña, Morón  OCT 30 0200 - Under HJAQ; promo/ID, "Caribeña... caribe." OCT 31 2320 - Good with 999 COPE Spain nulled; R.Caribeña ID with time check, llanera music. NOV 1 0159 - Good; "Cinco de la mañana, veinte nueve minutos," llanera music. [Conti]
1000  unID   NOV 1 0100 - Over/under Venezuela; "Desde..." and chimes with time check, "Nueve en punto." [Conti]
1010  BRAZIL   ZYH625 Rádio CBN, Fortaleza  OCT 31 2300 - Under WINS and CFRB mix; Rádio CBN news theme music. [Conti]
1020  CUBA   R.Reloj, Victoria de las Tunas  OCT 30 0035 - Fair in jumble with time clicks and "RR" Morse code IDs. [Taylor] OCT 30 1000 - "Hora, seis en la mañana" time check heard along with the code ID. Also an unID station in here with rooster crows and a man shouting (cheering?) right before the hourtop. [Wolfish]
1020  CUBA   unID NOV 1 0400 - Through unID open carrier; choral national anthem, chimes, not R.Reloj. [Conti]
1020  PARAGUAY   ZP14 R.Nandutí, Asunción  OCT 31 2328 - Tentative; presumed this measured at 1020.094 as listed in mwoffset data, among signals observed at 1019.969, 1019.992, 1020.000, 1020.021, and 1020.030 kHz. [Conti]
1020  unID   OCT 30 1000 - Over/under R.Reloj Cuba; rooster call, cheering. Measured 1020.00 kHz. NOV 1 1000 - Weak through R.Reloj; cheering and rooster crows again. [Conti]
1030  ARGENTINA   LS10 Radio del Plata, Buenos Aires  OCT 31 0300 - Fair; talk in Spanish continuing through time pips on the hour, 0301 Radio del Plata mentioned by talk host. 0600 fair; again with talk through time marker on the hour. [Conti]
1040  PUERTO RICO   WZNA Moca  NOV 1 1000 - Fair; callsign ID and FM mention into Spanish urban music. [Conti]
1039.6 VENEZUELA   YVLB La Voz de Carabobo, Valencia  OCT 30 0001 - Fair; "...de RCR Deportes" sports commentary parallel 750 YVKS. [Conti] OCT 30 0003 - Fair to poor, with man talking fast in Spanish. Presumed this one due to many reports of being off frequency here. [Taylor] NOV 1 0130 - Soccer match. Promo for something on November 4. [Wolfish]
1060  CUBA   Radio 26, Jovellanos  NOV 1 0140 - Fair, with popular music. At 0155, out of song, a mention of Colombia, a short commercial or promo break, and then more music. At the top of the hour a very distinctive Andes-sounding news sounder, then female with news. I had posted this to RealDX for help in IDing this station, and received a helpful reply from Fredrik Dourén in Sweden, who wrote, "This is Radio 26, Matanzas, Cuba, with their short music piece that they have in their pre-recorded identifications. Also a presumed Radio 26." Thanks, Fredrik! [Taylor]
1060.4 COLOMBIA   HJOV R.Surcolombiana, Neiva  OCT 29 1000 - Loud het against unID 1060.000 kHz. Feedback from Henrik Klemetz, "The suspected one here is Radio Surcolombiana, which is thereabouts." [Conti]
1070  COLOMBIA   HJCG R.Santa Fe, Bogotá  OCT 30 0200 - Poor; R.Santa Fe promo/ID's. [Conti] NOV 1 0000 - Fair rising to good, with talk and music leading up to the hour, and several mangled IDs before a clear "Radio Santa Fe en Bogotá" at 0003. Then back to easy listening music. [Taylor] NOV 1 0101 - Fair; "Radio Santa Fe... todos los deportes... Radio Santa Fe 1070 AM." 0300 fair; promo/ID string, "Radio Santa Fe en Bogotá." [Conti]
1070  PUERTO RICO   WMIA Arecibo  OCT 29 2356 - Fair, in large jumble mix of Latino stations, with "Radio Arecibo" mention just before the top of the hour. [Taylor] OCT 30 0000 - Fair; "...por escuchar WMIA Radio Arecibo, Arecibo, Puerto Rico." [Conti] OCT 30 0959 - Station promos and ID heard in the jumblemix. [Wolfish]
1080  VENEZUELA   YVQJ R.Barcelona, Barcelona  NOV 1 1000 - Over/under WTIC; R.Barcelona jingle, llanera music. [Conti]
1090  U.S. VIRGIN ISLANDS   WGOD St. Thomas  NOV 1 1000 - Fair; "WGOD St. Thomas, United States Virgin Islands, 98 FM, 1090 AM..." and SRN news. [Conti]
1090  VENEZUELA   YVSZ Deportes Unión Radio, Caracas  NOV 1 0900 - Good; sports commentary parallel 640 and 1110 kHz. [Conti] NOV 1 0935 - Fair, with several mentions of Venezuelan professional football, then a call in show resumed at 0942. [Taylor]


