Welcome to ¡BAMLog! Links, logs, photos, and more for the broadcast DX'er since 2000.
TNT (Top 'Net Ten) on ¡BAMLog!
1. Public KiwiSDR Listings
2. FCC AM Query

3. Cuba AM Station Identifications
4. Current Solar Forecast
5. AM Broadcast Tower Sites
6. AM Broadcast Bandscan during the Solar Eclipse of April 8, 2024
7. MW List
8. USB Ground Loop Investigation
9. Silent MW Radio Countries
10. SuperLoop Antenna
¡BAMLog! Ether Feature AM Radio Station
790 WAMM Mount Jackson, Virginia
- Serving the Shenandoah Valley, WAMM Radio plays continuous Americana country/rock with few interruptions. Give the WAMM online audio stream a listen. It's authentic country music.
Broadcast DX Clubs
National Radio Club (NRC)
- Founded in September, 1933, the National Radio Club is a non-profit organization devoted to the mediumwave DX hobby. Publisher of DX News magazine and the AM Radio Log. (Bruce Conti is the International DX Digest columnist for DX News.)
Boston Area DXers (BADX)
- A group of SWL's and DX'ers who meet informally once a month to talk about stations we have heard, shortwave listening, and DX'ing in general.
Ontario DX Association (ODXA)
- Website closed 2018, only active via social media.
International Radio Club of America (IRCA)
- Check here for the upcoming DX test schedule, DX tips, the latest list of expanded band stations, and general information about BCB DX'ing.
- Free reprints from DX Monitor 1964 to present day.
Medium Wave Circle (MWC)
- Europe's premier medium wave DX club. Select An Introduction (by RNW) for a discussion about medium wave DX'ing from Radio Netherlands.
British DX Club (BDXC)
- Produces the BDXC Tape Circle, with members sharing DX and experiences on a monthly audio magazine, and publisher of Radio Stations in the United Kingdom, a guide to all UK and Irish MW and FM radio stations.
Indian DX Club International
- Publishes Asian DX Review.
Play DX
- Dal 1975 per i DXer attivi.
European DX Council (EDXC)
- Maintains a worldwide radio country list.
Arctic DX Club
- "First Medium Wave DX Club in Europe," publishes mv-eko.
Finnish DX Association
- Suomen DX-Liitto ry, DX-kuuntelu.
Sveriges DX-Förbund
- Publishes DX Aktuellt - allt om radio, Dansk DX Lytter Klub.
Benelux DX Club
- BDXC Bulletin from the Netherlands.
New Zealand Radio DX League
- "DXing Kiwi style!" Publisher of DX Times magazine, this site includes archived articles, history, and the South Pacific DX Report broadcast schedule.
Totsuka DX'ers Circle
- TDXC Japan Propagation annual.
Grupo Radioescucha Argentino
- Aficionados al hobby del diexismo y la radioescucha desde hace más de 18 años.
- Federation de Clubes de Radioaficionados de Chile.
Asociación Española de Radioescucha (AER)
- La AER es una asociación española... dedicada a la promoción del diexismo y la radioescucha en el mundo, especialmente en España y América Latina.
Irkutsk DX Circle
- "An information exchange about all aspects of our hobby - DXing, in particular concerning broadcasting from/to C.I.S. and Russia."
Worldwide TV-FM DX Association (WTFDA)
- "Serving the VHF-UHF enthusiast... This is the club that loves tropospheric ducting!"
Worldwide DX Club
- Publisher of DX Magazine and online weekly 'Top News' MW and SW updates.

Outstanding DX Related Links
- MW-Specific Sites
Ydun's Medium Wave Info
- News, reports, and loggings from the long and medium wave bands.
Mark's Radio, Electronics, Music, and other Web Links
- Mark Connelly WA1ION, is the designer of many of the antenna phasing units used by MW DX'ers. Find construction plans for phasing units, and more DX links.
DX Central
- By Lloyd Van Horn W4LVH, "Because we're all about radio." Home of the MW Frequency Challenge.
MW DX'ing in Scotland
- Logs, audio clips, QSL's, Perseus SDR, and vintage items.
U.S. Mediumwave Pattern References
- NF8M intro to WE7W Radio Time Traveller pattern references produced by the Radio Data MW program.
Don Moore DXer
- Latin American travel log.
Sylvain Naud's Quebec DX
- Long and medium wave DX from Quebec.
Shawn Axelrod's Logbook
- Excel file of DX from Manitoba.
DX'pedition Stories
- From the Valhalla Beach DX bus located north of Winnipeg.
DX Files by Jean Burnell
- Radio stations logged from DXpeditions.
Long Beach Island DX'peditions
- Reports from the annual New Jersey coast event.
Zion, Pennsylvania DX'pedition
- 2016 results.
Lemmenjoki, Finland DX
- The Radiosivut page of Esa Hänninen's web site, featuring the Lemmenjoki, Finland DX'peditions.
Kongsfjord DXpeditions
- Logs, photos, and more from extreme northeast Norway.
Skegness Coast DX
- DXing on Lincolnshire's east coast, UK, by John Faulkner G1VVP.
Bill Whitacre DX'peditions
- Collection of audio clips from Bay House, Grayland, and Quoddy House.
- Long-Wave/Medium-Wave DX knowledge, theory, and practice.
- Blog by Jan-Erik Osterholm in Finland, "Listening to radio stations from the Americas."
Cape DX/Springbok Radio
- Loggings, verifications, and audio from South Africa including various coastal DX'peditions, by Gary Deacon.
M.W.Persons, Broadcast Engineer
- DX Listener Reports for KLIZ, Brainerd, MN, USA.
DX Clip Joint
- DX audio files, examples of long distance AM broadcast reception.
The Wobbler - A Mystery Radio Signal
- Investigation of the so-called Cuban wobblers by W.Curt Deegan. No longer active, 2012.

- Solar Activity
NOAA SWPC Aurora Dashboard
- Experimental; when and where you can see the northern and southern lights.
- Formerly HFradio.org, current global propagation conditions, solar activity, and information, by columnist Tomas Hood NW7US.
Solar Terrestrial Activity Report
- Prepared by Jan Alvestad of the DX Listeners' Club.
Solar Cycle 24.com
- SolarHam space weather by VE3EN.
Current Solar Forecast
- Report of solar-geophysical activity prepared jointly by the US Dept of Commerce, NOAA, Space Weather Prediction Center, and the U.S. Air Force.
3-Day Estimated Kp Index Monitor
- SEC/NOAA Planetary K-Index graphical representation updated dynamically every 15 minutes.
Solar Wind Chart
- Red trace of Bz at the top must be negative (southward) for auroral DX conditions during a geomagnetic storm.
- Atmospheric and environmental research.
WWV Geophysical Alert Message
- Text of the three-hourly WWV broadcasts.
Met Office Space Weather
- Aurora forecast, solar imagery, and analysis.
GFZ German Research Centre for Geosciences
- Indices of Global Geomagnetic Activity.
- Realtime monitor of geomagnetic activity from University of Alberta.
Amateur Radio VE6WZ
- Dynamic collection of data from various webpages.
OVATION Auroral Oval
- Oval Variation Assessment Tracking Intensity and Online Nowcasting real-time and archived auroral oval images.
- Real-time solar data, OVATION Prime page.
National Institute of Information and Communications Technology
- NICT Space Weather Information Center in Japan.
Aurora Sentry
- N1BUG collection of auroral oval images.
- Science news and information about the Sun-Earth environment. Sunspots, solar flares, indices, coronal holes, geomagnetic storms... it's all here!
- Real-time auroral activity and solar activity.
The Basics of Radio Wave Propagation
- By Edwin C. Jones, MD, PhD, Department of Physics and Astronomy, University of Tennessee.
Australian Government Bureau of Meteorology
- Australian Space Weather Forecasting Centre.
US Naval Observatory
- Obtain sunrise/sunset data for any location worldwide.
NOAA Solar Calculator
- Find sunrise, sunset, solar noon and solar position for any place on earth.
- Radio Station Databases and Listings
MW List
- Database of all longwave, mediumwave, and tropical band radio stations worldwide with Google Map links to transmitter sites.