1100  BRAZIL   ZYK694 R.Globo, São Paulo  OCT 31 0759 - Fair; talk in Portuguese, jingle/promo parallel 1220 kHz. 2200 poor; jingle parallel 1220 kHz. [Conti] NOV 1 0317 - ID and female vocal heard under WTAM. [Wolfish] NOV 1 0659 - Fair, under WTAM, with ID on the hour and also mentions of Brasil. [Taylor]
1100  COLOMBIA   HJAT Caracol Radio, Barranquilla  NOV 1 1005 - Caracol promos and "5:05" time check. Over top of WTAM. [Wolfish]
1110  CUBA   R.Angulo, Holguín  OCT 29 0600 - Poor; man and woman, "Radio Angulo... la radio..." [Conti]
1110  VENEZUELA   YVQT Carúpano  NOV 1 0900 - Fair; "Tu estación, YVQT..." and nostalgic vocals. [Conti]
1110  VENEZUELA   YVRX Deportes Unión Radio, Valencia  NOV 1 0900 - Under YVQT; sports commentary parallel 640 and 1090 kHz. [Conti]
1120  BRAZIL   ZYK274 R.Rural, Porto Alegre  NOV 1 0300 - Faded up with ID by man with frequency, into song with accordion. [Wolfish]
1130  VENEZUELA   YVRL R.Ideal, Maiquetía  OCT 29 2210 - Fair to excellent over WBBR with ballad by male vocalist, then long choral ID, some talk into more up-tempo music. ID by bass-voiced man at 2228. [Taylor] OCT 29 2228 - Good with WBBR nulled; romantic ballads, promo, "La mejor música... Radio Ideal..." and ID, "La combinación ideal para su vida, Radio Ideal, 1130 AM, las 24 horas del dia, sintonisa con la vida." [Conti] NOV 1 0010 - With WBBR phased. Huge signal with music. 1005 gave web address as radioideal.com.ve. [Taylor]
1140  CUBA   R.Surco, Morón  OCT 30 0300 - Under CBI and unID Spanish; familiar canned ID with theme music, "Sintonise CMIP Radio Surco, desde Ciego de Avila, capital de la locución cubana." [Conti]
1150  ARGENTINA   LT9 R.Brigadier López, Santa Fé  NOV 1 0900 - Fair; "En transmición, LT9 Radio Brigadier López... (AM and FM frequencies) Santa Fé." Listen to mp3 audio clip. [Conti]
1150  BRAZIL   ZYK656 Super R.Tupi, São Paulo  NOV 1 0200 - ID heard in mess with several stations, including CKOC. [Wolfish]
1150.16 PERU   OAU7K Juliaca  NOV 1 0859 - Het against 1150.0 LT9 Argentina, measured 1150.16 kHz. Henrik Klemetz suggests Peru, "The suspected one here is a real gem, Radio Frontera, in Juliaca, Peru, heard twice in Finland, on Jan. 31, 2011 and exactly one year afterwards, both times at 0815 UTC. I was involved in unraveling this one." [Conti]
1160  ANTIGUA   Caribbean Radio Lighthouse, St. John's  NOV 1 0000 - Over/under VSB3 Bermuda; "Caribbean Radio Lighthouse... 1160 AM," and Prophecy for the Day program. [Conti] NOV 1 0925 - Good, over BBC Bermuda; religious programming with end-of-show internet address given as www.sermonandsonministries.org, then time check of 6:29 and the "Daily in the Word" show. Programming matches online schedule at www.radiolighthouse.org/index.php?p=broadcast. [Taylor]
1160  BERMUDA   VSB3 Hamilton  OCT 29 0900 - Good; BBC World Service promos, time marker and promo for author interview into news. OCT 30 1000 - Excellent; World Update from the BBC. [Conti] NOV 1 0926 - Excellent, with documentary, then BBC ID and promos for upcoming programs. BBC news at the half hour by female. Gospel song from a London performance after that. [Taylor]
1170  COLOMBIA   HJNW Caracol Radio, Cartagena  NOV 1 1000 - Fair; "Caracol Radio" with fanfare into Hora Caracol, las cinco de la mañana time check. [Conti]
1180  CUBA   R.Rebelde, multiple sites  NOV 1 0400 - Good with nearly a second of delay between two dominant synchros; woman in Spanish and choral national anthem. [Conti]
1190  ARGENTINA   LRA15 R.America, San Miguel de Tucumán  NOV 1 0300 - Fair; national anthem. At 0800 brief strong fade in over unID easy listening music; ad string with websites ending "punto com punto ar." From the audio clip posted on RealDX, Chuck Hutton identified Republica de Aca - a comedy club in Buenos Aires, and Roy Amotos identified www.rubengaitan.com.ar and www.republicadeaca.com.ar websites. [Conti]
1190  PUERTO RICO   WBMJ San Juan  NOV 1 0859 - Fair; "At the Rock Radio Network, we're bringing you the Word day and night, 1190 WBMJ San Juan, 1370 WIVV Vieques, and 1060 WCGB Juana Díaz." Listen to mp3 audio clip. [Conti]