WRTH Online
- World Radio TV Handbook directory of global broadcasting, domestic and international. Updates to the latest edition.
MW Offsets List
- Accurate frequency measurements of AM radio stations worldwide. (Last update Oct 2014.)
- AM/FM/TV data from the U.S., Canada, Ireland, UK, Australia, and Japan; a service of REC Networks.
World Radio Map
- FM and AM radio station listings by location.
Broadcasting Stations of the World
- Publication of the U.S. Foreign Broadcast Information Service, 1953-1974 archives at the University of Illinois.
Silent MW Radio Countries
- Nations no longer active on the AM broadcast band.
Radio Algerie
- Chaine 1, 2, 3, Coran, Culture, International, JilFM streams.
Rádio Nacional de Angola
- Canal A, Rádio Cinco, Rádio Luanda, N'gola Yetu streams.
Government of Malta
- List of AM and FM radio stations.
Africa on MW and SW
- August 2016 report by BDXC (pdf).
Africa MW at Newfoundland DX'peditions
- Radio stations received during 2015 and 2016 DXpeditions, compiled by Jean Burnell.
China AM Radio ID Database
- Top of the hour IDs and time pips for 636 stations broadcasting in China, Taiwan, and Hong Kong, by Chris Kadlec.
Central/South America
Radio AM en America Latina
- mwlist.org directory.
- Argentina AM radio database.
Lista de Emissoras Brasileiras de Ondas Médias
- From DX Clube do Brasil, "The most complete list of Brazilian MW stations... compiled with the help of dozens of Brazilian DXers and periodically updated."
ATT Bolivia
- Operadores de radiodifusión sonora en AM. Note: AM and FM links swapped on home page.
- Listado completo de estaciones de RTV.
ASEP Panama
- Buscador de frecuencia.
Emisoras de Colombia
- Presentamos, para consulta informativa, la ubicación geográfica de las emisoras que prestan el servicio de Radiodifusión Sonora Colombia, Comunitario o de Interés Público en Colombia.
Plan Técnico Nacional de Radiodifusión Sonora Amplitud Modulada
- April 2019 (pdf).
Radio Cubana
- Directorio de radio emisoras cubanas.
- Radio live audio streams.
AM Radio Station Identification
- Compilation of hourly radio station identifications.
Cuba Radio Map
- Mapped compilation of Cuban AM radio stations widely received in the U.S.
2016 RadioCuba List
- Updated compilation (pdf) by Mauricio Molano Sánchez.
- Centros transmisores de onda media.
Identify that Cuban on AM!
- Station identification recordings by Brett Saylor N3EVB.
Ministerio de Transportes y Comunicaciones
- Registro Nacional de Frecuencia en Peru.
Peru AM Radio update
- Compilation of new authorizations 2013-2014.
Estaciones Autorizadas de Radiodifusion Sonora a Nivel Nacional
- List of AM and FM radio stations: Ejecutado 22/10/2019.
European Medium Wave Guide (EMWG)
- Announced on December 12, 2015, that it would no longer be supported.
The Pacific Asian Log (PAL)
- "A list of all known medium wave broadcast stations in the Asia-Pacific region from Afghanistan to Alaska," compiled by Bruce Portzer, N7ECJ.
- AM, FM, and TV broadcasting in south and southeast Asia, maintained by WRTH contributor Alan G. Davies.
KOH KOJE KOMEX Lists www.tapiokalmi.net/dx/koje/koje1.html
- Finnish DX Association database of Hawaiian, Mexican, and Yankee stations. Website no longer active, 2024.
FM Radio Station Database
- WTFDA searchable database of North American FM radio stations.
Sports Radio Stations
- Listing by state/province with streaming audio links.
BBC World Service
- Listening in the Caribbean (out of date).
United States
FCC CDBS Station Search
- Search FCC Media Bureau databases for AM, FM, TV, LPTV, and DTV broadcast stations.
FCC AM Query
- FCC AM broadcast station search engine.
FCC General Menu Reports
- Search for licensed HAR/TIS stations. Note: None of the FCC General Menu search links are working (20 March 2018).
Coast to Coast AM
- Search by U.S. state or Canada for radio affiliates.
iHeart Radio
- Music, radio, and podcasts.