1210  CUBA   R.Rebelde, unknown site  OCT 30 0300 - Under WPHT; Rebelde sounder. [Conti]
1210  PUERTO RICO   WHOY R.Hoy, Salinas  NOV 1 1000 - Fair; "WHOY Salinas, Puerto Rico, Radio Hoy, la señal activa." [Conti]
1220  BRAZIL   ZYJ458 R.Globo, Rio de Janeiro  OCT 30 0101 - Good, rising over WHKW with woman reading news in Portuguese, and many mentions of Brazil and Globo, with promos and high energy announcers. Heard again in well at 2200 with talk and "Globo" choral sounder. [Taylor] OCT 30 0200 - Good; "Radio Globo, noticias" in Portuguese. OCT 31 2159 - Good; talk in Portuguese with R.Globo mention, long jingle through the hour. [Conti]
1220  VENEZUELA   YVZO R.Aeropuerto, Maracaibo  NOV 1 0858 - Fair; time check, "Cuatro, veinte ocho minutos," R.Aeropuerto jingle and salsa music. [Conti] NOV 1 1015 - Fair, fading to poor, with formerly-dominant R.Globo Brazil finally getting daylight, with up tempo music and announcement "Radio Aeropuerto" and then right back into more music. [Taylor]
1220  VENEZUELA   unID  NOV 1 1000 - Over unID Latin American; "Hoy, hoy Venezuela," man reciting numbers on the Radio Venezuela network. [Conti]
1280  BERMUDA   VSB2 Hamilton  OCT 30 1000 - Good, over WCMN Puerto Rico; "BBN from WYFQ FM Wadesboro" and SRN news. [Conti]
1280  BRAZIL   ZYJ455 Super R.Tupi, Rio de Janeiro  NOV 1 0800 - Under VSB2 Bermuda; man in Portuguese, "Super Radio Tupi" with jingle. [Conti]
1280  PUERTO RICO  WCMN Arecibo  OCT 30 0058 - Good, with full IDs in Spanish for the whole network, and many mentions of Puerto Rico. [Taylor] OCT 30 0059 - Over VSB2 Bermuda; multi-station ID, "NotiUno 630 con noticias." [Conti]
1290  VENEZUELA   YVLF R.Puerto Cabello, Puerto Cabello  OCT 29 1001 - Over unID Latin American; "En corrida Santa Cruz, escucha de primier... Radio Puerto Cabello" and time check, "Las cinco triente y uno minutos." [Conti] NOV 1 0916 - Loud, with local music and frequent time checks, offset by ½ hour. Nice "Radio Puerto Cabello... Venezuela" ID at each time check. [Taylor]

1300  unID   NOV 1 0800 - Fair to good; religion in Portuguese. "The 1300 with Portuguese religion is almost certainly Fortaleza, with Igreja Pentecostal Deus e Amor (IPDA) preaching," says Jim Renfrew, "Ubiquitous in Cappahayden, and useful for finding other IPDA stations." [Conti]
1320  PUERTO RICO   WSKN R.Isla, San Juan  NOV 1 0900 - Fair; "Radio Isla... exactamente, la hora las cinco... Radio Isla... noticia." [Conti]
1380  VENEZUELA   YVNG Ondas del Mar, Puerto Cabello  NOV 1 0959 - Good; "Ondas del Mar 1380" and time check with slogan, tropical music. [Conti]

1400  GRENADA   Harbour Light Radio, Carriacou  NOV 1 0100 - Fair; reading from the Bible, then time check, "The time is 9 o'clock," into "Word to the World" which matches online program schedule at www.harbourlightradio.org. [Conti] NOV 1 0125 - Fair to good, with religious hymns and Bible readings. Bruce Conti checked the station's schedule and the program matched "Word to the World." Then, the "Daily Light Broadcast" at the half hour. [Taylor]
1430  BRAZIL   ZYJ200 R.Clube B2, Curitiba  NOV 1 0800 - Brief good fade in; announcement in Portuguese with CB2 ID. Listen to mp3 audio clip. Thanks to Chuck Hutton at RealDX for help with ID. [Conti]
1450  unID   NOV 1 0900 - Over unID tropical music; seemed to be an open carrier up to the hour, then time marker, promo, "Coming after the news on the BBC World Service..." and BBC news. [Conti]

1500  VENEZUELA   YVRZ R.Dos Mil, Cumaná  OCT 28 0101 - Fair, under WFED with up tempo music and then high energy announcer with "Radio Dos Mil" ID. [Taylor] OCT 30 0300 - Over WFED; "¡Atención! ...por Radio Dos Mil." 0859 over/under WFED; llanera music. [Conti]
1549.71 COLOMBIA   HJLT Cali  NOV 1 0035 - Presumed this producing a het against 1550 R.Rebelde Cuba, measured 1549.710 kHz. HJLT listed as 1549.73 in mwoffsets. [Conti]

1610  ANGUILLA   Caribbean Beacon, The Valley  NOV 1 0910 - Good, with preaching by Dr. Gene Scott. [Taylor]
1620  CUBA   R.Rebelde, La Habana and Guantánamo  OCT 30 0100 - Fair; sounder and news by woman with digital splash between items. [Conti]
1630  ARGENTINA   R.Melody, San José, Entre Ríos  NOV 1 0800 - Tropical music, announcement in Spanish, sounded like mention of Buenos Aires. Off-frequency at 1629.835 kHz, easily separated from 1629.997 unID which was likely another from Argentina. Per Henrik Klemetz at RealDX, "I am positive that this is Radio Melody relaying Cadena 3 (Córdoba) and you are hearing the off cue for their nightly program between midnight and 0500 local time." [Conti]

Transpacific DX

 594   unID OCT 31 1019 - Woman talking, too faint for language ID, but it had the cadence of Japanese to my ear, so possibly JOAK. JOAK is supposed to be pretty much right on 594.0000 kHz, and so was this. [Hall-Patch]

 774   JAPAN   JOUB Akita  OCT 31 0955 - Good audio with talk in Japanese. [Taylor]

 945   CHINA   CNR Jiahoe  OCT 31 1000 - Weak CC pips on the hour. [Hall-Patch] OCT 31 1001 - Woman reading news. Checked again and better audio at 1019 UTC. [Taylor]
 972   SOUTH KOREA   HLCA Dangjin  OCT 31 0953 - Man and woman talking in apparent interview, rechecked at 1005, with strong music, and interlude of Korean version of "Blowing in the Wind," then more talk by man and woman. [Taylor] OCT 31 1000 - Caught time pips (3 short and 1 long) at 1000, then faded up at 1004 with Korean version of "Blowing in the Wind" and man in Korean followed by song by the Supremes. Poor. [Wolfish]
 981   CHINA CNR1 various locations OCT 31 1020 - Tough to winkle this one out from the 980 splash, but 945 had a woman in Chinese at this time with poor to fair signal, and this had a woman talking as well, but hard to hear in the splash. 981 started to fade up a bit just as a man started talking, and at that same point, 945 also changed over to a man talking, and started to fade down, as 981 maintained its poor strength for a moment longer, but enough to establish a parallel with very little offset in time between them. [Hall-Patch]