Tune In
- Online local radio stations and podcasts.
Red Eye Radio
- Affiliates map and list.
EWTN Radio Affiliates Map
- Search by state or download pdf affiliate list.
Overcomer Ministry
- 2023 Radio Log (pdf).
Information Station Specialists (ISS)
- National Parks ISS station list.
U.S. Frequency Allocations
- NTIA/U.S. Department of Commerce radio spectrum chart (pdf).
Canadian Radio Directory
- "The complete, accurate user-friendly list of Canadian radio stations," maintained by Andy Reid.
The AMANDX Pages
- Manitoba-based Canadian AM/FM directory, databases for SWL and amateur radio.
Spectrum Management Services
- Broadcast data search engine.
Spectrum Management Services
- Download broadcasting database.
U.S. and Canada
The Canada/US AM Station Info Lookup Page
- Calculate distance and bearing, look up sunrise/sunset times, and search for station information by call letters and format.
AM/FM Signal Strengths
- Find the field strengths of AM and FM stations serving a location by zip code.
- The FCC search engine by Cavell, Mertz & Davis Inc. with mapping linked to Google Earth.
- "The internet's most comprehensive FM/AM/TV broadcast query tool covering the USA and Canada," by REC Networks.
Radio Locator.com
- Links to over 10,000 radio stations and 2,500 audio streams, formerly the MIT list of stations on the Internet.
- Find a radio station, song, or commercial.
Fred Cantú's Mexico Radio/TV
- The premier directory of Mexican radio and TV since 1993. Cantú retired the website in 2015.
- Radio y televisión mexicanas.
Radio de Mexico
- AM and FM listings by entidades federativas.
- Alle legale AM etherzenders.
South Korea
Seoul AM Radio Listening Guide
- 3-hour documentary and 115-page listening guide by Chris Kadlec.
España en OM
- List by Asociación Española de Radioescuchas.
United Kingdom
UK and Irish Radio Stations Broadcasting on the Internet
- Streams for listeners outside UK.
- UK radio directory.
Transmission Zero
- London's AM Radio Stations.
Cámara Venezolana de la Industria de la Radiodifusión
- Affiliates.
Frequency Spotter
- Search engine by Brandon Hansen KG6YPI.
- Select Navaids to search the database for longwave non-directional beacons by identifier, name, or frequency.
LW Radio Beacons
- Compiled by William Hepburn, LWCA.
William Hepburn's DX Info Centre
- Information for amateur, broadcast, radiotelecommunication, and monitoring stations.
The Interval Signals Archive
- "A collection of audio clips of foreign radio stations, with identification announcements in various languages, signature tunes and jingles, and of course interval signals."
NOAA Weather Radio
- Station listings by state.
- TVGOS database and DTV transition information.
Boston Unlicensed (Pirate) AM/FM Radio Stations
- 2018 survey by Bruce Conti.
- National Anthems
Note: Although anthem websites can be useful references, an internet search will also find good-quality anthems on YouTube.
National Anthem Times (UTC Winter)
- When medium wave radio stations worldwide are antheming.
- Choral and instrumental anthems. Flash audio or download mp3 files.
- Instrumental anthems. Listen to mp3 streaming audio.
U.S. Navy Band Anthems
- National anthems and ceremonial music.
- Additional Resources
- The Web Resource for Radio Hobbyists sponsored by Universal Radio and originally created by Harry Helms, it's all about DX'ing, the art and science of listening to distant stations.
- The reliable information source for radio hobbyists. Includes the 2002 Chamberlain, Maine DX'pedition report.
- "Your source for broadcasting news in the northeastern US and eastern Canada." Home of the Tower Site Calendar and the Northeast Radio Watch.
DX Radio.co.uk
- The latest DX news, features, and links from the UK by Mark Hattam.
- Broadcast DX and QSL blog by Mauricio Molano Sánchez.
- An extensive collection of radio reviews, comparisons, and restorations.
Zona Latina
- A collection of links to Latin American radio stations.
Broadcast Law Blog
- AM radio page.
Global Tuners
- Online remotely controlled receivers located around the world.
- Tune and listen to Software Defined Radio receivers worldwide.
- Software defined radio (SDR) Console.
Analog Dialogue
- Analog Devices technical journal.
K6STI 88-108 MHz
- FM antennas, receivers, and technical resources.
FM Radio DX
- Northern Virginia FM-AM-TV DX & Airchecks.
- History
- Extensive collection of printed materials about radio and television scanned into pdf.
http://www.ontheshortwaves.com On The Shortwaves.com
- "Devoted primarily to the history of shortwave broadcasting and the shortwave broadcast DX hobby. Because the roots of shortwave DXing were in the hobby of long distance mediumwave listening, we also cover early broadcast band DXing..." Website closed November 2024.
- "Some radio detail for the interminably curious," radio history and related technical info.
Early Radio History
- "Articles and extracts about early radio and related technologies," by Thomas H. White. Website no longer active, 2020.
Radio Heritage Foundation
- Based in New Zealand, "Sharing the stories of Pacific radio."
The Vane A. Jones Log
- North American Radio-TV Station Guide and more radio publication archives.
American Radio History
- Radio Logs and Station Lists - 1920's to the 1980's.
Broadcasting Stations of the World
- Publication of the U.S. Foreign Broadcast Information Service (CIA), 1953-1974 archives at the University of Illinois.
Canadian Communications Foundation
- History of radio in Canada.
Jim Hawkins' Radio and Broadcast Technology Page
- Featuring broadcast transmitter facilities of VOA, 700 WLW, WABC-77, RCI, and other standard broadcast stations with over 300 pictures.
Nick's Radio Corner
- "Radio station odds & ends to share."
- Mapping
U.S. Medium Wave Pattern References
- Radio Data MW pattern maps by Radio Timetraveller (Bill Scott) on NF8M website.
FCC Info.com
- The FCC search engine by Cavell, Mertz & Davis Inc. with mapping linked to Google Earth.
Radio Timetraveller
- By William H. Scott WE7W, groundwave coverage pattern maps for U.S. AM broadcast stations.
SCT Atlas de Comunicaciones y Transportes
- Maps of Mexico states in pdf.
- Source of island maps.
Cuba Radio Map
- Map and Google Earth coordinates of Cuban AM radio stations widely received in the U.S.
Microsoft Research Maps
- Topographical and aerial maps; this is the mapping service linked in FCC AM Query results.
Lat-Long Distance Estimates
- Free software for calculating the great circle shortest surface distance between two points, accounting for the elliptical shape of the Earth.
AZ Map
- Free Azimuthal-Equidistance (Great Circle) Map Generator software by Paul Burton AA6Z.
- World mapping software to display areas of daylight, darkness, and the grayline path. GeoClock (www.mygeoclock.com) is no longer supported. This links to Version 8.2 archived by dreamhosters.com. GeoClock is also available from the DX Zone at www.dxzone.com/catalog/Software/Time/.
Day and Night World Map
- Map shows day and night on Earth and the positions of the Sun (subsolar point) and the Moon (sublunar point) right now.
Live Lightning Maps
- Network for lightning and thunderstorms in real time.
- QSO/SWL realtime maps.
- VHF Propagation Map (144 MHz) in real time.
National Geophysical Data Center: Magnetic Declination
- Calculate the difference between magnetic and true north for any given coordinates.
GeoNames Search
- Search for places in the National Geospatial Intelligence Agency database.
- Audio Recording Software
- Free open source cross-platform software for recording and editing sound.
Total Recorder
- Recording, editing, and playback software from High Criteria.
Broadcast DX Receiving Antennas
- Construction Diagrams
Broadband Loop
- The broadband loop is bi-directional, producing a figure-8 reception pattern. With a "floating ground" it doesn't require a good earth ground at the antenna to perform well, making it ideal for a balcony, rooftop, or any location where grounding isn't practical. It's an easy to build low noise antenna.
Corner-Fed Broadband Loop
- A broadband loop with a corner feed-point results in performance close to unidirectional with improved reception in one direction.