1053  SOUTH KOREA   jammer  OCT 31 0944 - First TP with audio, poor to fair, but easily recognizable by a west coaster. [Hall-Patch]

1134  unID   OCT 31 1012 - Not sure if Japan or Korea, audio with men talking. Nick strongly thinks it's Japanese. [Taylor]

1206  CHINA   Yanbian RGD, Yanji  OCT 31 0952 - This pulsed up to readability at 0947 and 0952, with man talking, but I sure couldn't say it was Korean he was speaking. However, the strongest signal on the channel by 20dB was on 1205.961 kHz, and the nearest to that frequency on the offset list is this one, so a strong tentative. [Hall-Patch]

1377  CHINA   CNR1 Zhengzhou  OCT 31 1020 - This is in the extreme minimalist category, but further processing might bring it out. I believe that I hear the same change over from woman talking to man talking as heard on 945, but it really is at the noise and splash level for now. [Hall-Patch]

1521  CHINA   CRI/R.Kitaya, Hutubi  NOV 1 0000 - Previous to the hour, oriental stringed music leading up to the chimes and fanfare on the hour, followed by a lady in Russian. Fair strength, usually under Saudi Arabia running the news. Thanks to Sylvain Naud for noting his reception of this in Quebec at this time. [Hall-Patch]
1557  TAIWAN   Family Radio, Kouhu  OCT 31 0953 - Man talking, too weak for language identification, then faded down, 0955 violin music faded up. Taiwan is the most common station on this channel on the west coast, and the mwoffsets list has them at 1556.997 in July 2012. But I measured this at 1556.9990 kHz, so not really sure, but don't know what else it might be. I grabbed a measurement at home of a station on 1557 playing liturgical organ music on November 8, and it is indeed 1556.9990 kHz. [Hall-Patch]

The end of the road is East Point Lighthouse at the easternmost tip of the island, and this symbolizes the end of another successful Prince Edward Island DXpedition.

     Bruce Conti WPC1CAT; WiNRADiO Excalibur, MWDX-5 phasing unit, 30-m base x 10-m tall variable termination Delta antennas northeast and southeast.
     Nick Hall-Patch; RFSpace NetSDR, plus SDR-14 for driving the DX Fishbarrel program, variable termination corner fed loop with FLG-100 amplifier, ALA-100M Delta.
     Brent Taylor VY2HF; RFSpace SDR-IQ, variable termination corner fed loop with FLG-100 amplifier, ALA-100M Delta.
     Niel Wolfish; WiNRADiO Excalibur, variable termination corner fed loop with FLG-100 amplifier, ALA-100M Delta.

     This is only the beginning as DXers continue to dig through RF spectrum captures for additional catches. Consider this website a 'living' document with the latest news uploaded as it happens, while summaries will be released to the press as warranted. DX activity could easily continue for several months after the antennas and receivers are long gone from Howe Bay. For example, a 3-minute Excalibur RF spectrum capture of the entire medium wave broadcast band, representing over 200 transoceanic and continental channels per capture to check, calculates to over 600 minutes or 10 hours of listening per capture. With 50 captures to review at a couple hours a day pace, it would take over 250 days to listen to it all!

     The DXpedition acknowledges the following resources for providing assistance and information to help with identification of radio stations:
     Euro-African Medium Wave Guide (EMWG), compiled by Herman Boel, www.emwg.info
     www.amplitudmodulada.com.ar, toda la información de las emisoras de A.M. de la Argentina
     Emissoras Brasileiras de Ondas Médias, www.ondascurtas.com/listaom
     2009 CTOM Cuba list compiled by Mauricio Molano 2011, http://usuarios.iponet.es/mmolano/CUBA-plan-ENG.pdf
     MW Offsets Database, compiled by Günter Lorenz, http://www.myradiobase.de/mediumwave/mwoffset.txt
     NRC AM Radio Log, www.nrcdxas.org
     World Radio TV Handbook (WRTH), www.wrth.com
     RealDX Yahoo Group

73 and Good DX!

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