- Addition of a series terminating resistor changes corner-fed broadband loop reception pattern from a modified figure-8 to a cardioid with > 30 dB backside null. A member of the family of terminated broadband loop antennas including the Delta and Flag, the super-sized dimensions produce exceptional gain at low angles for long distance mediumwave reception.
Remote Control Variable Termination SuperLoop
- A transformer isolated remote potentiometer replaces the fixed resistor termination. Works with any terminated broadband loop antenna. Also see "Remote Control Variable Termination" below.
Flag & Pennant
- Variations of the terminated broadband loop with floating ground, producing a unidirectional cardioid reception pattern.
Cross-Phased Delta Loop Antennas
(aka Shared Apex Loop Array) - Taking advantage of 'natural' phasing between two variable termination Delta antennas on a single support.
Comparison of Delta Variants
- Delta, Double Delta, and Cross-Phased Delta Antennas
Micro SuperLoop
- Broadband active loop for car roof use designed by Mark Connelly WA1ION.
Remote Control Variable Termination
- New! For remote control of a motorized potentiometer termination (an alternative to transformer-type and vactrol variable terminations). The remote control motorized potentiometer can be used for broadband loop (Delta, Flag, SuperLoop) and Beverage antenna variable termination.
- Produces a unidirectional cardioid reception pattern with exceptional high angle skip cancellation. A good earth ground is required.
- Switchable configuration between SuperLoop and Ewe antennas.
- Double Half Delta Loop (DHDL) description on the OK1RR DX & Contesting Page.
- The classic narrow-beam wave-guide antenna; a terminated long wire, greater than or equal to one wavelength long, performs best over poor ground conductivity.
The Lankford Files
- Antenna and phasing technical papers by Dallas Lankford, on the OKDXF website.
W6LVP Loop
- Magnetic loop receive antenna with amplifier and power insertion, alternative to Wellbrook and Pixel loops.
Chavdar Levkov LZ1AQ
- Active antenna amplifier and delay line for wideband loop applications.
TTFD Antenna
- Tilted Terminated Folded Dipole description by Fred Vobbe W8HDU.
Terminated End-Fed Moxon FM Antenna
- Low angle figure-8 bi-directional reception pattern with deep side nulls, for broadband coverage of FM broadcast band.
- Beverage Resources
W0BTU Beverage Receiving Antennas
- How to build your own one- or two-wire Beverage antennas. Website no longer active, 2020.
Misek Antenna Research
- Publisher of The Beverage Antenna Handbook, supplier of transformer cores, clips, and FETs used in Beverage antenna construction. Website no longer active, June 2015.
Oak Ridge Radio
- The Byan remote-controlled termination. Website no longer active, 2020.
The Wave Antenna for 200-Meter Reception by H.H.Beverage, QST, November 1922.
The Classic Beverage Antenna, Revisited by H.H.Beverage and Doug DeMaw, QST, January 1982.
- RF Matching Isolation Transformers
WellBrook Communications
- Manufacturer of the ALA100 and FLG100 active RF matching transformers for broadband loop antennas.
Clark Electronics
- K1FZ model KB-5 Pennant Antenna Transformer for broadband loop antennas. Website home page no longer active, January 2020.
- RF matching transformers and splitters.
Ferrite Core (Newark Electronics)
- Fair-Rite #2873000202 binocular ferrite core for DIY RF matching isolation tramsformer.
Build Your Own RF Isolation/Matching Transformer
- The simple DIY project for a broadband loop antenna with a Mini-Circuits transformer or by winding your own.
- Antenna Modeling
EZNEC - Antenna modeling software by W7EL.
4nec2 - NEC based antenna modeler and optimizer by Arie Voors.
Broadcast DX Logbooks
Flora and Fauna of Mine Falls Park, Nashua NH - Nature photos.
2012 Presidential Primary: Covering the Coverage
- A photo journal of media activities in Manchester, New Hampshire, leading up to Election Day.
AM Broadcast Tower Sites
- Transmitter site photos.
Radio Canada International (RCI)
- Shortwave transmitter site in Sackville, New Brunswick.
B.A.Conti Photography
- Photo Gallery
Thank you for visiting ¡BAMLog! © 2000-2025 Bruce A. Conti, 'contiba at gmail dot com'. (Updated 22 January 2025)